Feature - Implemented Cooking and Mixing changes effective immeadiately

By the way, here is an untested patch to deal with milk. Untested, because I have no characters able to eat, right at the moment. I'll test it and submit it tomorrow, unless people say it's cool today:

- Rather than limiting milk of magnesium to 1 if you don't have Got Milk and 0 if you do, limit it to the ceil( fullness available / turns per milk ), taking into account number of turns of Got Milk you already have.
- When eating N of an M fullness food, if Got Milk would run out before starting to eat the last one (i.e., it's OK for it run out as long as it is in effect when you start eating the last one), prompt "Got Milk will run out before you finish eating that. Are you sure?"

And, I guess I should do the same for Ode...


Well, I was able to test the corresponding fix for Ode, so I have submitted 8607, which will warn you if Milk or Ode will run out before the last item is eaten or drunk. Note that it doesn't actually look at the queue; instead, if you have 4 SHC drinks queued (16 inebriety queued) and tell KoLmafia to drink them with only 10 turns of Ode active, KoLmafia will notice this and warn you. If you queue and consume 3 such drinks (12 inebriety), KoLmafia will not warn you, since you will still have Ode active when it drinks the third drink, although Ode will expire completely after that third drink.
Another little diddy to add to the list: correct the calculation of the effect of milk and ode.
Example: Sleazy hi mein has a base of 5.00 adv/full. Under the old system, it would get a 4 adventure boost from milk, making it worth 5.80. Now, the new system (assuming enough turns of milk left) grants 5 extra adventures, making it worth 6.00 adv/full.
That was also specifically called out as "to be done" in the commit notes for revision 8603.

In any case, it is done in revision 8615. And with that, I am declaring this feature to be done.

The only things that are NOT done, as far as I can tell, are all changes to data files, and I made a separate bug report to track that.
When eating N of an M fullness food, if Got Milk would run out before starting to eat the last one (i.e., it's OK for it run out as long as it is in effect when you start eating the last one), prompt "Got Milk will run out before you finish eating that. Are you sure?"

And, I guess I should do the same for Ode...
From what I understand (I can't test this myself right now), if you have only 1 turn of Got Milk left and eat a 2 fullness food, you only get +1 adventure from Got Milk. A clanny confirmed this with Ode to Booze, at least. This would mean that you need M turns of Got Milk left when you eat the last food to get the full effect.

I would rather Mafia warn me if I ate food without enough turns of the effect left to cover the whole fullness, by changing line 1163 of UseItemRequest to:
if ( consumptionTurns <= milkyTurns )

I guess the same thing goes for ode?

EDIT: Forgot to add... a big thanks for taking care of all of this so fast, even though it all happened just when you started your break!
Interesting. I had the impression that if you had milk or ode on the turn you started eating or drinking, it affected all of the fullness or inebriety. I must have misunderstood. I'll fix both milk and ode as you suggest.

You are welcome. I really didn't/don't have time for this, but this was affecting me personally, so it was a priority. ;)
Thanks a ton for this! I love the work you guys are doing on this huge consumption revamp. Ever since the revamp, I've had a ton of sushi in my Item Manager - Food screen even though I never visited the sea, don't have a sushi mat, etc. This keeps happening even with daily build 8619 (the latest). Is this an intended feature?
Thanks a ton for this! I love the work you guys are doing on this huge consumption revamp. Ever since the revamp, I've had a ton of sushi in my Item Manager - Food screen even though I never visited the sea, don't have a sushi mat, etc. This keeps happening even with daily build 8619 (the latest). Is this an intended feature?

I had a whole bunch of sushi offered but it went away once I had the new items in my kitchen and a pair of boxen there as well. I did that manually and the sushi was gone the next time I logged in. This happened quite fairly soon after The Changes so I would expect it is not directly related to mafia version.
I'm still having the same issue, all sushi options appearing in the Item Manager:Food screen. I don't have a sushi mat, and I've never even been into the sea, so I'm not quite sure why these options are listed as available. Un-checking the "Buy from NPC Store if needed" option removes these from the Item Manager, along with lots of other useful items based on hippy store/bugbear bakery items.