Deleting kmails


New member
This may be a dumb question; it's quite possible I've just missed something somewhere.

I'm writing a script that involves some kmail management and I'd like to know how to delete messages. What I'm currently trying to do, without success, is to work out the string that you'd need to send as an URL, but I can't work out what the components of the string should be. (If there's a better way to do it than this, I'm more than happy to swap to that.)

I've tried using the pop-up window to get a URL but it's a javascript thing, apparently, and won't work under Mafia. I've also tried googling and searching these discussions, but no joy. And I'm afraid I just don't have the programming expertise to be able to read this out from the source code for the message frame.

Any ideas?


Staff member

numhere is a variable filled in from
<input type=checkbox name="sel102446145">
and using the whole name variable.


Also, I'm kinda bored, so if you'd like to elaborate on the process you're trying to follow I'd be happy to help.


Active member
Registry.ash (link) has some examples of kmail handling. I learned a good bit myself from that one, including a mailer for all my clannies.


I helped a guy with that a while back.
I also have some kmail handling in my libraries, all based loosely on registry.ash.
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New member
Thanks all - that's great; really appreciate both the precision and the speed!

StDoodle - briefly, it's for a clan bot that can handle and re-distribute messages between clannies in some hard-coded ways, for a game/competition. I'll post more on this when it's fit to share; at present, it's half a dozen code fragments with little or no annotation. I've managed to work out how to take kmails apart (although the recent Mr Minion ones were a problem!) and send new ones from the bits, but couldn't clean up the inbox, which meant I would have ended up with some horrible duplication.

So thanks for helping me past that particular hurdle!