Display case script?


New member
I am looking for an auto display case management script. Ideally, I could run it at the end of each run and it would put 1 of every item not already in the display case, into the display case. I can shelf stuff myself. How can I do this?
Something like...


foreach doodad in get_inventory()
	if(is_displayable(doodad) && display_amount(doodad) < 1)
		put_display(1, doodad);


The batch_open() and batch_close() commands are there to ensure that items are moved to your display case in groups of 11 instead of 1 at a time.

get_inventory() produces a map of all items in your inventory. This does not include the contents of your closet, so if you want items in your closet to be included, I'd have to do it slightly differently.
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Is there a function that checks whether an item is marked as a memento so that you can not include those when adding items to the display case?
DCQuest doesn't actually move things but as a side effect it will tell you what is in your inventory that is not in your display case. It will also tell you what you can create that is not in your display case. The focus, though, is to use the JickenWings database to tell you where your collections rank. (Or rather, where you ranked the last time JickenWings was updated which, unfortunately, has been somewhat sporadic at late).

Bale's solution looks pretty good to me.
Something like...


foreach doodad in get_inventory()
	if(is_displayable(doodad) && display_amount(doodad) < 1)
		put_display(1, doodad);


The batch_open() and batch_close() commands are there to ensure that items are moved to your display case in groups of 11 instead of 1 at a time.

get_inventory() produces a map of all items in your inventory. This does not include the contents of your closet, so if you want items in your closet to be included, I'd have to do it slightly differently.

Looks sharp! Thanks!
How about extracting EVERYTHING from your DC? Trying to manage mine, and its a pain. I realized it would be best to just en mass extract everything and then put the items I want in there back in. I have a lot of junk in there.
How about extracting EVERYTHING from your DC? Trying to manage mine, and its a pain. I realized it would be best to just en mass extract everything and then put the items I want in there back in. I have a lot of junk in there.

Tools -> Museum Display. Highlight everything on the bottom of the list and click take all.