Custom images for scripts


If I use custom (non-KoL, non-mafia) images in a relay override script, where's the best place to put them?

/images ?
/relay ?
Somewhere else ?

does mafia look in data folder linked files in relay override scripts, or in relay scripts?

that would mean linking like: <link rel=\"stylesheet\" href=\"../data/something.css\" />

wouldn't it be better to put them in the relay folder, or subfolder of the relay folder so that structure can be maintained in a distributed zip file?

I host mine on one of my servers, and link absolute urls so that the files don't need to be distributed with the relay script and can be updated without re-releasing, (I use jquery in a relay script i'm currently writing so use the google cdn versions)

I also notice that the relay folder has various js scripts in it already, so assumed that was where the developers planned for them to go!
I've tried everything I can think of, and can't get it to work if images are not in /images, and javascript/css files are not in /relay.

@Theraze: Can you possibly link me to some of the scripts you mention so I can see what I'm doing wrong?

Hmm....Incomplete monster Info doesn't load the css and jss files if I put them in /data. It does work fine if I put them in /relay, as instructed to in the script's thread.
Right... they're considered script extensions, so they live in the script folder. Hmm... not sure if any of mine actually use custom images to test. Don't appear to have any. I'd try dumping them in your relay folder as well, to try. I think that's the standard no-path file location...
Images don't seem to work in /relay either. I'll just keep them in /images for now, or maybe even images/relayimages, if it's better to keep them separate from standard mafia/kol images.

CSS and JS will have to stay in /relay or a sub-folder of /relay, since they don't work anywhere else.