Conditional CCS help request


Well-known member

While working on the The Big Clipper quest this morning I found myself wondering if it would be possible to write a conditional CCS statement that would assist. I've used conditional CCS statements for quite a while but I couldn't find anything in the wiki that seemed to expose what I need.

I started thinking about a conditional that would be location dependent and aware of quest completion status.

The closest I could get was:

If hascombatitem military-grade fingernail clippers
     item military-grade fingernail clippers
     consult Wham.ash
consult Wham.ash

I couldn't figure out a way to include conditional logic that would detect when I'd gathered twenty three nail clippings. Is it possible in a CCS or am I now in the land of a consult script?

Thank you.
Probably consult script (you'd want to look at the value of "fingernailsClipped").
Note that you can use 3 a fight, and you would also want to not try to use it when it's frog headed.
Given that you consult WHAM in there you might actually be better off writing a small combat script of your own and import WHAM into it.

Something like:
import WHAM.ash;

void main(int initround, monster foe, string pg) {
   if (item_amount($item[military-grade fingernail clippers]) > 0
      visit_url("fight.php?action=macro&macrotext=skill 7831");
   main@wham(initround, foe, pg);

I think that should work.
Thank you for the tips. What property would I need to determine the head of the Weirdedeux creatures? I looked through the SVN updates and didn't find anything.