Differences Between Release 11.1 and 11.2

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The following is an abbreviated version of the Subversion commit message logs.  Please keep in mind that these messages are intended for other developers and they take the files which were modified into context in order to limit the amount of verbage.  In general, they are not intended for general audiences and should not be treated as "official" documentation -- they are informal and abbreviated, at best.

If you do not understand what something says, try looking at the full version of the revision by following the accompanying link for the revision.  The only difference is that the files which were modified will be listed, and sometimes, you can guess what happened from file names (though not always).  If you still have no idea what happened, that's okay -- it probably doesn't relate to what you're doing with KoLmafia. ^_~

Furthermore, not everything marked as "fixed" is guaranteed to be fixed, not all changes are guaranteed to have a change.  This is due the fact that both time and turns are finite and only a limited number of things can be tested.  Some changes go in untested, assuming they would work, when they actually don't due to erroneous assumptions; alpha testers occasionally will be able to give feedback, but it's not always possible.

For example, if you read the revision logs for what changed between 10.2 and 10.3, the plus sign choice adventure was meant to get a use link.  Something as seemingly insignificant as KoL using two spaces instead of one space in the sentence "It's actually a book. Read it." would mean the change didn't actually work -- anyone can verify that, in fact, the change didn't work for this very reason.  If you ever encounter something like that, a non-accusatory mention of it (non-accusatory meaning anything that neither implies "ZOMG FALSE ADVERTISING" nor "You guys said this was fixed, but...") somewhere will usually result in the problem getting addressed.

Finally, if you've got a bug to report, make sure you read up on how to post a detailed bug report.  While the rules outlined apply specifically to bugs related to scripting, many of them are applicable to KoLmafia bug reports in general.  Most importantly, I hate the words "annoying" and "frustrating".  Never use them when describing a bug/feature.  Ever.  Thanks.  The abridged revision logs follow.


Revision: 3961
Switch to undo instead of clear
Fix item counting for item creation
Fix handling of queued distillations

Revision: 3962
Fix handling of queued stilled mixers
Fix undo handling for queued distillations

Revision: 3963
Remove debug text
Update version information

Revision: 3964
When flushing the queue, reset everything

Revision: 3965
Add a few items

Revision: 3966
Increase socket timeout wait period to 2 minutes
Fix stack traces when parsing effect description ids
Add basic support for handling description ids

Revision: 3967
Remove short name field

Revision: 3968
Initial support for detuned radio and Annoy-o-tron 5K

Revision: 3969
Add new files. Oops.

Revision: 3970
Adjusting radio now works through menu

Revision: 3971
Change valhalla page to include lifestyles
More effect id to description id changes

Revision: 3972
Re-add ascend button and familiar dropdown

Revision: 3973
Fix status effect handling

Revision: 3974
Only print each status effect once

Revision: 3975
Slightly easier copy-paste for effect IDs

Revision: 3976
Legendary Epic Weapons for Seal Clubber, Sauceress, Pastamancer, Accordion Thief

Revision: 3977
Format for new status effect data

Revision: 3978
Defaults for new choice adventures

Revision: 3979
Smarter handling of new status effect ids

Revision: 3980
Fix override file generation
gCLI notifications for new effects

Revision: 3981
More description ids

Revision: 3982
Add Gno-mart

Revision: 3983
More status effect updates

Revision: 3984
Cyrpt choice adventures. Changes to Spirit of Rigatoni

Revision: 3985
Fix gCLI chat tab

Revision: 3986
Add parsed effects to active effects

Revision: 3987
Really Expensive Jewelrymaking. Anniversary items.

Revision: 3988
Fix status effect over-refreshing

Revision: 3989
More status effect description IDs

Revision: 3990
Make various to_ conversions explicit
Re-add to_familiar for compatibility

Revision: 3991
Even more status effect description IDs

Revision: 3992
Add "newdata" CLI command to help harvest data

Revision: 3993
Be tolerant and verbose about concoctions with unknown ingredients or mixing
methods. Add new expensive jewelry items and recipes. Add ability to create
expensive jewelry. Add new chefstaves, recipes, and ingredients.

Revision: 3994
Fix status effect database loading
Add notification messages for "newdata"

Revision: 3995
Add chefstaff creation

Revision: 3996
Fix handling of equipment intrinsic effects

Revision: 3997
Fix conditional pocket
Ronin period is 1000 turns
Centralize ASH url handling

Revision: 3998
Black Forest and Black Market

Revision: 3999
Handle items available in NPC stores with autosell price of 0

Revision: 4000
to_familiar returns FAMILIAR_TYPE. Goatlet choiceadv. broken petri dish

Revision: 4001
Ascii shirt. Number scrolls no longer combinable with meat paste.

Revision: 4002
Fix item id creation

Revision: 4003
Re-add to_location

Revision: 4004
Hidden Temple, Hidden City

Revision: 4005
Arid Desert choice adventure

Revision: 4006
Defaults for choice adventures

Revision: 4007
Cyrpt quest items

Revision: 4008
Desert and Oasis items and effects

Revision: 4009
Restore character entities. More Desert and Oasis items

Revision: 4010
Fix problem with high ASCII characters and override tables

Revision: 4011
More data table updates

Revision: 4012
Fix entities

Revision: 4013
Slow down request speed if lag detected

Revision: 4014
Introduce randomized delay on each timeout

Revision: 4015
Still more items and effects

Revision: 4016
Slightly increased lag tolerance

Revision: 4017
Slightly increase lag sensitivity

Revision: 4018
Make settings recording thread safe

Revision: 4019
Status effect database updates

Revision: 4020
Add whitespace

Revision: 4021
Fill in details for many "unknown" items

Revision: 4022
Use a simpler method than notify/wait for queued commands

Revision: 4023
Remove automatic big rock retrieval
Add handling for skill casting restrictions

Revision: 4024
Using black market map successfully removes familiar.
Azazel quest choice adventure and quest items
Bounty Hunter quest items

Revision: 4025
Palm frond weaving. Palm-frond items. Fix item name of palindromic food.

Revision: 4026
Mick's inhaler

Revision: 4027
Updated data files

Revision: 4028
Wartime Island items, choice adventures, zones, areas

Revision: 4029
Blue Tongue

Revision: 4030
Updated data files

Revision: 4031
Update items and effects.

Revision: 4032
Fix items in inventory not showing up if creation method not possible

Revision: 4033
Always resort after hitting the per drunk/full checkbox

Revision: 4034
Ant equipment is equippable on any familiar.
Post-war Island areas.
Item plural and effect ID.

Revision: 4035
Disallow multiple instances of KoLmafia from running concurrently

Revision: 4036
Fix subsequent sessions not starting

Revision: 4037
ant familiar items do not add to weight.
Supernova Champagne is booze, not food.
Add some preliminary fullness/inebriety data

Revision: 4038
Use actual file locks

Revision: 4039
Fix sorting of usable items

Revision: 4040
Fix per-unit fullness/inebriety sorting

Revision: 4041
Outfit numbers

Revision: 4042
Remove debug code

Revision: 4043
Additional URL restrictions

Revision: 4044
Refactor palm frond weaving into general multi-use creation method.
Mummy wrapping and duct tape recipes.

Revision: 4045
ear trumpet improves initiative

Revision: 4046
Remove stack trace when relay browser times out

Revision: 4047
More removals of debug log printing

Revision: 4048
Make adventuring delay partly depend on turns used

Revision: 4049
Instead of ban, heavily delay fight request speed

Revision: 4050
Delay in-browser CCS after 5000 turns

Revision: 4051
First round of combat should not be impacted

Revision: 4052
fix choice spoiler

Revision: 4053
Fix potential null pointer when locking files

Revision: 4054
Correctly register multi-use creation requests

Revision: 4055
Frat House choice adventures

Revision: 4056
More data

Revision: 4057
Mysticality class weapons.
Hit stat can be any of Muscle, Mysticality, or Moxie
New items.
Snakehead charm is a quest item.

Revision: 4058
New status effects
Replace (TM) with ™

Revision: 4059
Trim excess whitespace when generating canonical names

Revision: 4060
Pyramid quest items. Status effect. Adventure area.

Revision: 4061
More quest rewards

Revision: 4062
Reduce delay increments

Revision: 4063
Increase decrement rate

Revision: 4064
Fix "use milk" showing up as "cast ode"
More status effects

Revision: 4065
More items and recipes

Revision: 4066
Filthworm scent glands are usable, not food. New item. Status effect ID.

Revision: 4067
Various combat items do not get consumed when used. New status effect.

Revision: 4068
New items and recipes. Sorceress Lair data

Revision: 4069
Status effect IDs. Handle dual wielding melee/mysticality/ranged weapons.

Revision: 4070
New items and recipes

Revision: 4071
Still more items.

Revision: 4072
digital key and Richard's star key are quest items

Revision: 4073
Hippy produce stand foods for frat boys

Revision: 4074
Allow many login options to appear after login
Make enqueue functionality optional

Revision: 4075
Philanthropic buffs are now once per week

Revision: 4076
Adjust allowable ASH locations

Revision: 4077
Item description numbers, new status effect

Revision: 4078
New items and effects

Revision: 4079
Better debug logging

Revision: 4080
Remember last selected tab

Revision: 4081
Improve spoilers for Barn Corners.
Include rest of known items and recipes
Wand can be in inventory.
Spade fullness data for Genalen bottle.

Revision: 4082
Smarter implementation of csend

Revision: 4083
Slightly faster (and less error-prone) computation of visible indices

Revision: 4084
Fix some item description IDs. McMillicancuddy's Special Lager is booze.

Revision: 4085
Do not send warning if item is creatable and is successfully created

Revision: 4086
Disallow hippy store access after level 12

Revision: 4087
Slightly more lenient NPC store restriction

Revision: 4088
Molybdenum magnet is not consumed when used in combat.
Optimist Primal status effect - +5 Weight
Easily Embarrassed status effect.
Item description # for discarded pacifier.
Correct modifiers for Oder of the Silver Wossname.

Revision: 4089
aNew status effect and status effect description ids

Revision: 4090
Require Level 13 to attempt Sorceress Lair quests.
Handle new lair gates: detect needed effects and let user cast them.
The massive sitar and Shagadelic Banjo are stringed instruments.
The Squeezebox of the Ages is an accordion.
Status effect ID for Strange Mental Acuity

Revision: 4091
Fix index out of bounds exception during auto-restore

Revision: 4092
Do not attempt to relax if not possible

Revision: 4093
Disable hedge maze and shadow fighting scripts.
Fix capitalization of some shadow monsters.

Revision: 4094
status effects. consumption types

Revision: 4095
Adjust gift item autosell prices. Fix some item descriptor numbers.

Revision: 4096
Stubs for rotation computation algorithm for NS13 hedge maze puzzle

Revision: 4097
Remove money game mod support

Revision: 4098
More item changes

Revision: 4099
Fix accidental removal of lifestyle selector

Revision: 4100
Fix consuming Dr Hobo's Map and Cobb's Knob Map.
Status effect and item descriptors

Revision: 4101
Fix recipe for Mace of the Tortoise

Revision: 4102
Close the file output stream after writing to it

Revision: 4103
Fix brand new effects with no effect ids constantly saying "status effect database updated" when no update happened

Revision: 4104
Refresh character pane to grab new description IDs

Revision: 4105
Force war hippy outfit after level 12

Revision: 4106
Don't attack players in the same clan

Revision: 4107
Retrieve clan id

Revision: 4108
Rearrange locations

Revision: 4109
More items and status effects

Revision: 4110
New combat skills from IOTM - and others not yet available...

Revision: 4111
Desc ID for turtle chain. Fix item name. Status effects IDs

Revision: 4112
more status effect ids

Revision: 4113
Fix potential close/reopen window memory leak

Revision: 4114
Fix wiki description context menu item for usables sections

Revision: 4115
SkillBuffFrame has tabs. Fireworks status effects.

Revision: 4116
Make chat toolbar opt-in
Add logout/exit menu items

Revision: 4117
Add Alt+F4 hotkey on non-OSX machines

Revision: 4118
Refine maze solver

Revision: 4119
Refine maze solver

Revision: 4120
Remember bang potion effects

Revision: 4121
Render bang potion effects
Add ! CLI command for quick summary

Revision: 4122
Only replace actual item, not use text

Revision: 4123
Fix whitespace and gender check for bang potions used in fights

Revision: 4124
Add Brimstone items

Revision: 4125
Handle Funkslinging bang potions. Handle bang effects vs. plual monsters.
Status effect. Improve Cyrpt choice adventure spoilers.

Revision: 4126
Item description numbers. Recipe.

Revision: 4127
Cupcake status effects.
Label bang potions in fight and multiuse "use item" dropdowns.
Label bang potions wherever found: from chests, in mall, ...

Revision: 4128
Different search text for inebriety

Revision: 4129
Castle zone moved

Revision: 4130
Include items that generate needed gate status effects.

Revision: 4131
Handle various quests

Revision: 4132
Typo fix

Revision: 4133
Bounty hunter relay browser support

Revision: 4134
Remove internal bounty hunter menu item

Revision: 4135
Fix more potential tabbed pane memory leaks
Automatic handling of proxies on OS X

Revision: 4136
fix recipe

Revision: 4137
Recognize bounty completion

Revision: 4138
Decrease delay increment

Revision: 4139
Turn chat toolbar on by default

Revision: 4140
More status effects

Revision: 4141
Main interface uses red-style tab closers

Revision: 4142
Post-War Hippy Camp

Revision: 4143
Fix action listener memory leak on buff request frame
Remove philanthropic offerings from buff request window

Revision: 4144
Fix null pointer exception

Revision: 4145
Use hide on close for most windows

Revision: 4146
Temporarily disable multiple mini-browser instances

Revision: 4147
Relay Browser "use" links for Bounty items.

Revision: 4148
correct gate names

Revision: 4149
Sorceress entryway script will acquire and use necessary items to pass the
three gate puzzle

Revision: 4150
Memory leak debugging

Revision: 4151
Remove tabbed pane listeners
Remove pointer to created frame

Revision: 4152
Aggressive removal rather than reliance on weak references

Revision: 4153
Unregister list listeners from menus when frame closed

Revision: 4154
Additional pointer nulling

Revision: 4155
Report all missing gate items.

Revision: 4156
Increase lag tolerance before delays
Fix item id test for bounty hunter items

Revision: 4157
Fix delays never decrementing

Revision: 4158
Rename turns used method

Revision: 4159
Fix null pointer when closing desktop frame

Revision: 4160
Fix null pointer when disposing main interface

Revision: 4161
Add my_id to ASH

Revision: 4162
Detection of bounty items

Revision: 4163
All pending/propose trades go through relay browser

Revision: 4164
Without the old bounty hunter, trapper support isn't necessary

Revision: 4165
More status effects. Add stone rose to tradeitems.txt

Revision: 4166
The Tr4pz0r IS useful enough to access as a Relay Browser request...

Revision: 4167
Change buffbot white list to only include clan members
Switch from context menu item to delete key to remove items from list

Revision: 4168
Fix double processing of automated choice adventures

Revision: 4169
Fix KoLmafia not existing if you open something other than the main interface

Revision: 4170
Fix potential early logout

Revision: 4171
Fix Windows menu showing hidden frames

Revision: 4172
After retrieving stash contents, mark stash retrieved

Revision: 4173
Add frames to pages loaded via menus

Revision: 4174
Fix element removal handling

Revision: 4175
Allow philanthropic buffs to be de-activated

Revision: 4176
Handful of sand is multi-usable.
Support for stone sphere effects.

Revision: 4177
Fix assorted null pointers

Revision: 4178
Fix ABE in gate puzzle solver

Revision: 4179
Add delays during lag strictly to adventuring and/or timeouts

Revision: 4180
Increase slowness tolerance

Revision: 4181
Fix over-decrement of lag tolerance

Revision: 4182
Fix array index out of bounds exception

Revision: 4183
Failure to find a gate is a fatal error.

Revision: 4184
Fix final rotations

Revision: 4185
Allow resting to restore only HP or MP

Revision: 4186
Recognize zero rotations needed to complete maze

Revision: 4187
Use new algoithm through level 13

Revision: 4188
If mood says "uneffect", override with actual possible intent when uneffecting

Revision: 4189
Allow overrides

Revision: 4190
Fewer action listeners on objectives checkbox

Revision: 4191
Drum machine. Pyramid has two choice adventures.

Revision: 4192
Delay debug

Revision: 4193
More delay debug text

Revision: 4194
intervalRemoved should use getElementAt, so revert elemental removal "fixes"

Revision: 4195
Fix up arrows not appearing on items not in mood

Revision: 4196
Inject Javascript to solve palindome shelves

Revision: 4197
Do not include initial roundtrip TCP connection opening in lag calculation

Revision: 4198
Fix quest log links coming up as events

Revision: 4199
Experimental case-insensitive handling of tower guards

Revision: 4200
Only include command history for gCLI chat tab

Revision: 4201
Minor change to choice spoilers.

Revision: 4202
Fix bang potion usage for three-gate puzzle.
Gate name checking is case insensitive.
Fix URL for the Farm. Fix recipe for gnatloaf. Effect ID for Engorged Weapon.

Revision: 4203
Add boilermaker inebriety data. Get actual named star starfish in Lair.
No Familiar is "(none)" not "(none) (1)" in Gear Changer.
Change equipment before change familiar in Gear Changer.

Revision: 4204
Slightly more compact buffbot request interface

Revision: 4205
Add spleen use and fullness functions

Revision: 4206
Fix handling of queued daily specials

Revision: 4207
Fix restaurant/microbrewery items not showing up

Revision: 4208
Increase delay debug information

Revision: 4209
Do not count redirects toward lag estimate

Revision: 4210
Macintosh requires VK_BACK_SPACE, not VK_DELETE

Revision: 4211
Fix request frame not reappearing when re-requested

Revision: 4212
Make creatable items update thread-safe

Revision: 4213
ASH for statement improvement: for <start> to <end> by <increment>

Revision: 4214
Fix Island War choice adventures

Revision: 4215
Move equipment removal code into equipment request
Fix mirror shard equipping using unnecessary steps
Move familiar item unequip code to familiar request

Revision: 4216
Add red pixel potions to default items

Revision: 4217
Remember to equip the mirror shard

Revision: 4218
Use non-variable delay from early versions

Revision: 4219
Fix compile error

Revision: 4220
Change auto-attack for adventure sequences not using custom combat

Revision: 4221
Delay buffbot project until after release

Revision: 4222
Fix compile error

Revision: 4223
Ragamuffin Imp

Revision: 4224
Increase initial lag tolerance
Detect feast of boris for fullness counter

Revision: 4225
Moods support for oasis/desert
Sidebar GUI refresh uses character sheet

Revision: 4226
Remove a couple of incorrect loop bogosity checks.

Revision: 4227
Make delays optional on a per-login basis

Revision: 4228
Only enable auto-attack if it hasn't been enabled

Revision: 4229
Only enable auto-attack for zones with known, non-zero combat encounter rates

Revision: 4230
Remove stray character

Revision: 4231
Slight improvement to auto-attack enabling to handle micro-managed ASH scripts

Revision: 4232
Fix KoLmafia-driven auto pickpocket

Revision: 4233
Familiar Trainer transcript now includes familiar item equipping.
Arena parameters for Ragamuffin Imp

Revision: 4234
Fix feast detection

Revision: 4235
Add load_html function to ASH
Stop checking for a datamaps folder

Revision: 4236
If delay not active, print the delay that would have been added

Revision: 4237
Array bounds check on tab layout
Track considered and actual delay separately

Revision: 4238
Remove "loading" notice when loading request data
Only print to the messages window if setting value actually changes
Change auto-attack if staying in the same area, but changing combat strategy

Revision: 4239
Fix handling of dough products in queue

Revision: 4240
Make sure clear/re-add happens in order
Push all display pane updates into Swing thread

Revision: 4241
Detect steel organ acquisition

Revision: 4242
Some people running a buffbot don't set it as a startup option

Revision: 4243
Add standard limit for restaurant/microbrewery items

Revision: 4244
invokeLater instead of invokeAndWait

Revision: 4245
Slightly more efficient mini-browser handling

Revision: 4246
Remove function call overhead

Revision: 4247
Remove combat queue support

Revision: 4248
Remove XP and initiative labels

Revision: 4249
Fix chat buffer null pointer
Rename various ASH methods
Decrease player status update overhead

Revision: 4250
Use wiki data on leatherback

Revision: 4251
Add turns_played function for people who want to write a semirare counter

Revision: 4252
Use wiki volleyball formula

Revision: 4253
Re-add experience adjustment modifier

Revision: 4254
Fix gridlayout

Revision: 4255
Increased flexibility in chat font size
Fix tab not being selected when frame called from menu

Revision: 4256
Adjust fixed experience increase
Faster tracking of overall delay

Revision: 4257
Fix delay amount considered display

Revision: 4258
Square root formula for sombrero

Revision: 4259
Item manager remembers last selected card

Revision: 4260
Fix request synch not loading

Revision: 4261
Fix delay when running the "clear" CLI command

Revision: 4262
Introduce description frame for popups

Revision: 4263
Fix file retrieval

Revision: 4264
Allow base-directory relative map filenames for internal maps

Revision: 4265
Disable hippy store access after level 12

Revision: 4266
Remove hippy store access
Fix white citadel access

Revision: 4267
Use store name in determining accessibility for multiple stores with the same id

Revision: 4268
Initial hippy store handling

Revision: 4269
Only use clovers in lucky entryway

Revision: 4270
Fix double-processing of ingredients during item creation

Revision: 4271
Make sure internal requests are processed at least once

Revision: 4272
During war, need war hippy fatigues

Revision: 4273
Handle plural monsters when detecting bang potion effects

Revision: 4274
more status effect desc ids

Revision: 4275
many status effect IDs from the Wiki

Revision: 4276
User indicates that mysticality is never used for to-hit

Revision: 4277
Simplify familiar type handling
All exits attempt to logout and save settings first

Revision: 4278
Remove zone category validation

Revision: 4279
Informative message when visit hippy store during breakfast

Revision: 4280
Multi-use mojo filters

Revision: 4281
No infinite loop if we can't extract effect in sidepane

Revision: 4282
Add new "equipment" section to item manager

Revision: 4283
Fix area validation

Revision: 4284
Simplify "should this scroll" check
Fix creatable non-equipment fixed filter

Revision: 4285
Items cannot be used as auto-attacks

Revision: 4286
Less-strict test for ascension process completion

Revision: 4287
Casualcore has zero-turn ronin period
Fix handling of softcore zodiac sign select
Automatically load toot oriole (no redirect)

Revision: 4288
Fewer page loads after ascension
Recognition of concertina for AT buffs

Revision: 4289
Only refresh Hagnk's if it's not known to be empty

Revision: 4290
Fix potential display flicker weirdness when logging in while in Valhalla

Revision: 4291
Better consumption data for NS13 items

Revision: 4292
Unidentified jerky

Revision: 4293
Do not check consumption limits when queueing concoctions: "move", not "use"

Revision: 4294
Add restorative items section to item manager

Revision: 4295
Enforce maximum possible on setBuffCount

Revision: 4296
Make hippy store reset check more strict

Revision: 4297
Disallow access to special hippy stores before level 12

Revision: 4298
No divide by zero calculating "buff count" for passive skills.

Revision: 4299
meat detector, not meat0 detector

Revision: 4300
Hagnk's equipment tab should be "pull & use"

Revision: 4301
Fix doubled moon phase updates

Revision: 4302
Take string buffer processing out of Swing thread

Revision: 4303
Better buff refresh handling during lag

Revision: 4304
Fix gCLI not displaying anything if loaded after login

Revision: 4305
Fix mini-browser autoscroll

Revision: 4306
Prefer purchases when no ingredients are available

Revision: 4307
Only purchase from the mall when interaction is possible

Revision: 4308
Add null pointer checks
Fix checkboxes on usable section

Revision: 4309
Choice adventure gaps

Revision: 4310
Make cyrpt choice adventures spoiler-only
Always honor "skip adventure" choices

Revision: 4311
Conditions take precedence over settings
More choice adventure rearrangement

Revision: 4312

Revision: 4313
Add bbcode generator for choice spoilers

Revision: 4314
User-friendlier viewing of bbcode generated information

Revision: 4315
Re-add around the world and knob shaft as configurable choices

Revision: 4316
Change palindome default settings
Force update of non-configurable choices on version change

Revision: 4317
Make knob outskirts adventure configurable

Revision: 4318
Fix lemon adventure configure option not appearing
Test for tradeable status before trying to purchase items

Revision: 4319
Test for tradeability when creation not possible also

Revision: 4320
Use a single thread to handle all custom combat
Handle Firefox history-cache memory leak by using reload() instead of resetting location

Revision: 4321
Recognize enter key on login window

Revision: 4322
Version number update

Revision: 4323
Reset auto-attack for the hidden city

Revision: 4324
Only reset auto-attack if there are form fields
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