Do not venture unprepared into the sewer tunnels!


New member
No matter what, even though the monsters there are no match for me, when I adventure in the sewers, I get "Do not venture unprepared into the sewer tunnels!" How do I make that stop?


Preferences -> General

"Require appropriate test items to adventure in clan sewers."

Uncheck it. (A lot of angst would be spared if that preference was opt-in rather than opt-out.)


Staff member
What would be cool is if it told you what items you were missing.

It does. In the gCLI window there will be a message that says something like "You need X of Y to continue."

Now what confuses me is acquisition. If I am auto-adventuring down the sewer and run out of something it will stop and tell me what in the gCLI. But under some circumstances if I start auto-adventuring again it will obtain the items. But sometimes it will stop again. My best guess, based upon faulty memory and mafia settings is that it it is pulling from the clan stash and maybe from the Mall. However it never seems to equip the umbrella for me. But... none of this has ever bothered me enough to confirm the repeatability and file a Feature Request ;-)