After coming back to try the game again after getting a very friendly and nostalgic email from Veracity, I noticed that I didn't know where anything was in the UI, so I added something to make it easier to find menu items.
I bound it to Ctrl+K to mimic Slack and Discord's way of quickly switching to a different channel. I've only just started playing again, though, so my view for what people would want to quickly access is pretty biased towards what a new player would want to do (basically, I'm just accessing Modifier Maximizer at the moment, because so many areas have weird stat requirements), which is only stuff I can access via menu items at the moment.
As such, my curiosity is what other things are difficult to get to in the UI that might be made easier if people could just type the name of the thing of they were trying to access?
Commits · holatuwol/kolmafia
KoLmafia is a cross-platform desktop tool which interfaces with the online adventure game Kingdom of Loathing 🍸 - Commits · holatuwol/kolmafia
I bound it to Ctrl+K to mimic Slack and Discord's way of quickly switching to a different channel. I've only just started playing again, though, so my view for what people would want to quickly access is pretty biased towards what a new player would want to do (basically, I'm just accessing Modifier Maximizer at the moment, because so many areas have weird stat requirements), which is only stuff I can access via menu items at the moment.
As such, my curiosity is what other things are difficult to get to in the UI that might be made easier if people could just type the name of the thing of they were trying to access?