Differences Between Release 11.4 and 11.5

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The following is an abbreviated version of the Subversion commit message logs.  Please keep in mind that these messages are intended for other developers and they take the files which were modified into context in order to limit the amount of verbage.  In general, they are not intended for general audiences and should not be treated as "official" documentation -- they are informal and abbreviated, at best.

If you do not understand what something says, try looking at the full version of the revision by following the accompanying link for the revision.  The only difference is that the files which were modified will be listed, and sometimes, you can guess what happened from file names (though not always).  If you still have no idea what happened, that's okay -- it probably doesn't relate to what you're doing with KoLmafia. ^_~

Furthermore, not everything marked as "fixed" is guaranteed to be fixed, not all changes are guaranteed to have a change.  This is due the fact that both time and turns are finite and only a limited number of things can be tested.  Some changes go in untested, assuming they would work, when they actually don't due to erroneous assumptions; alpha testers occasionally will be able to give feedback, but it's not always possible.

For example, if you read the revision logs for what changed between 10.2 and 10.3, the plus sign choice adventure was meant to get a use link.  Something as seemingly insignificant as KoL using two spaces instead of one space in the sentence "It's actually a book. Read it." would mean the change didn't actually work -- anyone can verify that, in fact, the change didn't work for this very reason.  If you ever encounter something like that, a non-accusatory mention of it (non-accusatory meaning anything that neither implies "ZOMG FALSE ADVERTISING" nor "You guys said this was fixed, but...") somewhere will usually result in the problem getting addressed.

Finally, if you've got a bug to report, make sure you read up on how to post a detailed bug report.  While the rules outlined apply specifically to bugs related to scripting, many of them are applicable to KoLmafia bug reports in general.  Most importantly, I hate the words "annoying" and "frustrating".  Never use them when describing a bug/feature.  Ever.  Thanks.  The abridged revision logs follow.


Revision: 4800
Stop tracking fights if current round is 0

Revision: 4801
If user attempts to abort, retain stop-tracking-fights functionality

Revision: 4802
Even if there are no conditions, create 668 scrolls for convenience

Revision: 4803
Add hint about basement monster attack/defense.
"up" command can find bang potions

Revision: 4804
Fix filtering when both character sheet and adventure frame are open

Revision: 4805
Fix compile error

Revision: 4806
Select all when field gains focus

Revision: 4807
Fix multi-using of items that restore both hp and mp

Revision: 4808
Yet another missing effect

Revision: 4809
Don't remove expired counters when saving settings

Revision: 4810
Restore the map link to wormwood for Absinthe Minded.

Revision: 4811
Gno-Mart moxie sign check

Revision: 4812
Faster wiki linking

Revision: 4813
Changed area name

Revision: 4814
Improve filtering performance

Revision: 4815
Do not auto-restore during basement tests
Fix use-multiple on item consumption
Always open trapper/hunter without sidepane

Revision: 4816
Enable filtering for "display" command
Fix summon candy hearts handling after mid-cast mp restore

Revision: 4817
Use mirror images rather than actual model

Revision: 4818
Fix capitalization

Revision: 4819
Additional is item check for filter field
Override the correct function for relay browser request handling

Revision: 4820
Make "abort" and intermediate round buttons easier to catch

Revision: 4821
Support for Around the World Quest

Revision: 4822
Add item drops for gremlins - including appropriate molybdenum tool

Revision: 4823
Allow chat to appear as main-interface tab

Revision: 4824
Increase memory usage to improve consistency

Revision: 4825
Better estimate for Gauntlet Gauntlet. Use Jick's term for Unhydrated Desert.

Revision: 4826
"!" operator requires boolean operand at compile time.
Add tracing of expression evaluation.

Revision: 4827
New Haunted Kitchen items

Revision: 4828
Fix failure to follow consumption redirect

Revision: 4829
Relay browser safety spoilers
Better directory handling on OSX

Revision: 4830
Fix directories not cleanly moving on first attempt

Revision: 4831
Only move directories around if app.name property set

Revision: 4832
Ignore "location" if it has no parameters

Revision: 4833
Mutagens are not multi-usable

Revision: 4834
Fix closing of main window not properly unregistering frames

Revision: 4835
Show monster HP/Atk/Def if know HP. Show items if know items.

Revision: 4836
Allow "jiggle" as a Custom Combat command

Revision: 4837
Put area spoilers in the chat pane

Revision: 4838
Fix restorative item filter
Increase font size for safety text

Revision: 4839
Remove skills you do not have from quick skills list

Revision: 4840
Make unconditional trigger should execute check explicit

Revision: 4841
First attempt at adding a "jiggle" stationary combat button

Revision: 4842
If no line breaks are found, reset the buffer

Revision: 4843
Use script directory as default for data maps

Revision: 4844
Remove overhead created by constantly lowercasing names

Revision: 4845
Use correct elemental retrieval methods for conditions reset

Revision: 4846
Add "auto" button for choice adventures

Revision: 4847
Fix handling of choice adventures leading to fights

Revision: 4848
Fix choice adventure options not persisting between sessions

Revision: 4849
Only list untradeable collectables on ascension page
Identify chef staff being jiggled during combat
Reduce overhead for non-skill, non-item combat actions

Revision: 4850
Fix main interface being unable to load
Shorter combat spoilers shown in relay browser

Revision: 4851
Fix compile error

Revision: 4852
Fix session time-in

Revision: 4853
in addition to

Revision: 4854
Fix truncation when line break not found at 10000 characters

Revision: 4855
Fix truncation when line break not found at 10000 characters

Revision: 4856
Stationary "jiggle" button is disabled if you've already jiggled this fight.

Revision: 4857
Update version target

Revision: 4858
Add "version" command to CLI
New revision display strategy which doesn't require constant changes

Revision: 4859
Don't attach safety text to adventure result pages

Revision: 4860
Allow safety data to be shown when hovering over adventure again in sidepane

Revision: 4861
Fix skill usage not being logged

Revision: 4862
Fix sequential logins resulting in time-in

Revision: 4863
Speed up redirect handling

Revision: 4864
When adding an item not in the display case, it goes into the no-shelf section initially

Revision: 4865
Add dates to debug log filenames

Revision: 4866
Allow showing wiki description rather than KoL description for known items and effects

Revision: 4867
Fix barrel clover recognition
Clarify change in clover protection

Revision: 4868
Do not filter items in separate thread
Reduce overhead for adventure filtering

Revision: 4869
Allow preferred web browser override

Revision: 4870
Only use override browser for relay browser links

Revision: 4871
Fix compile error

Revision: 4872
Re-implement wiki lookup to not conflict with descid-parsing Greasemonkey scripts

Revision: 4873
Fix initial messages in channel/pm not loading
Only add zone name when auto-selecting location

Revision: 4874
Fix double-processing of fortune cookie loss
Auto-cast ode if skill and mp are available

Revision: 4875
Reduce maximum buffer size by 25%

Revision: 4876
Do not print timeout messages for chat
Always wait 8 seconds after every timeout

Revision: 4877
Fix data override saving

Revision: 4878
Organ of steel acquisition handling

Revision: 4879
Make Harold's hammer quest configurable
Automatically create Harold's hammer

Revision: 4880
Fix some rogue indentation and result of overzealous find/replace.
Do not double-add modifiers from an item's Intrinsic Effect

Revision: 4881
Only list clans with one goodie bag in attack interface
Randomly select a clan for attacking after search

Revision: 4882
Select all when conditions field gains focus

Revision: 4883
Do not automatically load clan stash when opening clan manager
Load clan attacks state when starting up the frame, if it's been used for that

Revision: 4884
Make spoilers closeable instead of hide on mouseout

Revision: 4885
Only load override browser for relay URLs

Revision: 4886
Fix == comparing integer-type objects

Revision: 4887
Prefer prefixes over in-the-middle substrings
Reduce lowercasing overhead for non-fuzzy matches

Revision: 4888
Remove smart parsing from namespace handling

Revision: 4889
If multiple matches against namespace, fail instead of returning first match

Revision: 4890
Fix refunds occurring unnecessarily for buff packs

Revision: 4891
Haunted Pantry has two kinds of meat blobs

Revision: 4892
rename class

Revision: 4893
Auto select the contents of the adventure count field

Revision: 4894
Update safety spoilers when the sidepane updates

Revision: 4895
Fix auto-highlight and auto-add for combo boxes
Disable checkpointing while gear changer is changing equipment

Revision: 4896
Fix multi-using of single-use items

Revision: 4897
Internalize trapper and hunter menu items
Recognize trapper trades in relay browser
Auto-visit the trapper during item creation/acquisition

Revision: 4898
Fix automatic bounty location re-select

Revision: 4899
Always disable auto-attack if scroll-hunting in the chasm

Revision: 4900
Use horizontal rule for /mark command
Fix handling of comment lines at end of script

Revision: 4901
Make logout a synonym for exit

Revision: 4902
If 64067 scrolls are not conditions, do not make more than one

Revision: 4903
Allow the "use" command to work on duct tape

Revision: 4904
Refresh basement page completely after usage
Do not require adventuring before counters are saved

Revision: 4905
Make session id creation faster
Print functions list after script validation

Revision: 4906
Prefer prefix matches
Fix focus handling for tabs

Revision: 4907
No need for request data for debug log
Update auto-attack state when logging in

Revision: 4908
Update version number
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