No, it generates that error on its own. When this page and this page make perfect sense to you, so will the error messages that KoLmafia generates when parsing ASH scripts, along with the error messages that Java generates when parsing Java source code. This understanding usually occurs shortly after you take a formal course in compilers and interpreters.
In essence, there is no ambiguity on what KoLmafia wants to see -- by the time it reaches that '=' token, KoLmafia truly expects nothing except an ')'. But, since this constantly comes up, it's probably a good idea to make the error message less ambiguous as to which token it's looking at when it says it's expecting an ')' or maybe allow '=' to stand in for '=='.
In essence, there is no ambiguity on what KoLmafia wants to see -- by the time it reaches that '=' token, KoLmafia truly expects nothing except an ')'. But, since this constantly comes up, it's probably a good idea to make the error message less ambiguous as to which token it's looking at when it says it's expecting an ')' or maybe allow '=' to stand in for '=='.