Differences Between Release 11.2 and 11.3

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The following is an abbreviated version of the Subversion commit message logs.  Please keep in mind that these messages are intended for other developers and they take the files which were modified into context in order to limit the amount of verbage.  In general, they are not intended for general audiences and should not be treated as "official" documentation -- they are informal and abbreviated, at best.

If you do not understand what something says, try looking at the full version of the revision by following the accompanying link for the revision.  The only difference is that the files which were modified will be listed, and sometimes, you can guess what happened from file names (though not always).  If you still have no idea what happened, that's okay -- it probably doesn't relate to what you're doing with KoLmafia. ^_~

Furthermore, not everything marked as "fixed" is guaranteed to be fixed, not all changes are guaranteed to have a change.  This is due the fact that both time and turns are finite and only a limited number of things can be tested.  Some changes go in untested, assuming they would work, when they actually don't due to erroneous assumptions; alpha testers occasionally will be able to give feedback, but it's not always possible.

For example, if you read the revision logs for what changed between 10.2 and 10.3, the plus sign choice adventure was meant to get a use link.  Something as seemingly insignificant as KoL using two spaces instead of one space in the sentence "It's actually a book. Read it." would mean the change didn't actually work -- anyone can verify that, in fact, the change didn't work for this very reason.  If you ever encounter something like that, a non-accusatory mention of it (non-accusatory meaning anything that neither implies "ZOMG FALSE ADVERTISING" nor "You guys said this was fixed, but...") somewhere will usually result in the problem getting addressed.

Finally, if you've got a bug to report, make sure you read up on how to post a detailed bug report.  While the rules outlined apply specifically to bugs related to scripting, many of them are applicable to KoLmafia bug reports in general.  Most importantly, I hate the words "annoying" and "frustrating".  Never use them when describing a bug/feature.  Ever.  Thanks.  The abridged revision logs follow.


Revision: 4325
If file exists, don't download again

Revision: 4326
Preliminary NS13 monster data

Revision: 4327
figure-skating duck

Revision: 4328
Fix subversion data updates

Revision: 4329
Consume enter key events

Revision: 4330
Fix pickpocket attempts in custom combat

Revision: 4331
Item descripion # for Red Balloon of Valor

Revision: 4332
Fix inability to steal item from familiar that was equipped at login

Revision: 4333
Show total fullness/inebriety queued
Recognize queued fullness/inebriety for queue limits

Revision: 4334
Retain original 'let me make as much as I want' functionality once limit is reached

Revision: 4335
Missing choice adventures
Request frame does not grab focus

Revision: 4336
Smarter handling of beaten up during health restore

Revision: 4337
Guarantee that auto-restore continues after beaten up removal unless desired value already reached

Revision: 4338
When removing beaten up, also consider tetanus and poisoned

Revision: 4339
Make non-mood effect removal opt-in

Revision: 4340
Fix description id for bhh item

Revision: 4341
List all creatable items in creatable section

Revision: 4342
Remove friars choice adventure from configurables
Change initial settings default for the spooky forest

Revision: 4343
chaos butterfly is usable

Revision: 4344
Fix unconditional use of equipment renderer
Add "storage" command to CLI

Revision: 4345
Violet Fog choice adventure in Item-Driven zone list

Revision: 4346
Make labels next to checkboxes/radio buttons clickable
Always use lowercased filtering labels for item lists

Revision: 4347
Only shift layout if input precedes the label

Revision: 4348
Do not fire listeners until content is set

Revision: 4349
Make sure labeled scroll panels are shown to have content set at construction

Revision: 4350
Fix museum shelf adjustment

Revision: 4351
Add move down option to display case rearranger

Revision: 4352
Marquis de Poivre soda is an MP restorer

Revision: 4353
Fix fullness queue

Revision: 4354
Fix mini-browser constantly regrabbing focus on refresh
Fix tabbed mini-browser resulting in gray popup window

Revision: 4355
Special handling for palindome shelf adventure and blackbird

Revision: 4356
Dvorak's revenge handling

Revision: 4357
Fix accidental removal of top bar in mini-browser

Revision: 4358
Slightly smarter handling of ascension

Revision: 4359
Fix handling of whitey's grove

Revision: 4360
Add multiplicity parameter to mood execution
Do not save implicit checkpoints during mood execution

Revision: 4361
Temporary removal of default conditions

Revision: 4362
Do not default to multiple

Revision: 4363
Fix skip being ignored if player is missing an offered item

Revision: 4364
Disallow spaces in the name of moods
Allow moods to be used as quick rebuffs via "mood [name] #"

Revision: 4365
Multiplicity only applies to rebuffs, not debuffs

Revision: 4366
Fix sauceror creation handling

Revision: 4367
Add a couple of stop encounters

Revision: 4368
Preliminary first-pass of level requirements

Revision: 4369
Compute available npc store items before computing available box servants

Revision: 4370
If retrieval ever pulls from storage, pull all of that item

Revision: 4371
Fix some booze level requirements

Revision: 4372
Fix some level requirements for NS13 foods

Revision: 4373
Automatic goatlet unlock
Check for cast item, since end users might not

Revision: 4374
Separate auto-repair and require box servant preferences

Revision: 4375
Fix continuation state discrepency after login

Revision: 4376
Remove login command

Revision: 4377
Remove JLine package

Revision: 4378
Fix login-through-exit scripts

Revision: 4379
Notice of command removal for people using "login"

Revision: 4380
Add 'pvp' command to attack a specific person
Fix KoLmafia incorrectly logging names with spaces
Fix handling of clan hopping for PvP sniping

Revision: 4381
Phials are not multi-usable

Revision: 4382
Reduce verbosity in pvp fight skip printout
Losing a blackbird does not lose its familiar item

Revision: 4383
Fix complete the outfit handling

Revision: 4384
Make complete the outfit more general, just in case

Revision: 4385
Smarter goatlet unlock mechanism

Revision: 4386
Preliminary internal data checker.
Fix a bunch of bad item names and item desc ids that the data checker found.

Revision: 4387
Always use main_c.html instead of strange-looking URL
Automatically assemble blackbird if not assembled when using the black market map

Revision: 4388
Auto-assemble blackbird when black market map used from relay browser

Revision: 4389
New preference to attempt to always load in new tab/window

Revision: 4390
framework to check level requirements for food and booze

Revision: 4391
Introduce "message display" and "infinite uses" use types

Revision: 4392
"Color=lightgray" was not rendering correctly. Use hex value.

Revision: 4393
...but use hex code for "light" grey, not dark grey.

Revision: 4394
Fix logout command

Revision: 4395
Fix logout menu option

Revision: 4396
Fix system tray logout option
Do not let logout request queue behind other CLI commands

Revision: 4397
Check prices and modifiers. Correct many errors in such.

Revision: 4398
Leprechaun's equipment is the Meat detector

Revision: 4399
Choice Adventure 137

Revision: 4400
Check item access and fix many of them.

Revision: 4401
Check level requirements for fod and booze. Fix many of them.

Revision: 4402
Identify dusty bottles of wine when you put on Lord Spookyraven's spectacles.
Add CLI command "dusty" to tell you what are.
Update consumption data shown by Usable/Booze to reflect settings.

Revision: 4403
Experimental Summoning Chamber opening spoilers.

Revision: 4404
Add boss reminders for all signs

Revision: 4405
Smarter blackbird handling

Revision: 4406
Fix equipment swapping if offhand item is not a weapon

Revision: 4407
Fix removal of maximum health reduction effects

Revision: 4408
Remove naughty sorceress from auto-adventure
Update wereseal formula with information provided in-thread

Revision: 4409
Log sorceress fight to adventure log

Revision: 4410
Remove junk item list button
Fix login/logout script options not saving
Automatically add items to junk list when autosell all used

Revision: 4411
Include bar whips

Revision: 4412
Make modifiers.txt human-readable

Revision: 4413
Re-add restricted login command

Revision: 4414
Fix RequestThread.postRequest trying to run requests concurrently

Revision: 4415
Check equipment from Item Descriptions. Fix many errors.

Revision: 4416
Store canonical names for items and effects in moods

Revision: 4417
After submitting requests to a buffbot, unset the requests

Revision: 4418
Fix library second-floor unlock handling

Revision: 4419
Without the queue, a monster search is no longer needed

Revision: 4420
Fix glyph detection.

Revision: 4421
Arid, Extra-Dry Desert has different adventure number when Ultrahydrated
Add power (from Wiki) of various shields
black & tan gives 2 drunkenness, not 3

Revision: 4422
Add absinthe and fortune cookie counters
Add quick link to worm wood to absinthe effect

Revision: 4423
Allow normal CCS to specify separate items for funkslinging

Revision: 4424
Speed up relay browser by always returning 304s for non-HTML files

Revision: 4425
Better absinthe counters

Revision: 4426
Make counter values work, even if adventures not spent via KoLmafia

Revision: 4427
Only run threshold checks during health checks

Revision: 4428
Parse Enchantments that modify a stat by a fixed or percentage.
Give feedback when reading your father's MacGuffin diary

Revision: 4429
Slightly smarter auto-restore behavior for zones that are 100% non-combat

Revision: 4430
Switch from hide by default to dispose by default

Revision: 4431
More frames which can be hidden by default

Revision: 4432
Improve daily dungeon skeleton key door handling
Add basic support for Fernswarthy's basement

Revision: 4433
Fix overdrink handling

Revision: 4434
Do not report "unknown adventure" after timeout

Revision: 4435
Fix /whois always being dropped while running a buffbot

Revision: 4436
Cosmetic changes to sidepane

Revision: 4437
Lighthouse and Junkyard are available post-war. The latter has a different
adventure ID than that used during the war.

Revision: 4438
Fix auto-attack reset only firing on skills

Revision: 4439
Default conditions

Revision: 4440
Refactor modifiers

Revision: 4441
Add untested special handling for adding machine

Revision: 4442
Further encapsulate modifiers: include parsing of item enchantments

Revision: 4443
No NPE for areas with no default conditions

Revision: 4444
Yet More modifiers refactoring

Revision: 4445
Additional tests while basement diving

Revision: 4446
Remove MODIFIER word from constants

Revision: 4447
Swap elemental forms during basement diving

Revision: 4448
Move checkboxes back to item manager for quick viewing
Fix display case match script not picking up one-in-inventory items

Revision: 4449
Show autosell value on items with no power
Always show power on items with power
Fix filters on item management panels

Revision: 4450
Modifiers are now table-driven

Revision: 4451
Remove tabs from item manager

Revision: 4452
Always text-wrap all JOptionPane messages

Revision: 4453
Apply class restrictions and intrinsic effects

Revision: 4454
Sigh. Correct null check...

Revision: 4455
Rearrange item filters and renderers

Revision: 4456
Negate instanceof check
Fix adding machine handler

Revision: 4457
If basement level does not advance, abort

Revision: 4458
Always fill in "Backup" into name custom outfit field

Revision: 4459
More status effect IDs. Correct some consumption data.

Revision: 4460
Update health and mana restore list
Always save non-internal green messages

Revision: 4461
ASH functions to get current modifiers and item, skill, effect modifiers

Revision: 4462
Update skills. Add modifiers for various passive skills and effects

Revision: 4463
Fix black cherry soda sort position
Allow adding machine handler to override ccs

Revision: 4464
Fix rendering of offhand items

Revision: 4465
Fix mood autofill

Revision: 4466
Do not auto-maintain health, mana, and moods in-browser

Revision: 4467
Move between battle check to URL registration step

Revision: 4468
Fix a few skill durations and effect modifiers

Revision: 4469
Choice requests should not be repeated post-fight

Revision: 4470
UI-friendlier means of handling worthless item acquisition
Remove "combined blue messages" option from chat

Revision: 4471
For now, flag semi-rares as single-use

Revision: 4472
Support 20 more modifiers

Revision: 4473
Add ability to load cached item html data
Make elemental resistance modifier strings match elemental damage modifier strings

Revision: 4474
Human readable modifier names.

Revision: 4475
Special case overrides

Revision: 4476
Override moon phase items as well.

Revision: 4477
Pasta Oneness -> Manicotti Meditation
String modifer values are quoted

Revision: 4478
Use meta-refreshes for custom combat

Revision: 4479
Read relay browser requests as bytes instead of characters

Revision: 4480
No auto-flushing needed for output stream

Revision: 4481
Switch back to buffered readers

Revision: 4482
Use fewer string concatenations

Revision: 4483
Fix content-encoding issues
Auto-run combat, rather than forcing CCS

Revision: 4484
Continue switch to custom combat, but show the change in the UI

Revision: 4485
Add items pulverized via internal requests to junk list

Revision: 4486
Song shift should not be an auto-stop

Revision: 4487
Switch gallery and second floor unlock to only happen once per ascension

Revision: 4488
If you've already unlocked the gallery, try to unlock the second floor before
we simply ignore the choice adventure.

Revision: 4489
Use mutable combo boxes for equipment
Add separate filter for custom outfits

Revision: 4490
Percent modifiers are multiplicative. Handle items that change with the moons.

Revision: 4491
Less memory-intensive filtering

Revision: 4492
Separate custom outfits from normal outfits in relay

Revision: 4493
Fix outfit command not including custom outfits

Revision: 4494
If change-to familiar is already equipped with something, don't change equipment

Revision: 4495
When reloading send message frame, reset the recipient

Revision: 4496
Speed up check for mini-browser instances
Fix deadlock when trying to load request synch

Revision: 4497
Protect against using dictionaries on adding machines

Revision: 4498
Fix mini-browser clicks causing stack traces

Revision: 4499
Simpler loading mechanism for chat

Revision: 4500
Add modifiers for many status effects. Add a few status effects.

Revision: 4501
Simplify implementation of chat buffer reset

Revision: 4502
Variable items and effects

Revision: 4503
Fix inventory tracking for pulverize

Revision: 4504
More object reuse to reduce overhead in relay browser
Only revert equipment due to non-mood casts upon adventuring

Revision: 4505
Fix handling of worthless item acquisition when out of gum
Use adventure URLs instead of names for beanbat/screwdriver retrieval

Revision: 4506
Change firing of between battle scripts during manual adventuring

Revision: 4507
Use virtual URL for refreshing sidepane to avoid script firing

Revision: 4508
'add to junk' and 'add to memento' to recent items context menu

Revision: 4509
Remove double-click listener

Revision: 4510
Fix ASH forward references. New ASH functions:
stat to_stat (string );
string string_modifier( effect, string );

Revision: 4511
Add support for Tuesday's ruby

Revision: 4512
remove a couple of duplicate lines

Revision: 4513
Opt-in monster stats in relay browser
Ignore instant messages while initializing chat

Revision: 4514
Custom outfit and mood support for basement diving

Revision: 4515
Only run outfit/buff swaps if failure expected

Revision: 4516
Include DA when doing gauntlet basement test

Revision: 4517
Recalculate damage absorption after mood+outfit switch

Revision: 4518
Add boolean modifers: Softcore Only & Single Equip

Revision: 4519
Use phial for the element for which you have weaker resistance

Revision: 4520
Add drop information to relay browser

Revision: 4521
Recognize mojo filter

Revision: 4522
Add features to gCLI-driven sidepane refresh

Revision: 4523
Add a coule of monsters

Revision: 4524
Substring matching prefers starts-with over index-of
Fix moods not firing during automated adventuring

Revision: 4525
Mark infinite-use items as usable
Fix implicit checkpointing at start of adventure
Fix adventure substring matching to prefer starts-with

Revision: 4526
Don't switch outfits for buffs post-Ronin

Revision: 4527
Accept comma-delimited list for cast command

Revision: 4528
Fix handling of hunter/trapper menu items

Revision: 4529
Add HP and MP regeneration numeric modifiers.
Add Never Fumble and Weakens Monster boolean modifiers.
Add a couple of monsters.

Revision: 4530
ASH function: boolean boolean_modifier( string). Eliminate string_modifier().

Revision: 4531
Re-introduce overdrinking protection
Abort when you run out of MP for using a skill

Revision: 4532
Never switch equipment for ode
Fix auto-attack switching for skills

Revision: 4533
Fix reply link in IP Express

Revision: 4534
Auto-select in-browser text fields on focus
Several pvp-friendly relay browser defaults

Revision: 4535
Add outfits to modifiers.txt

Revision: 4536
Allow ASH scripts to send HTML to the relay browser

Revision: 4537
Fix ASH scripts always returning 404 errors
Add "write" and "writeln" methods to resemble Javascript

Revision: 4538
Allow relay-browser ASH scripts to override KoL pages

Revision: 4539
Pass all form fields to the requesting script

Revision: 4540
Centralize familiar modifiers. Exotic Parrot.

Revision: 4541
Add string buffer and regular expression functions

Revision: 4542
Add thread synchronization for ASH overrides
Add relay_url() to return HTML as KoLmafia renders it

Revision: 4543
Reduce number of URL restrictions

Revision: 4544
Allow relay-browser ASH scripts to relay any unrestricted URL

Revision: 4545
Move relay browser scripts to scripts/relay

Revision: 4546
enchanted leopard-print barbell is a spleen item

Revision: 4547
Move all relay browser overrides to the "relay" folder
Allow relay browser and mushroom planting scripts to be imported

Revision: 4548
Some anti-viruses might flag .php.ash as a bad extension

Revision: 4549
Release write lock before trying to delete override file download failure

Revision: 4550
Also send path to called script for variable convenience

Revision: 4551
Let relay_url return a string buffer

Revision: 4552
Automatically transform pickpocket into steal

Revision: 4553
Check if directory exists before searching it for scripts
Allow CLI to recognize bang potions by spoiler name

Revision: 4554
Rename internal /html directory to /relay

Revision: 4555
Sidebar-less frames really don't get a sidebar.
DescriptionFrame is sidebar-less
showGameDescription uses DescriptionFrame, not FightFrame

Revision: 4556
Disallow reading of settings files
Allow spoiler names for bang potions to act as filters

Revision: 4557
Save map as 'last item used' after using blackbird

Revision: 4558
If monster health is not known, show nothing
Post-oasis desert is the location with combat encounters

Revision: 4559
Fix /basics.js timeout message

Revision: 4560
Only retry requests for PHP files

Revision: 4561
Demon name properties

Revision: 4562
Re-add replace_string function for simple replace-all without regular expressions

Revision: 4563
Fix potential display update race condition for auto-login

Revision: 4564
Automatically detect, log, and save 4 of the 5 demon names

Revision: 4565
Fix relay command handling

Revision: 4566
Only report damage if recording is enabled

Revision: 4567
For simplicity, remove relay_url

Revision: 4568
Fix visit_url for fight pages

Revision: 4569
Use correct property for autoAbortThreshold. Correct capitalization.

Revision: 4570
Allow reuse of saved description html. Add "Adventures" modifier.

Revision: 4571
Slight modifications to buffbot user interface and execution
Auto-calculate whether or not a buff should be offered once per day
Change white listing to optionally apply to all philanthropic buffs rather than some

Revision: 4572
Fix null pointer on incorrect amount

Revision: 4573
Put revision number in "debug" target

Revision: 4574
Do not fail on errors

Revision: 4575
Fix ascension snapshots and ascension histories

Revision: 4576
If item fails usable/creatable filter for applicable command, don't print it in the list of other matches

Revision: 4577
Patch / workaround on CLI-execute URLs

Revision: 4578
Anything can be coerced into a string

Revision: 4579
Instantiate fewer KoLRequest objects
Remove bounty hunter URL restriction

Revision: 4580
Add more mana cost reduction items to item switcher

Revision: 4581
Rename menu items

Revision: 4582
Handle potential character pane race condition

Revision: 4583
Fix exact matching for adventures

Revision: 4584
When new URL constructed, null the old response text

Revision: 4585
Introduce "daily" target which adds revision numbers to filenames

Revision: 4586
User-friendlier output for builds
Remove "clean" dependency from "debug"

Revision: 4587
Fix accidental override of version number

Revision: 4588
New monsters

Revision: 4589
Refreshing concoctions before reading ascension count can lose bang potion
names. DOn't do that.

Revision: 4590
Fix it a better way and preemptively fix spheres and dusty bottles similarly

Revision: 4591
New status effects

Revision: 4592
Fix saving of CCS on Windows

Revision: 4593
Update filters rather than adding/removing elements directly

Revision: 4594
Simplify item retrieval tests

Revision: 4595
Fix item filtering field
Implement set as add and remove

Revision: 4596
Fix load button not being handled correctly

Revision: 4597
Save a click during inline use link loading

Revision: 4598
Fix palindome shelves handler

Revision: 4599
Allow equip links to load inline if preference set

Revision: 4600
Fix duplicated elements on list models

Revision: 4601
Handle extremely long purchase strings

Revision: 4602
Fix potential race condition when opening chat

Revision: 4603
Fix potential list filter inefficiency
Move scripted actions to applicable frame
Speed up header check for relay browser
Remove "default" from recognized CCS actions list
Force UTF-8 encoding when converting string to bytes

Revision: 4604
Applying a new filter only impacts current list

Revision: 4605
Re-add clean dependency to default target

Revision: 4606
Effect modifiers

Revision: 4607
Make static methods and variables final
Group settings by player, rather than by type

Revision: 4608
Since updateFilter() is called before changes, use == and != instead of equals()

Revision: 4609
Slightly reduce overhead of script overrides
Fix potential performance problems with relay chat

Revision: 4610
Implement set as remove and add to take advantage of equality operator

Revision: 4611
Updating filters is expensive -- only do it when necessary

Revision: 4612
Fix dropdown dropping last letter in login name

Revision: 4613
Add more filters to store manager

Revision: 4614
Remove filtering from gear changer

Revision: 4615
Fix OS X application menu

Revision: 4616
Black market and island war detection via quest logs

Revision: 4617
Fix compile error

Revision: 4618
Bracelet, not shield

Revision: 4619
Fix custom combat causing the side pane not to refresh
Speed up custom combat (only show current round, not all past rounds)

Revision: 4620
Only print request properties once per attempt

Revision: 4621
Fix overzealous search/replace

Revision: 4622
Restore erroneously removed call to KoLmafia.processResults()

Revision: 4623
Fix settings file renaming

Revision: 4624
Fix list filters

Revision: 4625
Fix sort() routine for for unsorted list models

Revision: 4626
Reduce server load from running gCLI refreshes

Revision: 4627
Replace parameter passing with (slightly faster) allowance of looking up form fields

Revision: 4628
Tabify. Effect modifier.

Revision: 4629
Detect "crossed signal" summoning

Revision: 4630
Fix elemental resistance cap. Fix Cold Resistance

Revision: 4631
Sort script menu by name (case-sensitive)

Revision: 4632
All path names already absolute -- no need to call getAbsolutePath()

Revision: 4633
Force sidepane reload rather than reloading sidepane from cache

Revision: 4634
Fix relay browser scripts
Reduce checks during URL processing

Revision: 4635
Fix relay browser overrides not firing

Revision: 4636
Fewer string comparisons in the average case

Revision: 4637
Add init as explicit dependency

Revision: 4638
Randomize wine cellar location
Do not load /who list if not in KoLmafia chat

Revision: 4639
Also auto-flag items sold in the relay browser
Do not pulverize antique items during junk script

Revision: 4640
Add "checkmodifiers" command to find modifiers that don't parse correctly.
Fix incorrect modifiers and patterns.

Revision: 4641
Fix inline comments handling
Fix coercion test on return values

Revision: 4642
New items

Revision: 4643
Add jsmooth target

Revision: 4644
Wait until logout until you save settings
Post logout request instead of using CLI command

Revision: 4645
Fix consumption

Revision: 4646
Recognize discarding items. Pluralize big boom.

Revision: 4647
Force logout and settings saving on exit
More intuitive action for memento-flagged items
Avoid 100 meat reprices (usually not valid)
Make sure untradeable items are filtered out of store manager

Revision: 4648
Useless powder is not multi-usable
Do not attempt logout on exit (just do all variable saving)

Revision: 4649
Prompt before auto-shattering hippy stones

Revision: 4650
More informative indexing failure messages

Revision: 4651
Only show item names when showing overlap lists
When moving from tally, use inventory amounts

Revision: 4652
Display HTML for infinite use items, too.
No sidebar/topbar for displaying item usage.

Revision: 4653
Remove pre-ronin and post-ronin junk distinction
Add new "singletons" item list to augment junk list
Replace ascension checklist with shameless advertising

Revision: 4654
Add new context menu item to junk list

Revision: 4655
Remove tier 1 epic weapons from singleton list

Revision: 4656
If a player breaks Ronin, auto-smith tier 1 epics

Revision: 4657
Track singleton items in the player's closet

Revision: 4658
Item manager rearranging

Revision: 4659
End point range for RNG.nextInt is exclusive, not inclusive

Revision: 4660
Implement variable declaration as variable initialization

Revision: 4661
Flower hunter should post data to profile frame

Revision: 4662
Automatically check plurals against Wiki. Fix many plurals.

Revision: 4663
Allow system tray code to trigger on non-XP systems
Make inline links loading less jerky

Revision: 4664
Improve error messages if given non-boolean conditional expression.

Revision: 4665
Fix double initialization causing stack traces

Revision: 4666
Add get_ingredients and item_drops methods to ASH
Treat adding machine handling as a preparatory round

Revision: 4667
Add is_npc_item to ASH methods

Revision: 4668
Auto-disassemble barrels clovers
Move some request modifiers to request type

Revision: 4669
Fix searching of items with entities in their name

Revision: 4670
Allow buffbot and file download checks to time out

Revision: 4671
System tray option only for Windows XP

Revision: 4672
Allow buffbot database to be loaded while logged off
Fix inability to request from buffbots offering smiles

Revision: 4673
Better handling of black market and hippy store unlock

Revision: 4674
Reduce number of string scans for quest completion

Revision: 4675
Remove automatic mood switch when basement diving
Automatic outfit switch when basement diving in the relay browser

Revision: 4676
Basement spoilers

Revision: 4677
Explicitly depend on version target

Revision: 4678
Include white listed members as valid clan members for buff/update purposes

Revision: 4679
Show all tracked rounds

Revision: 4680
Fix familiar trainer equipment swaps

Revision: 4681
Fix familiar trainer output not scrolling

Revision: 4682
Wizard familiar parameters

Revision: 4683
SSPD item and status effect

Revision: 4684
Allow between-battle scripts to execute while in a SSPD Stupor

Revision: 4685
Make use of MESSAGE_DISPLAY use type
Check shelves, rather than collection, when deciding when to run a musuem request

Revision: 4686
Reduce number of character pane page loads

Revision: 4687
Fix login throwing null pointer exception

Revision: 4688
Non-PHP files do not contain any parseable results

Revision: 4689
Update version number

Revision: 4690
Fix fresh installations

Revision: 4691
Change which panels show "how many to move" options
Update player state after every request

Revision: 4692
Make CLI mode usable

Revision: 4693
Add more result-exempt pages
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