Contest: Ralan's Shield-Generator


New member
Edit: I don't have time to finish my entry, so consider me out of the competition - anyone is free to use or extend this script as they see fit, though I doubt anyone will. Thanks to slyz for making a very interesting competition, and sorry for not finishing.

So. I was going to just put it straight on slyz's thread, but then it hit 1AM and I figured I should sleep rather than finish it.

So, I'll put it here to help myself manage version numbers, and also to get some feedback :)

This script will go from start to end of the Repair the Elves' Shield Generator quest. It's my very first ASH script, so hopefully I did a good job of it. Here's things I didn't have time to add:
-Making sure the girl doesn't run away
-Maximizing combats or non-combats as appropriate
-Maximizing item drops
-Aborting when adventures run out
-Any messages at all other than the no-adventures and high-inebriety ones.
-Managing outfits
-Managing moods?

Warning: You probably don't actually want to run this first version. You'll probably die instantly unless you've some amazing auto-attack option already set up.

Thanks for reading! Hopefully someone takes a look at my script. I'm pretty unsure about the choice adventures bit, I read around at things like bcc's ascend script and the macguffin script to try figure it out. Doesn't help that I'm rusty with kol in general too :P

Changelog can be find in the script.


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I'm glad that you decided to take a shot at this. I haven't checked your code yet, but I'll be sure to download any new version you post.

You have until the 31st of July, so you have time to add features.