Differences Between Release 11.8 and 11.9


I didn't see a release log for version 11.9 so I thought I would save someone who can do some real work some time and put it together, here goes with Hola's usual intro;

The following is an abbreviated version of the Subversion commit message logs.  Please keep in mind that these messages are intended for other developers and they take the files which were modified into context in order to limit the amount of verbage.  In general, they are not intended for general audiences and should not be treated as "official" documentation -- they are informal and abbreviated, at best.

If you do not understand what something says, try looking at the full version of the revision by following the accompanying link for the revision.  The only difference is that the files which were modified will be listed, and sometimes, you can guess what happened from file names (though not always).  If you still have no idea what happened, that's okay -- it probably doesn't relate to what you're doing with KoLmafia. ^_~

Furthermore, not everything marked as "fixed" is guaranteed to be fixed, not all changes are guaranteed to have a change.  This is due the fact that both time and turns are finite and only a limited number of things can be tested.  Some changes go in untested, assuming they would work, when they actually don't due to erroneous assumptions; alpha testers occasionally will be able to give feedback, but it's not always possible.

For example, if you read the revision logs for what changed between 10.2 and 10.3, the plus sign choice adventure was meant to get a use link.  Something as seemingly insignificant as KoL using two spaces instead of one space in the sentence "It's actually a book. Read it." would mean the change didn't actually work -- anyone can verify that, in fact, the change didn't work for this very reason.  If you ever encounter something like that, a non-accusatory mention of it (non-accusatory meaning anything that neither implies "ZOMG FALSE ADVERTISING" nor "You guys said this was fixed, but...") somewhere will usually result in the problem getting addressed.

Finally, if you've got a bug to report, make sure you read up on how to post a detailed bug report.  While the rules outlined apply specifically to bugs related to scripting, many of them are applicable to KoLmafia bug reports in general.  Most importantly, I hate the words "annoying" and "frustrating".  Never use them when describing a bug/feature.  Ever.  Thanks.  The abridged revision logs follow.

Revision: 5221
KoL fixed spelling error in Slow Talkin' Elliot's dogtags
can of black paint is NOT multi-usable

Revision: 5222
Offer stat equalizer for monsters, too.

Revision: 5223
Correct headers for DB/AT skills.
Frat boys give you gauze garters, not filthy poultices.

Revision: 5224
Fix unusable wad conversion recipes

Revision: 5225
Add new UR item, November IOTM, new skill, Spooky Surprise Egg

Revision: 5226
tiny plastic series 2

Revision: 5227
fix plural for dogtags

Revision: 5228
Omphaloskepsis is no longer a skill.

Revision: 5229
Add null check to prevent similar problems in the future with missing skills.

Revision: 5230
When pulling equipment from storage, default to 1 for non-accessory items

Revision: 5231
Only apply one-only rule to pull and equip button

Revision: 5232
Fix handling of outfits with special characters in their name for basement switching

Revision: 5233
Always list unavailable items when basement diving
If item not available, prefix with "acquire and"

Revision: 5234
Provide option to min-price during mass undercutting and end of run sales

Revision: 5235
Reduce overhead for retrieving buffbot price lists

Revision: 5236
Lift level 9 restriction from Pirate's Cove in Disguise
Remove automatic handling of D'vorak's revenge from relay browser

Revision: 5237
Limit price on auto-purchased items to 50k
Auto-retrieve non-custom outfits equipped via CLI

Revision: 5238
Change automated purchase protection to 2x estimated mall minimum

Revision: 5239
Add zap item menu option to main interface
Automatically filter out unzappable items in relay browser

Revision: 5240
Snapshot on startup also prints to debug log

Revision: 5241
Include player name and class type in startup data

Revision: 5242
More accurate assessment of buff efects on max HP and max MP
Gluttonous Green Ghost arena parameters from The Rye
Pastamancer trivial skill effect is Pasta Oneness

Revision: 5243
Show monster level string for Stone Golems.
Tweak max HP/MP calculator.

Revision: 5244
Minor tweaks and effect name capitalization

Revision: 5245
New events may not be prefixed with "new events" message

Revision: 5246
As a temporary bandaid, do not remove events from HTML

Revision: 5247
Fix potential concurrent modification issue in lists
Start with accessories, then move on to other equipment

Revision: 5248
not-a-pipes are multi use
certain low level areas apparently have only buffed stat requirements now

Revision: 5249
Correctly note weight supplied by current familiar equipment

Revision: 5250
Trim down list of preferences

Revision: 5251
Less aggressive events parsing

Revision: 5252
Add Dangerpin's updated monster table

Revision: 5253
No hit point ranges in monster HP

Revision: 5254
Fix spelling of tptBW

Revision: 5255
Remove stat requirements test from adventuring
Have one preference control non-mood removal of effects
Centralize handling of auto-buy-from-mall preference

Revision: 5256
Add current HP check when using HP-restore skills
Fix evil teddy bear overriding teddy bear in familiar command

Revision: 5257
Shield power is DA

Revision: 5258
adventure.dat needs at least 3 fields per line, not 4

Revision: 5259
Update version check

Revision: 5260
No. Do not include (unpublished) shield power in DA calculations

Revision: 5261
Override focus behavior for JTabbedPane to address Swing bug with tabs in JTabbedPane always stealing focus

Revision: 5262
Print all things echoed by scripts to session logs with ">" prefix

Revision: 5263
Make "log" an alias for "logprint"

Revision: 5264
Replace "logprint" with "log"
Make "print" synonymous with "echo"
Make "logprint" CLI and ASH functions only print to session log, not to gCLI

Revision: 5265
Use new "log" command when generating player snapshot on startup

Revision: 5266
Add new KoL holidays to calendar

Revision: 5267
blue glowstick

Revision: 5268
Execute effect removal during HP recovery, instead of before

Revision: 5269
Jolly Roger charrrm

Revision: 5270
Fix clan titles not being loaded if detailed search not executed

Revision: 5271
Fix divide by zero when adding a buff to the buffbot

Revision: 5272
Don't add/remove items to accessory mirror image lists. Manipulate original list

Revision: 5273
Add more default Linux browsers

Revision: 5274
Gift shop is not available in Bad Moon.
Reset restaurant, microbrewery, and kitchen items when switch characters

Revision: 5275
Ignore results in Valhalla
Do not try to attack devsters

Revision: 5276
include some monster item drop data

Revision: 5277
Lord of the Flies adventure awards multiple around the worlds

Revision: 5278
No NPE for adventures with no cost

Revision: 5279
Remove app.name from ant exec target

Revision: 5280
Replace JSpinner with JTextField

Revision: 5281
Fix location details in sidepane
Improve performance on "did I load this js" lookup

Revision: 5282
Fix recent events not loading on startup

Revision: 5283
Fix health restoration skill usage always maxing out health

Revision: 5284
Add version numbers to every overridable data file. Use built-in data file
if incompatible version number in overridden data.

Revision: 5285
Remove debug prints

Revision: 5286
Fix URL for Kittiwake's guide. Add missing parenthesis

Revision: 5287
Add Jikes support

Revision: 5288
Thanksgiving is, after all, Feast of Boris. Add new FOB mini-foods.

Revision: 5289
Include version number when we generate data files

Revision: 5290
Add Guy Made of Bees counter. Add Auto Highlight on Focus preference.

Revision: 5291
Note when Guy Made Of Bees is defeated. Customize choice spoiler.

Revision: 5292
In hardcore, don't auto-create song weapons

Revision: 5293
Count hippies and fratboys defeated on the battlefield. Fix black & white belt.

Revision: 5294
Highlight molybdenum tools usage

Revision: 5295
save current ascension number in lastBattlefieldReset

Revision: 5296
Fix modifiers for Hella Effects

Revision: 5297
Allow disabling of auto-attack in noncombat zones

Revision: 5298
Encapsulate Big Island data

Revision: 5299
Fix parse errors for non-imported scripts not reporting file and line number

Revision: 5300
Update monsters.txt with bounty hunter drops

Revision: 5301
Parse island picture and deduce progress of war

Revision: 5302
Actually look at the html when visiting the island.

Revision: 5303
Add framework for handling sidequests

Revision: 5304
No deductions about battlefield if can't detect images

Revision: 5305
Make Calendar Frame a bit bigger to accomodate new holidays

Revision: 5306
New holiday drinks. Write files to DATA_LOCATION. Fix a few typos.

Revision: 5307
Look up monsters on frat or hippy battlefield rather than assuming that
wearing a particular uniform determines if it's a frat or hippy kill.
Special holiday monsters can pop up anywhere but count as neither.

Revision: 5308
Decorate big island map with custom messages

Revision: 5309
Do not throw an array index out of bounds exception for unknown errors

Revision: 5310
Include informative message about kills/remaining on bg island map

Revision: 5311
Count correct side. Count only on final round.

Revision: 5312
Look in correct table for messages. Save quest count in correct property.

Revision: 5313
Remove stray angle bracket

Revision: 5314
Decorate Battlefield fight pages to show progress in the war.

Revision: 5315
Correctly open CCS file when click "edit" on Custom Combat frame

Revision: 5316
Empty CCS files get a "default" node

Revision: 5317
Fix various autosell prices. Uranium Omega has been renamed.

Revision: 5318
Wearing multiple brimstone items has a secret effect on monster level

Revision: 5319
Completely normal Advent treats. Arena stats. Crimbo P.R.E.S.S.I.E.

Revision: 5320
Move .ccs files out of "data" directory into "ccs" directory

Revision: 5321
Fix some of battlefield match messages

Revision: 5322 couple more messages.

Revision: 5323
Max left is constrained by current number of kills.

Revision: 5324
Include some customized images for big island sidequests for use by and by.

Revision: 5325
Detect when side quests on the big island are completed. Use JHunz's images
to mark the sidequest locations appropriately.

Revision: 5326
Crimbo P.R.E.S.S.I.E. status effects

Revision: 5327
Add a few items and effects
Pirate Cove in Disguise no longer exists as such.

Revision: 5328
More items. Pirate Insult Book not consumed in battle. New Charrrm bracelets.

Revision: 5329
Still more items, choice adventures, and monster item drops

Revision: 5330
Add still more pirate content

Revision: 5331
Support for Can Has Cyborger. Fullness stats for pirate food/booze.

Revision: 5332
Dynamic choice spoilers

Revision: 5333
remove vestiges of Pirate Cove in Disguise

Revision: 5334
Calculate dynamic choice options at runtime for use by choice option panel

Revision: 5335
More clingfilm recipes

Revision: 5336
Even more items

Revision: 5337
Add effect effects

Revision: 5338
Restore "An Interesting Choice" choice adventure in Spooky Forest.
Fix typos in item names. New recipe for Jolly Roger charrrm bracelet.

Revision: 5339
Fix item drop, add new food, make CC's map usable.
Restore item name typo until KoL itself fixes it.

Revision: 5340
Cursed chests are usable. Cursed pieces of thirteen are usable.
Curse magnet status effect. Cursed rums inebriety data.

Revision: 5341
Charrrms and braceletes are usable from Item Manager.
Add status effect. Update some fullness and inebriety data.

Revision: 5342
Set correct property: it's "removeMalignantEffects", not "removeStatusEffects"

Revision: 5343
Using several new items can lead you into a fight

Revision: 5344
Only increment guy made of bees counter once per adventure

Revision: 5345
Status effect descriptions IDs

Revision: 5346
Count meat recovered for nuns. Detect tool neded in junkyard.

Revision: 5347
Correctly account for item usage when use clovers, rolling or unrolling pins,
or delectable catalysts

Revision: 5348
Cursed piece of thirteen is not consumed if it summons a scary pirate.

Revision: 5349
Improve handling of keys. Always give "again" button for scary pirate.

Revision: 5350
Alternate big island .gif files

Revision: 5351
Both Brimstone Beret and Plexiglass Pendant allow four AT songs at a time.

Revision: 5352
Curse Magnet desc ID

Revision: 5353
Add helpers for the junkyard quest.

Revision: 5354
Save correct setting when you complete the Orchard sidequest.

Revision: 5355
Showing special sidequest images is optional. Count Nunnery meat recovered.

Revision: 5356
Remove stray character. Add new item.

Revision: 5357
Don't show progress of war on win page for enemy Boss

Revision: 5358
Simplify a few search messages

Revision: 5359
Next Generation -> Next-Generation

Revision: 5360
Stubs for combat hotkey feature

Revision: 5361
No "The" when comparing monster names

Revision: 5362
Poop Deck and Belowdecks had their pirates reversed

Revision: 5363
Another try at That Explains All The Eyepatches

Revision: 5364
Clan buff modifiers

Revision: 5365
Log unexpected monsters to the session stream

Revision: 5366
Fix combat hotkey stubs to not throw errors

Revision: 5367
You only need to use one of any campground accessory.

Revision: 5368
Fix cross-browser compatibility issues

Revision: 5369
Disable autoattack if not automating, unless stealing

Revision: 5370
Update version number