Custom Wossname Script


New member
So, I started the Frat/Hippy War, but in my haste, I didn't even consider looking for a Wossname script until after I had finished the 3 Hippy quests (in Hippy Fatigues) with 1 kill at 0, 1, and 2 sidequests done. I was wondering if anyone has a script that would help me get a Wossname given my current situation. (I did all the War stuff so far using a browser, not Mafia :-/)
Take the Wossname script, and set your version to try to do the quests you've completed on Hippy side. Set the kill count to where you're actually at, and run the script.

Or just finish it off, ascend, and get your Wossname in a week or two. :) It counts against your list of which battle items you needed anyways... if you want the complete set.