Disable Dungeons of Doom Until Unlocked


Due to my stupidity I wasted ~110 adventures today trying to get a wand, but I didn't realize I didn't hadn't opened the Dungeons of Doom yet. I selected the goal of "1 dead mimic" in the Dungeons of Doom instead of using mafia to unlock the DoD.

Basically, is it possible to disable the DoD from the adventuring menu, or is it possible to tell mafia to unlock the DoD for me when I set a dead mimic as my goal?
You set the location as "Dungeons of Doom" and auto-adventured? Where did Mafia spend those adventures?

EDIT: It looks like, when you try to adventure in the Dungeons of Doom (snarfblat 39) before having unlocked it, KoL automatically redirects you to the Greater-Than Sign (snarfblat 226). Unfortunately, this "fools" KoLMafia, who thinks it is adventuring in the DoD.

I have no idea of what could be done to avoid this. Maybe tracking the DoD unlock through a property, and only allow auto-adventuring in one or the other depending on whether the DoD is unlocked?
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It just spent them in the Greater-than-Sign. The adventure log showed normal GtS adventures, but it never registered to me; I just kinda hit the button then did other things while it ran in the background. But yes, I know for a 100% fact it was set to "Dungeon: Dungeons of Doom."

EDIT: If it helps at all, I checked the log and mafia alternated back and forth between referring to it as the Greater-Than Sign and the Dungeons of Doom, even though all of the adventures were in the GtS and the DoD was not open.
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It's similar to that if you adventure in the Greater-Than-Sign after unlocking the DoD, it automatically redirects to the DoD, and if you're using default conditions you'll never get the plus sign again...

Due to teleportitis and affects like that, we shouldn't disable based on where it expects to adventure, but we could maybe add a lastDoomUnlock value similar to the ballroom, friar ceremony, gallery, guild store, guy made of bees, hidden city, etc, etc, etc.
Now that you talk about it, I don't remember ever adventuring in the Dungeon of Doom with teleportitis when trying to unlock it.

EDIT: according to data from Billy Pilgrim's 100% teleport run, the Greater-Than Sign and the DoD are two different snarfblats that always lead to only one location (depending on whether the DoD has been unlocked or not).

The same things happens for pre-crypt and post-cyrpt cemetery by the way.

Much like you can't auto-adventure in some zones without the proper outfit, Mafia could check whether you have unlocked the DoD before auto-adventuring there. I think this would be a good (but not really urgent) Feature Request.
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I just mean that if you purposefully try to adventure in the DoD, and you haven't unlocked it yet, but you have teleportitis or a nemesis mob attacks or something else happens... it doesn't necessarily mean that the DoD isn't unlocked, just because the snarfblat isn't the one it's supposed to be.

I think our easiest solution, if we actually need one, would be the lastDoomUnlock preference. Adventure attempts the Greater Than Sign, if snarfblat 39 is reached instead, set the value and adventure at DoD thereafter (and mark GTS as unavailable). When you visit the oracle after using the plus sign, set the value. If the value is not set, DoD is locked, GTS is available.

The 'issue' with this is that it doesn't solve the potential for bad conditions, if you transition with conditions remaining. But it solves the initial problem better than anything else I can come up with in under 5 minutes of thinking.
I guess the lastDoomUnlock preference would be set when using the plus sign, or when visiting the The Dungeoneers' Association.

When you try to adventure at snarfblat 32 and end up fighting a Greater-Than monster, there is nothing to tell Mafia that you were redirected to snarfblat 226, I think.

You wouldn't transition between the zones while adventuring. If you are auto-adventuring in the Greater-Than Sign, have unfulfilled conditions, and (for the sake of argument), a betweenBattleScript that uses the plus sign for you, Mafia will know that the DoD has been unlocked and won't try to fill your request of adventuring in the Greater-Than Sign.
I'm more thinking in the case of everyone who hasn't ascended since the change happens, but who has already unlocked the DoD. Barring manually visiting the association, how do we detect that they've unlocked already?
Which works great for people that were already using the relay browser (and so don't need any change), but for people who just get the main updates and don't read all 20 pages of changes, as well as automating instead of using the relay browser meaning that they'll never hit the page manually...
Well there is the trophy for killing the monsters in the DoD x amount of times each.

Also: If someone only uses the main interface and never uses the relay browser they can set the property themselves, or load the relay browser once :)
Also: If someone only uses the main interface and never uses the relay browser they can set the property themselves, or load the relay browser once :)

I'm more talking about people that don't realize they should, and just decide that mafia is buggy because it never detects that the location is actually unlocked. If the 'fix' is to require manual adventuring, I think the current behaviour is better. If we can make it detect automatically and not have non-ascending bug reports? All systems go...
According to the wiki, your "Achievements" section of your quest log gets "You have discovered the secret of the Dungeons of Doom." put in it when you complete the greater than sign.
Is this something that should be posted in the feature request forum? I know nothing about mafia coding/scripting and therefore I wouldn't be able to post anything about it.
Thanks Alhifar, I was wondering what Hola wanted. I think Mafia hits your quest log when you log on, so that would automatically set the new preference and avoid problems.