Very minor testing on the 1116 change. AUTOSELL_RONIN is in my test build currently... we'll see if it sticks around. Normal item choice for 1 fullness and overdrink:
Simulating only; no purchases or food/drink/spleen consumption.
food: At 14, consuming to 15.
1: overcookie lev:3 gain:1.0 adv:2.0 musc:4.0 myst:4.0 mox:4.0 meat:100 own:1 value:1956
spleen: At 0, consuming to 15.
At drunkenness of 14. Overdrinking.
0: Ode to Booze price: 0 value: 4000
1: ocean motion lev:4 gain:4.0 adv:12.0 musc:26.0 myst:9.0 mox:0.0 meat:1050 own:1 value:11020
choc: Checking non-filling crimbo chocolates - all 3 kinds
Best find was chocolate disco ball with a value of -750. That's no good, so not consuming and moving on.
Spent 0 meat for a value of 1150 meat. Gained Fullness: 1. Inebriety: 4. Spleen: 0.
Adventures: 18. Muscle: 30. Moxie: 4. Mysticality: 13.
Eating, drinking, and spleening complete. Commence merrymaking (at your own discretion).
Simulating only; no purchases or food/drink/spleen consumption.
food: At 14, consuming to 15.
1: overcookie lev:3 gain:1.0 adv:2.0 musc:4.0 myst:4.0 mox:4.0 meat:38 own:1 value:2018
spleen: At 0, consuming to 15.
At drunkenness of 14. Overdrinking.
0: Ode to Booze price: 0 value: 4000
1: perpendicular hula lev:4 gain:4.0 adv:12.0 musc:0.0 myst:0.0 mox:35.0 meat:115 own:1 value:12235
choc: Checking non-filling crimbo chocolates - all 3 kinds
Best find was chocolate disco ball with a value of -750. That's no good, so not consuming and moving on.
Spent 0 meat for a value of 153 meat. Gained Fullness: 1. Inebriety: 4. Spleen: 0.
Adventures: 18. Muscle: 4. Moxie: 39. Mysticality: 4.
Eating, drinking, and spleening complete. Commence merrymaking (at your own discretion).
Summary: 18 adventures both ways, this is moxie class so moxie is 10, others are 2 value. As such, the OM is worth (30*2)+(4*10)+(13*2) for a total of 60+40+26=126 additional value. The PH is worth (4*2)+(39*10)+(4*2) for a total of 8+390+8=398 additional. Both were 'valued' at 115 meat, so the PH was the better choice under that circumstace... Well, mostly.

The overcookie gave 4/4/4 stats, so the comparison is a bit more unbalanced than it looks, since 48 of each's value was from that, but the point holds.
Anyways, this will probably get into whatever my next upload is, unless I decide to kill it first. This doesn't make items have NO value, just uses autosell if you've
1) told it to use that during ronin,
2) you're currently in ronin,
3) you have some amount of that item currently available (item.have > 0, so you aren't buying it from NPCs) and
4) the item does have an autosell price (so distilled fortified wine will still be using its normal value, for example).
I was thinking of avoiding using this, but since I'm not likely to try to be the cheap DB cocktail merchant, I might as well get good drinks, etc...
Edit: Added another check to the budget bit... if we have to buy an item from the mall and it costs more than our autoBuyPriceLimit, don't try to buy it even if it's under our "budget" for single biggest item. The budget value allows us to have a higher limit on items we've already acquired either manually or in the past without making us have failures in our display when it tries to buy mulligan stew for 20,000 meat or something else similarly unlikely to work.
Code change summary: if item has mustMall tagged to get, and item.price > autoBuyPriceLimit, eliminate item from possibilities.
Edit2: Have added STEP_MEAT to my personal copy, defaulted to 10k meat spent per stage. Most people will want it lower, but it does mean that EatDrink should by default spend no more than 40000 meat total for food, booze, spleen, and overdrinking, regardless of how high you've set your personal value of adventure. If you set it high enough, I'm sure that the chocolates can still bankrupt you, but... need to set them to be step 4 and move overdrinking to 5 at some point soon.
Sidenote regarding STEP_MEAT. In simulation with 1000 max spent per step, it used the same stack for booze regardless... Mae West, 2 tangaritas, 2 fine wine, and another tangarita for the overdrink. They're just sitting waiting in inventory. What changed was when it decided to use ode... When it was able to spend as much as it wanted, it cast ode for the whole stack and it cost 1581 meat for 14 adventures. When it only got to spend 1000, it cast ode after the Mae West and only cost 731 meat for those 10 adventures. So it did appear to work for deciding how much meat it has available to spend... I might do some more simulations, but won't give it a serious try until I next hit aftercore consumption briefly... which reminds me, I might have a character there.

I might set their VOA up to 5k and leave STEP_MEAT at 10k, and see how it accomplishes this best... with a few huge items or by using a more moderate set.