consumption.ash -- an EatDrink alternative


Staff member
version: 0.2.6

Here's some script that I've had for a while. Basically, it solves UKP via dynamic programming and fills up your belly based on MPA.

Who should use this? People farming in aftercore who know their MPA.

Why use this over EatDrink? Well, it's fast, for one, and for another, it optimizes profit as determined by MPA * advYield - dietCost. I have no idea what EatDrink does, or how it does it.

Usage for script writers:
consumptionConfig is a string => string map contains various configurables: simulate, overdrink, semirares, valueOfSemi, valOfNontradeables. These should be fairly straightforward. weightMin and weightMax allow you to be more or less pessimistic: these *should* add up to 1, but this isn't a strict requirement.

consumptionNamespace(float MPA) is the function to call, after configuring options as desired.

Have fun.


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Great... force me to rename consumption.ash to consumed.ash. :)

Edit: Actually, I think I'll call my copy of this consume. That makes the other scripts break less. Heh.

Quick alias to test this, using the filename of consume (and alias name as well):
sconsume => ashq import <Consume.ash>; consumptionConfig["simulate"] = "true"; consumptionNamespace(get_property("valueOfAdventure").to_float());
Unfortunately, it doesn't check if it's possible, just tells you what would be nice.
> sconsume

You should use milk of magnesium.
Knob sausage chow mein (3)
Ode is cheap. You should use it.
can of Swiller (2)
rockin' wagon (3)
Mojo filters taken into account.
agua de vida (3)
twinkly wad (3)

> my_meat

Returned: 369

> cheapest chow mein

pr0n chow mein @ 3,478
rat appendix chow mein @ 4,725
bat wing chow mein @ 4,734
Knob sausage chow mein @ 4,900
tofu chow mein @ 5,135
Not sure how it's going to get me 3 chow meins valued at 4900 each as a seal clubber with 369 meat, but... if I can figure that out, I'll start doing accounting for the government. :)
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It doesn't actually take into account the amount of meat you have on hand. OBVIOUSLY. Just lower your MPA. :P
Heh. Well, another problem is that it suggests items that, due to being HC and/or wrong class, I can't get.

Does look like it should be worth checking out if I ever hit extended aftercore, though. :)
"Who should use this? People farming in aftercore who know their MPA."

HC support would probably come eventually, except that when I'm in a HC run, I tend to not do all of my consumption at once. Also, I like manually controlling what I consume, and when.