drinkKOLHSBooze.ash: Automagically drink KOLHS 1-drunk booze when acquired

Maybe someone has already scripted this, but I couldn't find it anywhere, so here goes...

This script confronts the KOLHS mechanic of 1-drunk booze dropping just one at a time. It helps you drink the booze you've got ASAP so you can get more. Who doesn't want more booze? (No one doesn't want more booze, that's who doesn't want more booze.)

The script:
  1. Checks whether you possess (in inventory) one of the three appropriate drinks,
  2. Checks whether you've got the MP to cast Ode (or restores it), and if both conditions are fulfilled,
  3. Prompts the user with the yes/no option to cast & drink

Download the script to your scripts directory

I'm using it by adding a line in Mood Setup: Trigger On: Unconditional trigger; Check For: [blank]; Command: drinkKOLHSBooze.ash. There are probably other ways to do it (I think there's a preference where you can set a between-adventure script? So this code could be added to that .ash file if you prefer).


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This doesn't cover the way I play KoLHS. First, it continues if I don't have enough MP for ode. I'd always recover enough to cast it ASAP. Second, the booze I get at 8 drunk I don't consume. I drink drinking two 3-drunk school booze, because that gets me to 14 even and leaves me with one hard-to-find 100 meat booze in my inventory. Which will not work well with your script the next day. I'm certainly not asking you to change your script for me, just offering some ideas on other ways people might do thing. Oh, and you don't get booze drops if you don't have 100 meat on hand, so maybe an abort in that case (drunk < 10, meat < 100) would be good?
Thanks for the comments! They're certainly good things to keep in mind if you're playing differently than I am.

I didn't quite understand the last point. Even if you don't have 100 meat to get the next booze drop, why would that stop you from drinking the current one? Wouldn't you want to drink it ASAP to enable the drop when you do have the meat on hand (and let you utilize the adventures in the meantime)?
I believe that Crowther was thinking that this was used for farming as well as drinking, rather than just taking care of removing the last one.

I do agree though that if it's possible for me to buff to ode, I'd rather do that and get those extra adventures. Every adventure helps, especially when you're 40 adventures down per day.
I added support for MP restoration if you haven't got enough for Ode. It was a good excuse to make the code a lot more efficient, too. New version's up now!