New Content deed to Oliver's Place


A new Shadows over Loathing tie-in item in Mr. Store. Unlocks a new location on the wrong side of the tracks.
Adds a 1/day? quest (didn't appear in the quest log) from the Milky-Eyed Sot to spend 10? combats at a location to retrieve his parcel.
Upon handing it in:
You acquire an item: milk cap
The sot just stares off into space. He must not have anything else for you to do today.

Adds a 1/day? pooltable to gain a small amount of meat.
On first use, gain 50 (random? some function of pool skill?) meat.
You've already bilked these amateurs out of as much Meat as they can stand to lose in one day. Maybe tomorrow's crowd will walk in with heavier pockets.

Adds a new adventure location:
Containing some monsters:
  • gangster's moll
  • gator-human hybrid
  • goblin flapper
  • traveling hobo
  • undercover prohibition agent
A new shop, Fancy Dan, sells booze for drink caps and milk caps:

So far I've logged most of the items except for:
11009 bullet necklace


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Manuel says that 'gangster's moll' (2250) has attack 70, but KoLmafia says it is 0
Manuel says that 'gangster's moll' (2250) has defense 60, but KoLmafia says it is 0
Manuel says that 'gangster's moll' (2250) has HP 40, but KoLmafia says it is 0
Manuel says that 'gangster's moll' (2250) 'Initiative +100%', but KoLmafia says it is 0
Manuel says that 'gangster's moll' (2250) has phylum dude, but KoLmafia says it is none
Manuel says that 'gangster's moll' (2250) has article 'a', but KoLmafia says it is ''
Manuel says that 'gator-human hybrid' (2249) has attack 70, but KoLmafia says it is 0
Manuel says that 'gator-human hybrid' (2249) has defense 50, but KoLmafia says it is 0
Manuel says that 'gator-human hybrid' (2249) has HP 60, but KoLmafia says it is 0
Manuel says that 'gator-human hybrid' (2249) 'Initiative +80%', but KoLmafia says it is 0
Manuel says that 'gator-human hybrid' (2249) has phylum beast, but KoLmafia says it is none
Manuel says that 'gator-human hybrid' (2249) has article 'a', but KoLmafia says it is ''
Manuel says that 'goblin flapper' (2252) has attack 40, but KoLmafia says it is 0
Manuel says that 'goblin flapper' (2252) has defense 40, but KoLmafia says it is 0
Manuel says that 'goblin flapper' (2252) has HP 100, but KoLmafia says it is 0
Manuel says that 'goblin flapper' (2252) 'Initiative +40%', but KoLmafia says it is 0
Manuel says that 'goblin flapper' (2252) has phylum humanoid, but KoLmafia says it is none
Manuel says that 'traveling hobo' (2251) has attack 50, but KoLmafia says it is 0
Manuel says that 'traveling hobo' (2251) has defense 50, but KoLmafia says it is 0
Manuel says that 'traveling hobo' (2251) has HP 50, but KoLmafia says it is 0
Manuel says that 'traveling hobo' (2251) 'Never wins initiative', but KoLmafia says it is 0
Manuel says that 'traveling hobo' (2251) has phylum dude, but KoLmafia says it is none
Manuel says that 'traveling hobo' (2251) has article 'a', but KoLmafia says it is ''
Manuel says that 'undercover prohibition agent' (2253) has attack 60, but KoLmafia says it is 0
Manuel says that 'undercover prohibition agent' (2253) has defense 60, but KoLmafia says it is 0
Manuel says that 'undercover prohibition agent' (2253) has HP 70, but KoLmafia says it is 0
Manuel says that 'undercover prohibition agent' (2253) 'Initiative +50%', but KoLmafia says it is 0
Manuel says that 'undercover prohibition agent' (2253) has phylum dude, but KoLmafia says it is none
Manuel says that 'undercover prohibition agent' (2253) has article 'an', but KoLmafia says it is ''
All of the monsters in "An Unusually Quiet Barroom Brawl" have factoids and are capturable by the combat lovers locket.
The pool thing seems to be affected by pool skill, and the cap is 1000 meat I would guess. I did it with like... 1700 pool skill.. from bauxite.. and got this.

People don't come here to play pool, and it really shows in their skill level.
You manage to hustle various bystanders and passers-by out of quite a bit of Meat.
You gain 1,000 Meat.
The adventuring zone was originally marked outdoors. However, after I reported this as a KoL bug, it was changed to indoors.
Would automatically using a government per-diem, in inventory, as part of breakfast be a "good thing"?
Since it consumes the item - as opposed to all other breakfast items which are reusable - I think not, for built-in breakfast, although a custom breakfast script would want it.

When you try to use a second, it gives a message and does not delete it, right? We need an "_" setting and detection of success in UseItemRequest.
Trivial update:

This is now mostly implemented (and has been for a while now). There is a mild snaggle in current implementation: right now, doing a turn-taking combat in Oliver's Place doesn't automatically set the preference to 3. This was a deliberate choice on my part; using a back-up in a fight will cause it not to be free and not to count against your oliver's place free fights, so a fight not being free doesn't inherently mean that you've used all 3 of your fights. It does mean, however, that if mafia somehow gets misaligned, it will stay misaligned until you visit the container zone in the relay browser (or possibly 'refresh all').

I think that that's a little bit of a dangerous place to be, but don't really see a better solution than what we have.
I did the Sot's quest and KoLmafia did not remove the package when it was turned in. I should probably try and address that myself when I exit the Turkey Coma but if someone gets there first, that's Ok with me.
Thanks. I should be able to get it by regexing the URL, but my skills aren't quite up to it yet. A challenge for the weekend, perhaps… :)
For Science!
void get_milkcap() {
    buffer page;
    page = visit_url("place.php?whichplace=speakeasy&action=olivers_sot");
    if (contains_text(page,"Fancy Dan taps you on the shoulder")) { page = visit_url("place.php?whichplace=speakeasy&action=olivers_sot"); }
    if (contains_text(page,"The sot just stares off into space")) { return; }
    location loc = $location[none];
    matcher msl = create_matcher("bring his package back from (.+?)\\.</td>",page);
    if (find(msl)) {
        loc = to_location(group(msl,1));
    if (loc!=$location[none]) {
        print("Get the Sot's parcel from "+loc,"blue");
        while (item_amount($item[the Sot's parcel])==0) {
        page = visit_url("place.php?whichplace=speakeasy&action=olivers_sot");
    } else {
        print("No Sot location","red");
PR approved. Should be after, but close to r27206.

Removes the parcel from inventory after it is returned.

_sotParcelLocation will be set to the text of the location from the translation. Will need to visit the sot to set it and the text is not validated, i.e. the text has not been checked to see whether it maps to an adventure location.

_sotParcelReturned is true if the parcel is returned or if there is no location to fetch it from. May need to visit the sot to set if intermingling non-mafia turns.