Feature - Implemented Craft Legendary Pizza's Reminder


It would be nice to have a reminder to cook up the at least one of each legendary pizza from the cookbook bat when jumping the astral gash.

This spot:
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Confirming update is working great. Love that I can click on each thing I'm missing and it will auto craft it. Thanks!
I'm at the gash
I see the option to make Cookbook Bat foods.
I click on some links.

> acquire 1 Deep Dish of Legend

Pulling items from storage...
Requests complete.

> acquire 1 Calzone of Legend

Pulling items from storage...
Requests complete.

> acquire 1 Pizza of Legend

Pulling items from storage...
Requests complete.

That's nice. I was hoping to CREATE more of those items to put into storage, but it basically just confirmed that I had them in storage already.
It did that by pulling them out of storage, which is completely useless, considering I was about to jump the gash.
The aim of this section is to confirm that you've made any untradable items you need for your run.

You can only eat one of each legendary food item per run, so this is working as intended.

I could make the link not appear if you have them in storage? I see I currently check inventory, but inventory / closet / storage should all be fine.
My naïve preference is that if it is in the list then its presence means I can create it by pressing the link. I don't care what I have in inventory or elsewhere.

When I have no adventures I feel 'cheated" when I am offered a link to create Shore Scrip.

But it does seem clear that I want to create and not buy or acquire.

It is also not clear how I might express my preference as code.
If the purpose is to make sure you have "enough" of each item in storage when you ascend, I'd prefer to not see the links if I already have enough in storage, closet, or inventory.

I've done 7 Hardcore runs and 1 Normal run this year and I have used my Cookbook Bat identically in all of them: I run it until I can make all three Legendary Pizzas, which I then eat - accompanied by milk of magnesium, which I harvest myself in Hardcore, but which I pulled in Normal.

Which is to say, it never occurred to me to pull the pizzas, rather than using my pulls for something actually useful.

Whatever. Play-styles differ and I am in no way an example to emulate - especially in Normal.
I'm happy enough to get three-day Hardcore and Normal runs with no consumption on the last day.
Which is to say, it never occurred to me to pull the pizzas, rather than using my pulls for something actually useful.
The current challenge path lets you farm ingredients for the legends, but won't let you cook them. Much like it lets you drink a steel margarita, but the skill doesn't give you organ space.
I am looking forward to trying out the new challenge path later this week - after I finish two Coinmaster PRs.

For challenge paths, I exclusively go Hardcore. It's easier than Normal and it takes half as many runs to max out "points", for paths that grant them. The only time I do Normal runs - and thus have "pulls" - is to get one of each new Standard reward. (And I guess one more, to pulverize, for updating standard-rewards.txt).

I haven't read anything about the new challenge path yet. Seems odd to me that you can't cook, but I imagine that will become clear once I see it. I'm still not going to go Normal just because consumption is harder, for some reason.
I haven't read anything about the new challenge path yet. Seems odd to me that you can't cook, but I imagine that will become clear once I see it. I'm still not going to go Normal just because consumption is harder, for some reason.
I think maybe my problem was I didn't have anything to cook with. I was stumped for a bit trying to make stew.