Feature - Implemented Display survivability data on monsters


Couldn't find this obvious suggestion elsewhere, I hope I didn't just overlook it.

When a monster is encountered one can see its attack and defense. It would be very nice if this was accompanied with chance to hit, chance to evade, e.g. Attack: 45 (80% evade) Defense 44 (50% hit).

Edit: This data already appears on the Location Details panel. But it requires quite a lot of scrolling to find the specific monster. I am asking for it to be put on the RB.
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In the Location Details (drop down menu on the lower-left of the adventuring pane) you can find this information. I suppose it might be nice in the RB, but I personally think it might be clutter there... hard call.
I think this is what is referenced when looking at the Location Details panel for a given zone. It seems to show a Hit % and an Evade % for each monster in the zone.

Edit: Ninja'd. I might say that I never look at the Location Details panel and would prefer to have all such relevant details in the relay browser so that I might be more consiously aware when I'm about to commit suicide against a monster while in run lol :)
Yes I know. You can see I suggested a format very similar to what can be found on the Location Details panel. My suggestion was indeed that rather than scrolling to find a foe, I'd like to see it the information on the RB.
I would usually consider it clutter because in SC I'm running enough +ML that my chance to hit is 0% and my chance of being hit is 100%. Except I hit every time with shieldbutt, unless I'm using vcrisis, and I don't get hit thanks to noodles + smust. And then I switch to aftercore where I have a 100% chance of hitting everything I fight and a 0% chance of being hit.
I don't see much logic in displaying this during a fight, where the information comes too late to be really useful.

Maybe it could appear when you hover the mouse over a link that leads to a given location? à la 'Equip' information? Even this would be much work for little benefit since that information is already available in the Mafia window.
I don't see much logic in displaying this during a fight, where the information comes too late to be really useful.

You know, you have a point. I hadn't considered that aspect. I still keep wishing one could change gear mid-fight, but that wouldn't make much sense, would it? lol
Fun* fact: relay browser shows only base drop chances (without +items and pp factored in), location details show (only?) final drop chances (with ... factored in).
Also, RB doesn't show meat drops.
(all IIRC)
I don't see much logic in displaying this during a fight, where the information comes too late to be really useful.

We must be playing this game very differently.
I fight in many areas which are marginally survivable. On each encounter I need to decide, do I attack? plink? Use combat spells? I base all that on what the chances are against the CURRENT foe.
Also, a foe uses poison, tetanus, whatever against me. Do I attack? spell? All is based on foe defense vs. my CURRENT mox/mus.

In all these cases the information is very useful for me, or I wouldn't have suggested it. I do understand that not all play the game the same way.
I sort of do it the other way around and decide my combat tactic before the fight: if I want to plink (for stasising) for example, I max my moxie and/or lower my +ML until I can survive, then go in. Generally, I'm just noodlebutting because of the high ML though.

I think I'm now used to the wiki's Safe Adventuring page though, so that's what I rely on to decide what to buff/equip before adventuring in a zone.
I don't see much logic in displaying this during a fight, where the information comes too late to be really useful.

Hit chance may be high for some monsters in a zone but low for others (e.g. alphabet giant has higher ML). with such monsters one may need to use combat items/spells/shieldbutt etc.

Btw I had this feature as a thread a while back, Bale said it was useful in fact. I do not see it as clutter, it is at most times essential information, and does much more than the current attack/defence info.
The main reason I would like to have hit chance in a fight is when I'm playing as a moxie class (which I usually don't because plinking is boooooooring) and use delevelling skills to be able to hit the monster I won't to know when I've lowered the level enough to actually hit it with my weapon instead of with my skills.
Hit chance may be high for some monsters in a zone but low for others (e.g. alphabet giant has higher ML). with such monsters one may need to use combat items/spells/shieldbutt etc.

Btw I had this feature as a thread a while back, Bale said it was useful in fact. I do not see it as clutter, it is at most times essential information, and does much more than the current attack/defence info.
I still agree that it is nice to know current deleveling reduces hit chance, but since monster atk and def are displayed, I can always figure it out for myself without too much trouble.
I still agree that it is nice to know current deleveling reduces hit chance, but since monster atk and def are displayed, I can always figure it out for myself without too much trouble.
I dont even know what those stats mean ><"
IIRC monster defence is roughly equal to your moxie and the attack is roughly equal to your muscle, meaning that if you have a higher moxie than the monster has attack you won't be hit very often and vice versa.
The game compares your to-hit stat (which in most cases is moxie for ranged attacks, muscle otherwise) to the monster's defense stat. If even, you have a 50% chance to hit, with a positive-for-you difference meaning increased to-hit chance, up to +10 at which point a hit is guaranteed (ignoring criticals & fumbles). The monster's attack is compared to your defense stat, which in most cases is moxie, with the notable exception of hero + shield being muscle, and the same formula is applied. Of course, there are a good chunk of exceptions, not least of which is spells being a completely different set of formulas.
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This is something BatMan: the Relay Script will display if mafia doesn't. I have found it very handy -- and beyond handy, it's just cool to observe your deleveling's effectiveness.
I'm going to bump this because with Batman RE and Monster Manual, what isn't OBE has been implemented. The first person with Mod access who agrees with me can mark the Tag appropriately, or I will revisit and do so in a day or so.