Bug - Waiting for Info Detecting battlefield ending different when adventuring from the CLI vs relay browser


Active member
> ash get_property("hippiesDefeated")

Returned: 992

> adv 1 bat frat

Visit to IsleWar: The Battlefield (Frat Uniform) in progress...
There are no hippy soldiers left.

> ash get_property("hippiesDefeated")

Returned: 992
I would have expected that variable to update to 1000. Then I clicked on the battle field in the relay browser and got "There are no hippy soldiers left -- the way to their camp is clear!" I returned to the CLI.
> ash get_property("hippiesDefeated")

Returned: 1000
So, it works correctly from the relay browser.
It wasn't the adventuring that fixed it, but seeing the island. You can replicate this by using text place.php?whichplace=islandwar (or whatever place it is) and it will update the count.
We could/should correct the kill count when detecting the adventure failure - which is how I interpreted the Bug Report.