Contest - Shummie's Repair the Elves Generator Script


New member
Hi all, sorry for the brevity, I finished most of the script a while ago, but just need to post it before the deadline. I think I have most of the basic functionality working with some options in the script itself. I think the main thing I'm missing is to automate the spooky girl piece of the quest. Either way, the entire quest should work from beginning to end (so i hope, don't have time to test it one last time)!


Version 1: View attachment shummie.ash
Version 1.01:View attachment shummie-1.01.ash

Edit: Ok, So, this is what I get for making modifications to the script without time to make sure it will even run -_-. I've updated to v. 1.01 with just fixing the run-time errors. I haven't changed anything else, but wanted to put this version out there so that I don't look like a complete idiot...
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