How could we know what you've done if we weren't looking over your shoulder. Please TELL us what you've done. Then we'll tell you what was wrong with it.Anybody have any clue what I've done?
I'll only say that what you SHOULD have done is to download dwarven_factory.ash, zlib.ash and Miner.ash, put them all in your script directory and then call dwarven_factory. If you think that is what you did, then please tell us if you modified any of those files and how you called dwarven_factory. Perhaps you added a step in there that made sense to you? Odds are that obvious step you added on your own caused the problem.
Assuming that "not getting" means that you are "now getting", could you tell us the full text of the error message?Ok, I know I've done something stupid here. I am not getting a script parsing error (Line 1) on every script I run. I have re-downloaded Mafia and every script twice, and I get the same result.
Perhaps you've got an odd idea about how to run a script, so you should describe the process to us. Please use small words and don't assume we know what vague terms like "run" or "include" mean. They have more than one possible meaning. If you type something in the CLI, tell us you type it there and tell us exactly what you type. If you select something from a drop-down menu, tell us where the menu is. And so on...
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