Differences Between Release 11.3 and 11.4

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The following is an abbreviated version of the Subversion commit message logs.  Please keep in mind that these messages are intended for other developers and they take the files which were modified into context in order to limit the amount of verbage.  In general, they are not intended for general audiences and should not be treated as "official" documentation -- they are informal and abbreviated, at best.

If you do not understand what something says, try looking at the full version of the revision by following the accompanying link for the revision.  The only difference is that the files which were modified will be listed, and sometimes, you can guess what happened from file names (though not always).  If you still have no idea what happened, that's okay -- it probably doesn't relate to what you're doing with KoLmafia. ^_~

Furthermore, not everything marked as "fixed" is guaranteed to be fixed, not all changes are guaranteed to have a change.  This is due the fact that both time and turns are finite and only a limited number of things can be tested.  Some changes go in untested, assuming they would work, when they actually don't due to erroneous assumptions; alpha testers occasionally will be able to give feedback, but it's not always possible.

For example, if you read the revision logs for what changed between 10.2 and 10.3, the plus sign choice adventure was meant to get a use link.  Something as seemingly insignificant as KoL using two spaces instead of one space in the sentence "It's actually a book. Read it." would mean the change didn't actually work -- anyone can verify that, in fact, the change didn't work for this very reason.  If you ever encounter something like that, a non-accusatory mention of it (non-accusatory meaning anything that neither implies "ZOMG FALSE ADVERTISING" nor "You guys said this was fixed, but...") somewhere will usually result in the problem getting addressed.

Finally, if you've got a bug to report, make sure you read up on how to post a detailed bug report.  While the rules outlined apply specifically to bugs related to scripting, many of them are applicable to KoLmafia bug reports in general.  Most importantly, I hate the words "annoying" and "frustrating".  Never use them when describing a bug/feature.  Ever.  Thanks.  The abridged revision logs follow.


Revision: 4696
Correctly deduct ingrendients when you make a chefstaff

Revision: 4697
Disassemble shore clovers
Fix automated mall buying

Revision: 4698
Fix mall searches for potions
Fix auto-attack resetting in the daily dungeon
Ignore "You gain a skill" messages
Do not resubmit basement form after outfit switch

Revision: 4699
Do not auto-switch elemental forms/outfits in relay browser for basement diving

Revision: 4700
Add Palindome shirt choice adventure

Revision: 4701
Do not consider the the wizard hat when looking for mana reduction accesories

Revision: 4702
Wait until after processing is done before refreshing sidepane

Revision: 4703
Explicitly use displayModel

Revision: 4704
Add item drop data for Black Forest and Arid, Extra-Dry Desert

Revision: 4705
Add Guy Made Of Bees

Revision: 4706
Recognize ingredients used for innabox smithing

Revision: 4707
tiny bust of Pallas is equipable on any familiar

Revision: 4708
Fix plus sign on attachment pages in relay browser

Revision: 4709
Close script tag in include

Revision: 4710
status effect ids

Revision: 4711
Use current hypotheses for item and meat drop familiars

Revision: 4712
Add stubs for basement potion helper

Revision: 4713
Store default effect refresh actions in table instead of in code
Improve handling of items/effects with entities in their name

Revision: 4714
Fix candy heart summoning cost calculation

Revision: 4715
Give spoilers for basement stat choice adventures.
Refacter basement tests a bit

Revision: 4716
Fix fullness and inebriety data from updated Well-Tempered pages

Revision: 4717
Fix moods containing skills

Revision: 4718
Track current basement level in session log

Revision: 4719
More basement spoilers

Revision: 4720
Fix static variables not being used

Revision: 4721
Do not divide elemental damage by two

Revision: 4722
Fix item not found errors

Revision: 4723
More default actions for moods
Case-insensitive CLI filtering

Revision: 4724
Fix standard execution of moods

Revision: 4725
Fix clan gym adventure counting

Revision: 4726
Print debug to request stream instead of System.out

Revision: 4727
Improve session logging for stat reward and monster levels of the basement.
Fix recognition of several stat tests.
Add a few stop adventures for the Arid, Extra-Dry Desert

Revision: 4728
Provide some monster hints in the basement.
Elemental tests do not have two equally good choices for phials: there is one
good elemental form and three harmful elemental form for each such test.

Revision: 4729
Remove unused variables. Fix typos. Improve spacing.

Revision: 4730
Use count value instead of 1

Revision: 4731
Add outfits to singleton list

Revision: 4732
Fix new singleton items not being recognized

Revision: 4733
Add mutagens to known default moods

Revision: 4734
Clean up default removal actions
More default up arrow actions
Add "up" command to CLI

Revision: 4735
Allow "up" and "uneffect" to accept comma-delimited lists

Revision: 4736
Slight reduction in memory overhead

Revision: 4737
Fix HP+MP restorers not showing up in restore panel
Flag phonics down, tiny houses, and vangoghbit as HP+MP restores

Revision: 4738
Encapsulate Basement support into its own class. Don't clear data fields every
time we visit basement.php. Only do so when identifying the test.

Revision: 4739
Fold handleBasement() into run()

Revision: 4740
Attempt to make visits to basement register on Visited Locations list

Revision: 4741
Order elements in the same order KoL generates damage

Revision: 4742
Record demon names from successful summonings

Revision: 4743
Fix off-by-one error. Sigh.

Revision: 4744
tiny bust of Pallas is now only usable on reassembled Blackbird.

Revision: 4745
Add some more spleentacular items

Revision: 4746
Give MESSAGE_DISPLAY items a [use] link. Remove trailing spaces in data file.

Revision: 4747
Fix handling of system tray in fresh installation

Revision: 4748
Allow chat links to load in relay browser
Put frame title first, username second

Revision: 4749
Reuse old window for loading links on Mac
Chat links should not reload in same window

Revision: 4750
Counter protection stops on all known adventures
Add message indicating attempt to process queue
Auto-select bounty location when accepting bounty

Revision: 4751
Stationary combat buttons

Revision: 4752
Always show entangling noodles option
Only record manual fight requests for stationary combat

Revision: 4753
Make sure fight requests in the relay browser are run

Revision: 4754
Only split custom outfits for relay browser

Revision: 4755
Fix bang potions (and stone spheres, presumably) not showing up in Inventory
list of Item Manager.

Revision: 4756
Basement status effect helpers

Revision: 4757
Add simple hp/mp boosting effects to basement list

Revision: 4758
Add elemental resistance

Revision: 4759
Fix shore counting

Revision: 4760
Fix bounty acceptance recognition

Revision: 4761
Fix bounty hunter auto-select

Revision: 4762
Pluralize bang potions correctly

Revision: 4763
Cooking with the Wok uses dry noodles and MSG

Revision: 4764
Have the new script button work exactly like the old script button, without the exception

Revision: 4765
Add preference for adventure result tally count to never go negative

Revision: 4766
Fix conditional

Revision: 4767
Auto-visit the bounty hunter after fulfilling a bounty

Revision: 4768
Never show items with negative quantities in item manage panels

Revision: 4769
Gremlin juice is not multi-usable

Revision: 4770
Add abort button to replace "script" as scripts are running

Revision: 4771
Add some whitespace between buttons
Show correct round number on aborted fights

Revision: 4772
Clean up abort-ccs handling in relay browser

Revision: 4773
Add use links to MPMP restore items. Pilgrim shield adds DR equal to level.
Stat percentage modifiers are only multiplicative if negative.

Revision: 4774
Fix non-skill, non-ccs stationary buttons

Revision: 4775
Stop custom combat if player inputs manual action

Revision: 4776
Use filter fields instead of combo box for zone names

Revision: 4777
Remove CLI-mode login restriction
Skip daily dungeon chests

Revision: 4778
Clear store log before refreshing

Revision: 4779
Arena turns cost adventures

Revision: 4780
New day starts at rollover, not half hour after rollover

Revision: 4781
More descriptive names for pre and post-Oasis desert

Revision: 4782
Add food/booze match filters
Shorten hobodrink command to hobo

Revision: 4783
Add radio to rumpus room sequence

Revision: 4784
Disable controls as refreshes are happening

Revision: 4785
Fix potential doubling of charpane updates

Revision: 4786
Raise MP burning threshold to 1000 turns

Revision: 4787
Add express card as MP restorative item

Revision: 4788
Don't list effects for which you don't have regenerative items by default

Revision: 4789
Increase settings-saving frequency

Revision: 4790
Save settings as first step in sequence

Revision: 4791
Pages that contain no results also contain no updates

Revision: 4792
Centralize settings handling

Revision: 4793
Always write settings out to disk instead of waiting until logout

Revision: 4794
Fix profile parsing for clan snapshots

Revision: 4795
"up" command auto-removes non-matching phials

Revision: 4796
Add bang potions to mood recognition
Reduce screen flicker for basement update

Revision: 4797
Auto-cummerbund support
Add more status effects

Revision: 4798
More auto-fill effects

Revision: 4799
Update version number
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