Differences Between Release 12.1 and 12.2


I didn't see a release log for version 12.2 so I thought I would save someone who can do some real work some time and put it together, here goes with Hola's usual intro;

The following is an abbreviated version of the Subversion commit message logs.  Please keep in mind that these messages are intended for other developers and they take the files which were modified into context in order to limit the amount of verbage.  In general, they are not intended for general audiences and should not be treated as "official" documentation -- they are informal and abbreviated, at best.

If you do not understand what something says, try looking at the full version of the revision by following the accompanying link for the revision.  The only difference is that the files which were modified will be listed, and sometimes, you can guess what happened from file names (though not always).  If you still have no idea what happened, that's okay -- it probably doesn't relate to what you're doing with KoLmafia. ^_~

Furthermore, not everything marked as "fixed" is guaranteed to be fixed, not all changes are guaranteed to have a change.  This is due the fact that both time and turns are finite and only a limited number of things can be tested.  Some changes go in untested, assuming they would work, when they actually don't due to erroneous assumptions; alpha testers occasionally will be able to give feedback, but it's not always possible.

For example, if you read the revision logs for what changed between 10.2 and 10.3, the plus sign choice adventure was meant to get a use link.  Something as seemingly insignificant as KoL using two spaces instead of one space in the sentence "It's actually a book. Read it." would mean the change didn't actually work -- anyone can verify that, in fact, the change didn't work for this very reason.  If you ever encounter something like that, a non-accusatory mention of it (non-accusatory meaning anything that neither implies "ZOMG FALSE ADVERTISING" nor "You guys said this was fixed, but...") somewhere will usually result in the problem getting addressed.

Finally, if you've got a bug to report, make sure you read up on how to post a detailed bug report.  While the rules outlined apply specifically to bugs related to scripting, many of them are applicable to KoLmafia bug reports in general.  Most importantly, I hate the words "annoying" and "frustrating".  Never use them when describing a bug/feature.  Ever.  Thanks.  The abridged revision logs follow.

Revision 5778
Re-fix plural

Revision 5777
Update version number

Revision 5776
Lucky Sewer now offers seal-skull helmet, not seal tooth. Clear and recreate
form fields each time through Lucky Sewer to allow changing items.

Revision 5775
Only check that enough gum is in inventory to cover remaining visits to sewer

Revision 5774
If the hermit sends you packing after a trade, you can't tell if he has
clovers left in stock.

Revision 5773
fix recipes derived from bling-bling to use new item name

Revision 5772  
Add all derived skills to the "availableSkills" list

Revision 5771
Inventory -> Consumables on mini-browser function menu

Revision 5770
Checked KoLmafia's data files against KoL item descriptions and Wiki plurals and
made corrections as appropriate.
Added El Vibrato status effects.
Fix item names for jar of "Creole Lady" marrrmalade, tiny platic The Man, and
tiny plastic The Big Wisniewski.

Revision 5769
Don't exceed number of directives in default list.
Preliminary data for purple glowstick.

Revision 5768
Fix potential null pointer when updating quest log info

Revision 5767
Move static familiar items into item pool

Revision 5766
Add a few more shield powers

Revision 5765
Updated auto-sell value of laser-broiled pairs.  Previous commit edited wrong column.

Revision 5764
If the user has set their own auto-attack, never reset it

Revision 5763
Additional null pointer checks
Only reset auto-attack if KoLmafia believes it's the one that set it

Revision 5762
Fix handling of shadow fight without funkslinging

Revision 5761
update autosell value of pears

Revision 5760
Show an informative message if we choose not to rest/relax

Revision 5759
No need to check for success/failure for resting and relaxing at campground

Revision 5758
Make clover protection more aggressive
Move clover and gum constants to ItemPool

Revision 5757
Allow blanking out of hotkey from UI

Revision 5756
Fix handling of undefined hotkeys mixed with defined hotkeys

Revision 5755
Fix handling of hotkeys being pressed on choice adventure page

Revision 5754
Various frames were renamed. Fix menus and buttons that still had old names.

Revision 5753
ExamineItemsFrame was renamed to DatabaseFrame

Revision 5752
Fairy Gravy has been renamed. Fix "check" button on Coinmasters frame

Revision 5751
tore Manager can handle items with parenthesis in their name

Revision 5750
Allow "default" as a Custom Combat action to switch to using default node

Revision 5749
Fix chat messages being double-broadcasted

Revision 5748
Support "use" of power spheres and overcharged power spheres

Revision 5747
Use / in executable path instead of \

Revision 5746
Discontinue all listen channels when closing main channel
Put GUI chat commands into queue, execute relay chat commands directly

Revision 5745
If you CLEESH a monster, register that the monster has changed.

Revision 5744
Obtain Ultrahydrated when you DON'T already have it - not when you do have it

Revision 5743
Only cast Trancendent Olfaction in a CCS if you are not already On the Trail

Revision 5742
compatibility with older versions of Ant

Revision 5741
Simpler wrapper methods

Revision 5740
Introduce notion of an effect and item pool

Revision 5739
Allocate exception and throw it, rather than calling method to do that.

Revision 5738
Don't add familiar item to tally when you steal it from another familiar

Revision 5737
Do not convert from character entities to unicode since buffer expects html

Revision 5736
Exclude unneeded files from JAR

Revision 5735
Make jsmooth target platform independent

Revision 5734
On Coin Masters Frame, rename "visit" button to "check".
Default # of items to buy from BHH is 1.

Revision 5733
Check for relay browser on startup

Revision 5732
Setting to use is not hardcoded into NamespaceInterpreter

Revision 5731
Don't let toy mercenary fool battlefield counter.
NamespaceInterpreter is a specialized Interpreter.
Catch errors when re-validate namespace

Revision 5730
Move all Frame classes to swingui package

Revision 5729
Pull equipment management functions into EquipmentManager
Pull item retrieval logic into InventoryManager

Revision 5728
Break ParseTree class into individual classes in parsetree package

Revision 5727
Arena parameters for El Vibrato Megadrone.
Fix a few minor bugs in learnFamiliarParameters.

Revision 5726
When you acquire a molybdenum magnet, tell IslandDecorator that junkyard
quest has started.

Revision 5725
Only bulk purchase consumables

Revision 5724
Every interpreter needs a parser. Fix namespaces.

Revision 5723
Show which constructs drop which punchcards in location details

Revision 5722
Outfit ID for El Vibrato Relics

Revision 5721
More El Vibrato support

Revision 5720
rusty metal key and components

Revision 5719
Do the right thing if inventory images are turned off.
Preliminary El Vibrato Island location details

Revision 5718
Give El Vibrato punchcards useful names

Revision 5717
No ABE error on consult script with no arguments in main() function

Revision 5716
Preliminary support for El Vibrato island

Revision 5715
Rename some classes for code clarity

Revision 5714
Intentional exceptions generated at runtime are AdvancedScriptExceptions

Revision 5713
Print more useful stack trace for exceptions in internal methods.

Revision 5712
Move remaining parsing out of ParseTree and into Parser.

Revision 5711
Clear inventory before update it.

Revision 5710
Add "ghost" command to feed GGG with food.
The "hobo" and "ghost" commands no longer check your own inebriety or fullness
Improved messages when giving items to hobo or ghost

Revision 5709
New items

Revision 5708
Make internal stat values agree with KoLConstants

Revision 5707
Don't throw an exception if no conditional expression given for if/while/etc.

Revision 5706
Remove unneeded tests for password hash length

Revision 5705
Remove arches from breakfast

Revision 5704
simplify boolean value returning

Revision 5703
No more using "combine" dropdown to figure out available items.

Revision 5702
Remove unused imports

Revision 5701
Simplify exception handling when parsing imports

Revision 5700
Move a lot of syntax checking out of ParseTree into Parser

Revision 5699
Eliminate use of AdvancedScriptException in DataTypes package.
Remove Interpreter.isExecuting

Revision 5698
Fix comments

Revision 5697
Move data type classes to DataTypes

Revision 5696
A ScriptExpression is a ScriptValue, not vice versa

Revision 5695
Rename "variables" to "values" and give it appropriate type

Revision 5694
Simply built-in ASH functions: dreference all variables to values before calling

Revision 5693
Interpreter state and trace variables are no longer static

Revision 5692
Interpreter passed as argument throughout execution of script.
Evaluate each argument just once within internal functions.

Revision 5691
Recognize all limericks as noncombat encounters

Revision 5690
Fix encounter recognition in Limerick Dungeon

Revision 5689

Revision 5688
Daily target uses a clean compile
Echo current Java version during build

Revision 5687
Move support for ashref command from Interpreter to KoLmafiaASH

Revision 5686
Move ASH classes to textui package

Revision 5685
Notify when using Jikes

Revision 5684
Split Parser out of Interpreter

Revision 5683
Reorganize Parser/Interpreter a bit

Revision 5682
Split out DataTypes

Revision 5681
Simplify handling of execution state a bit.

Revision 5680
replace_string() always returns a buffer

Revision 5679
Simplify ASH flow control classes

Revision 5678
Move built-in ASH functions to RuntimeLibrary package. bling-bling renamed.

Revision 5677
Parse tree can print itself

Revision 5676
Split off parse tree classes

Revision 5675
First step of ASH refactor: split interpreter from interface to rest of KoLmafia

Revision 5674
If file does not exist when retrieving reader, auto-create

Revision 5673
Update selected adventure for relay browser or bounty hunts

Revision 5672
Extract adventure select panel

Revision 5671
Calculate and display odds of winning Insult Beer Pong Match.
Automatically select correct retort.

Revision 5670
Collect pirate insults as they are learned. Provide "insults" CLI command.

Revision 5669
Check for ascension before showing out-of-date telescope or semirare status

Revision 5668
Refactor subpoint/point/level calculations

Revision 5667
Change location of "Chieftain of the Flies" adventure to correspond.

Revision 5666
Rename Post War Hippy Camp and Frat House to (Stone Age), to avoid confusion.
Add monsters to the location details for both Stone Age locations.

Revision 5665
Equipment panels have an "equip" button rather than a "use" button.
Equipment/storage panel offers to "pull and equip" rather than "pull and use"

Revision 5664
No stack trace if attempt to create a non-existent frame by name.

Revision 5663
Use correctly escape names for familiar equipment.

Revision 5662
No NPE if try to consume with nothing selected.
Ice, Flame, and Sleaze items are equipment but are also sable

Revision 5661
No need to recalculate level if at beginning of current level

Revision 5660
No stack overflow when resetting.

Revision 5659
Reduce overhead for health/mana restoration

Revision 5658
Fix appending to output files

Revision 5657
origami "gentlemen's" magiazine is equipabble by all familiars

Revision 5656
Remove unneeded file.createNewFile() calls

Revision 5655
February Item of the Month

Revision 5654
Rest of meat locker naming changes

Revision 5653
Remove 'locked' from the name of the orcish meat locker

Revision 5652
...but you only need to acquire ITEMS.  Sigh.

Revision 5651
Attempt to disable any spleen or inebriety item whose use would push you over
your limit. Tag all unavailable items with "acquire and".