Crimbot botting


Pretty rudimentary at the moment; just mashes the buttons, prefers the ones that aren't "FREE!" because those are usually better. But hopefully this will save some clicking...

Set the 4 variables at the top of the script to your preferred robot parts, then do "crimbot [number]" to deploy some crimbots.

View attachment crimbot.ash
Awesome, thank you both!

The Crimbot drone piloting is a neat feature this year, but now that I've done about 50 of them, I'm glad to have these options.
Any way you could add a prompt to ask how many adventures/rods you want it to burn when the script starts up?
I also wrote a script for this, if you don't mind me posting it:

int setting_preferred_floor = 2; //Try to go for this floor if at all possible. Doesn't do anything yet. I must apologise for this interface; editing source code isn't a good design, but I can't think of a better way besides arcane GCLI commands.

//Manual overrides for parts. Must be the same string as in-game. NOT REQUIRED, the script will automatically pick the best parts it knows for you.
string setting_desired_left_arm_part = "";
string setting_desired_right_arm_part = "";
string setting_desired_torso_part = "";
string setting_desired_propulsion_part = "";

boolean setting_output_to_session_log = false; //DO NOT ENABLE - will write large amounts of data to your session log. Used for spading.

You can use zlib to clean up the settings and make them easier to set. I'd also look into putting the script in svn for easier updating. Looks pretty promising.
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I can't tell from looking at your script (could have something to do with not being able to read scripting), but in it, when a Crimbot comes to either Office Space (where the choices will either give you a Recovered Elf Item or a Schematic) or The Dilemma (same choice options), so the script prefer the Recovered Elf Item choice, and if not, how would I make that happen?


I'm sure you're already on it, but just in case...

Found unknown part Ribbon Manipulator in slot rightarm.
There are a ton of other new schematics also.
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Did you remember to download the latest version of Ezandora's script? It knows about that... at least, it does right now. :)
I offer up the following two aliases for assisting with lazy Crimbot schematic feeding. Since mafia doesn't seem to track them, it isn't especially intelligent as to whether or not you need them.
alias crimboschem => ashq foreach it in $items[] if (it.to_string().contains_text("Crimbot schematic") && item_amount(it) < 1 && mall_price(it) < 5000 && mall_price(it) > 0) use(1, it);
alias crimboschemo => ashq foreach it in get_inventory() if (it.to_string().contains_text("Crimbot schematic") && item_amount(it) > 0) use(1, it);
crimboschem will buy any schematic that you do not currently have and try to use it. Obviously this only works if mall purchasing is enabled, else you'll end up with errors.
crimboschemo will use any owned schematic. It won't purchase anything.

Between them, you should be able to take care of anything, and if you run crimboschemo after a few runs upstairs, you'll use those valuable schematics that you should really be selling in the mall and purchasing tomorrow, when the prices tank. Or something like that. :D

And yes, I know that I really shouldn't need an item amount check if I'm only parsing inventory items. But I get a little bit paranoid sometimes. :)
I am using guys script, and it is letting me change the desired parts in the first part when i change it except for the grease/regular gun. either mafia or his script is not recognizing that part. this is the message i get in the cli : WARNING: Could not find the bot-part "Grease /Regular". i have tried using the whole thing with gun in it, i have updated to the current daily build, ive copy/pasted the name into it, i am not missing any quotation marks or the semi colon. has anyone else had issues with this or know what i am doing wrong?
Yes, I have copy/pasted it into the part of the script where you can change which parts you use and i still get the same warning.
I offer up the following two aliases for assisting with lazy Crimbot schematic feeding. Since mafia doesn't seem to track them, it isn't especially intelligent as to whether or not you need them.crimboschem will buy any schematic that you do not currently have and try to use it. Obviously this only works if mall purchasing is enabled, else you'll end up with errors.
crimboschemo will use any owned schematic. It won't purchase anything.

Between them, you should be able to take care of anything, and if you run crimboschemo after a few runs upstairs, you'll use those valuable schematics that you should really be selling in the mall and purchasing tomorrow, when the prices tank. Or something like that. :D

And yes, I know that I really shouldn't need an item amount check if I'm only parsing inventory items. But I get a little bit paranoid sometimes. :)
Here's a third alias I find useful:
alias crimboschemsell => ashq foreach it in get_inventory() if (it.to_string().contains_text("Crimbot schematic") && item_amount(it) > 0) put_shop(mall_price(it), 0, it);

puts all of your schematics in the mall at the current lowest price
Well, the 5th lowest price, since that's what mall_price does. To actually put it in at the lowest price, you need to just put it into the shop at max price and then run undercut to get it to drop. :)

I have a similar alias but it only puts in items that are above 50k for value, since I don't really care to fight with all the other people for min-value schematics. Not that they're useful...
I'm having the same problem too. How do you fix it?


Just put in Grease
It works now!

That might work, but then the script will use the grease gun, so the lack of 1 BLAM leads to taking more damage and less credits in the long run.

Edit: Writing "Regular Gun" however seems to work, since the only part with that name is the grease / regular gun part.
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I've been a low-level Mafia user for a long time now, but I have no idea how to use these .ash scripts. I'm really hoping to avoid the annual Crimbo lag by Crimbotting via Mafia, but I can't figure out how to use this script. Anyone want to throw a n00b a bone and walk me through a quick-and-dirty way to farm the hard basement with girder, wrecking ball, nerding module, and rocket skirt for a couple of hundred turns?
I've been a low-level Mafia user for a long time now, but I have no idea how to use these .ash scripts. I'm really hoping to avoid the annual Crimbo lag by Crimbotting via Mafia, but I can't figure out how to use this script. Anyone want to throw a n00b a bone and walk me through a quick-and-dirty way to farm the hard basement with girder, wrecking ball, nerding module, and rocket skirt for a couple of hundred turns?

  1. Make sure that you have already used those schematics and can create that crimbot.
  2. Go to
  3. Click on "download" but BEWARE! Your browser may try to save this as a text file. You want to save it ending with the .ash extention. Even though the default name ends in .ash, you have to edit it in order for your browser to not add a .txt at the end. This is the trickiest step so if you screw up and save it as crimbo_2014_factory.ash.txt, make sure you fix that. If it ends in .txt nothing after this will work!
  4. Save it to mafia's /scripts directory. (If you don't know how to find /scripts, click HERE for instructions.)
  5. Open mafia's scripts menu. You'll find "Scripts" on the menu bar at the top of the mafia mafia window.
  6. If you downloaded the script before starting mafia you'll see it on the menu, if it isn't there, choose "Refresh menu" from the "Scripts" menu.
  7. Click on the script you just downloaded.
  8. The script will pop-up a box asking you how many turns to automate.
  9. The script will automate that many turns. It is smart enough to compute the optimal bot with the schematics you know. Let it!
  10. When it is done it will pop-up a box asking you if you want to turn in items for credits. Click on yes.
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