Bug - Fixed "drink" doesn't equip previous pants after equipping Travoltan trousers to buy ingredients


Staff member
Triggered by an ash command: drink(1, $item[elemental caipiroska]);

Mafia works out that the cheapest option is to buy fermenting powder and a bowl of rye sprouts. It equips the Travoltan trousers to make buying cheaper, but doesn't restore the previous pants.

Commands like "acquire" successfully restore the previous pants.


Staff member
        String limitmode = KoLCharacter.getLimitmode();

       try ( Checkpoint checkpoint = new Checkpoint( KoLCharacter.getLimitmode() == limitmode ) )
            UseItemCommand.use( command, parameters );
Did somebody break outfit checkpoints? Actually, it looks that Checkpoint is always created with "true" - which means "don't restore".

I seem to recall a change where all uses of Checkpoints were changed to use try-with-resources. Looks like a bug was introduced.


Staff member
Huh, I'll look at what I changed it from and fix it


Staff member
I actually can't work out what this used to do

I assume it always resolved to false - it seems to have always been this way. The only thing I can think of is that the limit mode can change mid-item use? In any case, I've fixed it by letting Checkpoint defer that check. Hooray for Java 8! r20718