Feature - Implemented Create a Preference to show or hide blatant spoilers in Relay Browser


Staff member
I recently added a blatant spoiler to the Hey Deze Arena puzzle for the Relay Browser: when you talk to Sven, it rewrites the form to let you give items to all four band members at once (although internally we still have to submit them one at a time). That by itself is just a convenience, but, additionally, it gives a drop down for each band member that ONLY has the items they are interested in. This means that in the KoLmafia Relay Browser, you simply cannot give the wrong item to a band member. That is exactly what _I_ want, but it is a pretty dramatic change to the native interface.

We have various other "spoilers" that are right in your face in the Relay Browser: the paper scrap code in the Nemesis cave, the choice adventure spoilers, auto-selecting the correct insult in Beer Pong, auto-selecting the 4 shelves in the Palindome, and so on.

We also have various spoilery things that are opt-in, essentially: the Solve button on the Volcano Maze or on Dvorak's Revenge, for example. You don't want KoLmafia to do those for you? Don't hit the button.

I think there should be an option - default false - for KoLmafia to show spoilers in the Relay Browser. There is plenty of other useful functionality there - Use Links, Buff casting and HP/MP restoration from the Char Pane, Counters, and so on - for people to enjoy an enhanced browser experience without having spoilers thrust into their face.
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Sounds a very good idea. Whilst I'd have spoilers on now I've ascended a lot, to avoid mistakes, I'd have wanted them off when I started with Mafia.


Staff member
Revision 9440 adds the setting - relayShowSpoilers - settable on Preferences/Browser. For now, I only put the new Sven puzzle helper under control of this. More later. Eventually.


As a heads-up, in about a week I will start moving things to be under the purview of the "show blatant spoilers" setting. This will include not only stuff like the barrel full of barrels, but also choice adventure spoilers and such.

My general plan is to move things that aren't explicitly available anywhere in the native interface. Something like the arcade telling you how many tokens you have is not a "spoiler," it's just a useful display.

I'll make a post in the GD thread as well when I start committing things. I know that none of these things will completely eliminate the "wtf, where did my quest hints go" posts, but it should ease the transition somewhat.


r11342 and r11345 should get most of the ones that I can think of off the top of my head. I probably missed something, let me know if so.


It took just under 14 months, but finally the dream is complete. At last people can use mafia without spoilers.