Bug - Fixed Deleting default mood appears to clear it but changes nothing


New member
I had a mood list that I used for farming. Yesterday, I ascended, switched my mood to default and used the "Delete list" button to clear my mood of everything. Then I added MMM to my moods and started playing.

Lo and behold, Mafia keeps casting all the spells in my farming mood (one of which was "always cast * summon bricko", completing depleting my MP), even though my mood list only showed MMM.

Today, I upgraded Mafia to the latest daily build, started mafia, and surprise! my mood list was full of all those things I didn't want before. I emptied it again, put the spells I wanted in my mood, and started adventuring. Enter combat, I have no MP because mafia summoned a bunch of brickos. Ugh.

So I went to my settings, checked my mood file (all the spells I didn't want were still in there), deleted all the spells and restarted mafia. Now my moods are cleared and functioning as expected.

I added leash and springy (which had one turn left) to my list, restarted Mafia, deleted the list using delete list, and adventured. Mafia recast leash and springy fusilli, despite my mood list being supposed to be completely clear. So I think "Delete list" isn't working as intended.


Sorry, but you cannot delete the default mood. That's intended behavior.

Please clarify that delete list works on other moods so that we can be sure there is no bug.
Sorry, but you cannot delete the default mood. That's intended behavior.

But it sounds as though mafia is displaying that it did delete (or clear... not sure which) the mood, but it's not. If this is the case then that itself would be the bug, no?


New member
Okay, so delete list is probably supposed to delete the whole list and not just clear it - which means that I was "doing it wrong". However, mafia does show the list as being cleared (which is what I really want to do) and doesn't say anything about deleting the default mood being impossible. Then even though it shows my list as being completely empty, it keeps casting buffs and spells from my (previous) mood.

If it is intended behaviour that you can't delete the default mood, then deleting the default mood shouldn't show the list as being cleared when it really isn't.
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The "Delete List" button used to remove everything in the list for mood "Default." It did that for... years, as best I can recall. I certainly wouldn't ask that it actually delete the undelete...able list. I just wish it would go back to its previous behavior. You know: what it did about a month ago, or so? That would be neat.
Now what the "Delete List" button does instead is make all the words temporarily go away, so that it looks like the list is empty. But it's not. Not empty. KoLmafia will continue to try to create the effects. And if you switch to a different mood and then back to Default, the list is visible again.
I think having a list that's there, but is invisible, is much worse behavior than simply refusing to empty the list. And it used to empty the list. I'm thinking for at least four years.