Active member
Not a problem.
I actually took on the script because dj_d has mostly disappeared to us, and the general consensus was that the script was fairly indecipherable. I took a look and thought I could make sense and hopefully clear out some of the things that were bugging me, and at this point, the only remaining thing that sometimes bugs me is that when you're making milk of magnesium as a Sauceror, mafia will (maybe) sometimes decide to spend more to get 3 for cheaper than the price of one, failing to get anything because it's trying to get goat milk for more than the price of a milk of magnesium. I list this as a maybe, since nobody's complained much about it since it was noted back in post 1200. Could just be that the mall is hiding it again, but... 
Anyways, if it doesn't work properly for you, let me know and we'll tweak it some more. If you still have chocolates to eat, rerunning the script should make them get consumed. If you're in the 2000+ meat per adventure range, and you're really doing that well, you probably want to turn eatdrink_stepMeat to -1, so it will use as much as it needs to, getting you as many adventures as it can. You really don't want it to stop and get garbage spleens if you're going to get awesome returns anyways...

Anyways, if it doesn't work properly for you, let me know and we'll tweak it some more. If you still have chocolates to eat, rerunning the script should make them get consumed. If you're in the 2000+ meat per adventure range, and you're really doing that well, you probably want to turn eatdrink_stepMeat to -1, so it will use as much as it needs to, getting you as many adventures as it can. You really don't want it to stop and get garbage spleens if you're going to get awesome returns anyways...