curious bugs


New member

My scripts are not working anymore. Easy as that. I deleted all KoLMafia 8.x versions (which worked great apart from the outfit problems) and kept only KoLMafia 9.0 and 9.2. Both aren't working.

With 9.0 I have a very strange problem. I cannot adventure in Castle even though I have beaten the NS and have the necessary equip. It appeats that CLI searches for S.O.C.K. and egg, tries to create a rowboat (even though I already have one and actually don't need it at all for the castle) and then the script aborts with the message "You don't have necessary ingredients". Through the GUI I can adventure there quite fine, though.

With 9.2 I cannot log in. A strange redirected message appears, and I have "Next login: 1 min 15 seconds" message appear again and again.

So, any solution to this?
According to the KoLMafia thread in the KoL Forums,
holatuwol said:
Edit: I just realized that it's possible for the byte form of an MD5 hash of a password to start with 0, or the byte-result of an MD5 to do so as well. Because of the simplistic manner in which KoLmafia does its hexadecimal conversion, this results in certain passwords NEVER being valid (1/16 chance) and certain challenge-password pairs NEVER letting you login (1/16 chance).

What this means is that 1/16 users will NEVER be able to login because of their password, and of the users that can login, a 1/16 failure rate should be seen on sufficiently large samples. Bah, I messed up. Let me know if the existing code (revision 1790 ... err, 1791, because I forgot to multiply by 2 in 1790) works for you, Thraeryn. If it does, I'll add the stealth login back in (which I removed to reduce variable counts).
I assume thats the problem, I'm still on 8.8 so your first question I'm not too sure about.
I'm assuming the recent magnifying glass change has caused the first issue - certainly on my 'bot he is hitting the same issue (unable to see quest items, confirmed S.O.C.K and Rowboat not visible) - but it started the day the trivial announcement about the magnifying glasses showed up.

So yeah, you need 9.2 or a daily build.
I'll try the daily build.

I have found earlier versions, they still want the blasted S.O.C.K. so I'm basically stuck. 9.2 logs me in about 5% of the time, I cannot find the exact algorithm when it works and when it doesn't. It's not 1/16 failure rate, it's more like 15/16 failure rate, or even greater.

Anyway, thanks for the help. Cheers!