Feature Despite all your rage adventure count


I often automate putting cagebait into place, when he is running, I'll gnaw the cage, and let it keep turning valves and opening grates for a period. The problem is that it counts gnawing the cage as 1 adv, instead of the 10 it costs. Mafia tracks other things that cost more than 1 adv properly, so it would be nice if it tracked this properly (and would spend those 'advs' from the number in the adventure window)
Mafia does not "count" or "track" adventures. It updates adventures used based on what the char pane refresh says happened.

You'll have to explain more what you mean by "automation", how you are detecting the passage of adventures, and what seems to be wrong. From what you wrote so far, I can't begin to guess.
What I mean by automating with the adventure tab is when you select a location, and put in a quantity of advs to use, click begin. I guess I was wrong about it maintaining the correct number of advs here also. When you do the 'vacation' adventures, it takes 3 (or 5 in WotSF) and it only uses 1 of the adventures it is slated to use. (so if you tell it to do 100, it would actually spend 300 adventures).
So, it sounds like KoLmafia is doing exactly what it intends to do: when you type in "X", it visits the location "X" times. "X" is NOT "the number of turns you spend in the location". "X" is "the number of times you visit the location."

If you tell it to visit The Briny Deeps 50 times, that will take 50 turns - if you have Fishy throughout - 100 turns - if you have no Fishy - and something in between, if Fishy runs out while you are adventuring.

I see no bug.
I didn't list it as a 'bug' for the reason that you specify, it was a feature request. If it is something that is determined to be not valuable (or more work than its worth) I would say that its a 'rejected' feature.
Yeah, when I was big on "The Sea" I kinda wished KoLmafia could figure out for me how many "100 adventures" worth of adventuring would be, because I'd usually only have enough fishy to last for say 40 adventures or something. I never bothered requesting it as a feature though and these days I don't go to The Sea much.
I didn't list it as a 'bug' for the reason that you specify, it was a feature request. If it is something that is determined to be not valuable (or more work than its worth) I would say that its a 'rejected' feature.

To be clear, it now appears that the Feature Request is that the input value be changed so that it means "Spend X adventures in the selected location" instead of "Visit the selected location X times". I believe this Feature Request had been discussed and rejected several times.
Doesn't it visit the selected location more times than X if there are zero-turn adventures in there?
Yeah, which confuses the heck out of me. I had always thought it was supposed to burn just a certain number of turns. Anytime a non-choice adventure picks the option that doesn't burn a turn, it doesn't count.

If it's supposed to visit that location X times, then zero turn adventures should count, which they don't.
If it's suppose to burn a set number of turns, non-Fishy sea travel and the sewer cage should burn the appropriate amounts while zero turns encounters doesn't affect.
If the expected behavior is to visit location X Y number of times as Veracity said, then this could be a bug since it doesn't count 0 turn adventures.

Anyone know how it reacts to Hipster/Goth adventures?
Anyone know how it reacts to Hipster/Goth adventures?

I'm fairly certain it counts them as zero, which is to be expected in either case, as no adventure is used AND the location isn't visited.

I don't think a free run away counts either (or things like the green smoke bomb).

I believe it decrements the turn count by 1 if the amount of adventures you have after visiting a location has decreased (by any amount), but I haven't looked at the code.
I'm fairly certain it counts them as zero, which is to be expected in either case, as no adventure is used AND the location isn't visited.

As far as KoL is concerned, the location was visited (since it counts toward floor/delay, which happens to be most of why those familiars are useful to begin with).
Yeah, which confuses the heck out of me. I had always thought it was supposed to burn just a certain number of turns.

It's supposed to burn a certain number of turnips.
For most adventures, turnip is a turn. (which doesn't count skipped adventures, but I don't remember anything about free combats[1])
For shore, turnip is one trip (3 turns).
For sea, turnip is 1 turn or 2 turns, depending on fishy-p.

[1] not just hip/goth, but also free runaways, and arrowed free combats (brickos, seals)
(and how about (hypothetical? "welcome back" is already handled differently) noncombats that would cost 0 adventures, but wouldn't exactly count as "skippable" (no choice to skip))
Am not sure if the CLI adv command works in the same way, but if it does, it doesn't count runaways as free turns (or didn't, when I last did a hamster run... a year ago? more?) -- I remember setting choiceadvs to abort on the tent and using a CCS that would always tatter when tent-hunting. And in that scenario, "adv 1 town square" worked just fine -- Mafia would tatter until the tent showed up, in which case it would abort.