Differences Between Release 11.6 and 11.7


The following is an abbreviated version of the Subversion commit message logs.  Please keep in mind that these messages are intended for other developers and they take the files which were modified into context in order to limit the amount of verbage.  In general, they are not intended for general audiences and should not be treated as "official" documentation -- they are informal and abbreviated, at best.

If you do not understand what something says, try looking at the full version of the revision by following the accompanying link for the revision.  The only difference is that the files which were modified will be listed, and sometimes, you can guess what happened from file names (though not always).  If you still have no idea what happened, that's okay -- it probably doesn't relate to what you're doing with KoLmafia. ^_~

Furthermore, not everything marked as "fixed" is guaranteed to be fixed, not all changes are guaranteed to have a change.  This is due the fact that both time and turns are finite and only a limited number of things can be tested.  Some changes go in untested, assuming they would work, when they actually don't due to erroneous assumptions; alpha testers occasionally will be able to give feedback, but it's not always possible.

For example, if you read the revision logs for what changed between 10.2 and 10.3, the plus sign choice adventure was meant to get a use link.  Something as seemingly insignificant as KoL using two spaces instead of one space in the sentence "It's actually a book. Read it." would mean the change didn't actually work -- anyone can verify that, in fact, the change didn't work for this very reason.  If you ever encounter something like that, a non-accusatory mention of it (non-accusatory meaning anything that neither implies "ZOMG FALSE ADVERTISING" nor "You guys said this was fixed, but...") somewhere will usually result in the problem getting addressed.

Finally, if you've got a bug to report, make sure you read up on how to post a detailed bug report.  While the rules outlined apply specifically to bugs related to scripting, many of them are applicable to KoLmafia bug reports in general.  Most importantly, I hate the words "annoying" and "frustrating".  Never use them when describing a bug/feature.  Ever.  Thanks.  The abridged revision logs follow.


Revision: 5030
Effect description ID for last nutcracker buff & a Bad Moon effect

Revision: 5031
Check for accidental spaces for fuzzy matching also

Revision: 5032
Soft green echos and tiny houses use same purchase strategy as scrolls of drastic healing

Revision: 5033
Rumpus room may have results
Extend shadow battle to 3 rounds

Revision: 5034
Add effect description IDs for Disco Combo effects

Revision: 5035
Telescope description for giant fried egg

Revision: 5036
Attempt to handle Bad Moon effects that halve familiar weight.
Fix modifiers for Brimstone Bunker
Modifiers for Bad Moon sinful passive skills

Revision: 5037
Handle Familiar Weight Percent like other percents.

Revision: 5038
Make microbrewery and restaurant case-insensitive

Revision: 5039
Fix tower guardian script handling of items you don't have

Revision: 5040
Add default conditions for the wormwood

Revision: 5041
Fix tavern quest handler

Revision: 5042
Make frames and tabs a global setting

Revision: 5043
Run login scripts before windows/frames are created

Revision: 5044
Fix desktop tabs not properly loading
Stubs for message sending interface

Revision: 5045
Re-add functionality to message-sending interface

Revision: 5046
Add filter fields to popup lists

Revision: 5047
Use item id instead of item name for gnat recipe
Use item name instead of item id for beer recipes

Revision: 5048
Do not load store logs when starting up store manager

Revision: 5049
Do not add up arrow link for ultra-hydrated

Revision: 5050
Recognize character entities for effect refresh purposes

Revision: 5051
Refresh character pane with character sheet
Make sure auto-attack is disabled for shadow fight

Revision: 5052
Re-add movers to the usable item panel
Add contact list to skill target dropdown

Revision: 5053
Add more wiki combat modifier data

Revision: 5054
If you don't have remedies, don't run uneffect request
Ignore settings when auto-retrieving SGEEAs, healing scrolls, and tiny houses
When in Ronin, do not auto-uneffect Cunctatitis if disco power nap not available

Revision: 5055
If not driven by an actual uneffect command, do not auto-retrieve remedies

Revision: 5056
Do not run uneffect request if effect not active
Amnesia also not auto-removed while in Ronin

Revision: 5057
Slight overhead reduction in "should I purchase this" decision

Revision: 5058
Bad Moon effect. Add a couple of missing hilarious concoctions.

Revision: 5059
Replace skill groups with more intuitive ordering

Revision: 5060
Ingredient check obeys amount to be used for sauceror reagent potions

Revision: 5061
Add gallery key as default condition for conservatory

Revision: 5062
If it is believed that 5x^1.4 is expected with zero DA, and x^1.4 is expected with max DA, then assume 80% absorption is max for gauntlet test

Revision: 5063
In code, cap DA rather than DA effect

Revision: 5064
If the person has mall purchases deactivated but stash access activated, and no items in their inventory, consider auto-repair anyway

Revision: 5065
Mark palm frond and mummy wrap as multi-usable

Revision: 5066
Only verify ingredients once during creation process

Revision: 5067
Run login script, regardless of breakfast checkbox
Abort timeout retries when world peace is declared

Revision: 5068
Has-item checks for storage and clan stash
Include ancestral storage in food/booze interface

Revision: 5069
Return value from data post should be consistent

Revision: 5070
Fix goat cheese pizza tracking

Revision: 5071
More detailed debug information for gauntlet test

Revision: 5072
Fix buff free-state computation

Revision: 5073
DA effect caps at 1000 for damage calculation

Revision: 5074
Double base damage estimate

Revision: 5075
Apply standard 1000 DA cap

Revision: 5076
Clearer description of mana burning preferences

Revision: 5077
Bounty Hunting Rig is Outfit #34

Revision: 5078
...and provides Item Drop: +15%

Revision: 5079
Slightly change the titles on chat frames
Replace "load" ccs button with dropdown
Limit the number of timeouts before giving up

Revision: 5080
Change hardcore/softcore breakfast distinction to in-ronin/ronin-clear distinction

Revision: 5081
Add default conditions for the orchard

Revision: 5082
Handle drum machine and pudding redirects

Revision: 5083
Make notify recipient a non-static variable

Revision: 5084
Improve adventure handling modularity

Revision: 5085
Auto-visit bounty hunter, even if conditions not satisfied

Revision: 5086
Lowered stat requirement for greater-than sign

Revision: 5087
Fix right sidepane occasionally disappearing when closing safety text

Revision: 5088
Fix handling of fresh directory

Revision: 5089
Actually multiply damage absorption

Revision: 5090
Make all toolbars non-floatable

Revision: 5091
Remove auto buy restores preference

Revision: 5092
Fix dummy messages printed out during basement dives

Revision: 5093
Add a stationary basement button. Again button enabled if goes to either
adventure.php or basement.php.

Revision: 5094
Do not adjust filter when auto-selecting adventure

Revision: 5095
Wait until fight is known to be complete before auto-refreshing sidepane

Revision: 5096
Add whitespace below basement button

Revision: 5097
Refresh sidepane after finishing handling of redirect

Revision: 5098
Session Log includes reward rooms

Revision: 5099
Containers of pork gem juice are not multi-usable

Revision: 5100
Add an additional 5% fudge factor to estimates

Revision: 5101
Remove lingering debug code

Revision: 5102
If no adventures left, do not grab no-servant item

Revision: 5103
Black pudding gets used up, even in fight redirect
Log black pudding and drum machine adventures

Revision: 5104
Include slot name when logging equipment requests

Revision: 5105
Add stubs for potential basement script
Show effect removal as "uneffect" in session log
Allow moon phase to be printed to session log

Revision: 5106
Add option to record player's current state on login

Revision: 5107
Add modifiers to snapshot printout

Revision: 5108
Add today's date to moon phase printout

Revision: 5109
Not all mushrooms have no up arrow
List bad effects in basement effect list
Allow multi-select of basement effects

Revision: 5110
Allow multi-select of basement effects

Revision: 5111
Follow main page redirect on ascension
Reduce filler whitespace on logprint

Revision: 5112
Make appropriate choice when searching for mistress-dropped items

Revision: 5113
Fix settings renaming from older versions

Revision: 5114
Add status effect and fix item number

Revision: 5115
Fix effect name

Revision: 5116
Fix uneffect not being used on effects that need to be removed

Revision: 5117
Add "summon" command for demon summoning

Revision: 5118
Process demon summoning item usage

Revision: 5119
Log mind control requests to session log
Log clan gym turns to session log

Revision: 5120
Add effect image and desc id

Revision: 5121
Reduce default singleton list
Always auto-closet singleton items

Revision: 5122
Re-add context menu items to mood setup

Revision: 5123
Address possible glyph count problem with safety field

Revision: 5124
Don't look for more demons than there are. Add effect modifiers.

Revision: 5125
Melody has a "The" in its effect name
Fix potential accidental commits of revision
Show expected buffed value when highlighting effects

Revision: 5126
Reset basement state when encountering a monster

Revision: 5127
Add whitespace for basement choice spoilers

Revision: 5128
Improved sandworm and black pudding support

Revision: 5129
Disable spleen-using effects when spleen is maxed

Revision: 5130
Make select-option disabling work on more browsers
More useful blue/black text for elemental tests

Revision: 5131
Put junkyard, lighthouse, and nunnery inside of islewar zone

Revision: 5132
Unique names for junkyard/beach

Revision: 5133
Better handling of casual ascension
Interact state depends on bad moon as well

Revision: 5134
Improved handling of session timeout and rollover

Revision: 5135
By default, auto-repair box servants, but don't require them

Revision: 5136
Increase chat delay to 10 seconds

Revision: 5137
Only refresh mood if there was a turn change

Revision: 5138
Support for lucrecore leaderboard

Revision: 5139
Allow line breaks in effect name

Revision: 5140
Update version number

Revision: 5141
Display case your lucre before reporting to koldbot