Bug combat_queue isn't reset on ascension

Malibu Stacey

Active member
Found by a well known farming script.

Before ascending, garbo was fighting Witchess Knights in the Dire Warren.
I ascended into Avant Guard, had autoscend run a 2 day Normal.
Out of run I ran garbo. It is trying to use the Time-Spinner to fight a Witchess Knight because it has looked at the combat_queue for the Dire Warren & saw this

> ash $location[the dire warren].combat_queue

Returned: fluffy bunny; Witchess Knight; fluffy bunny; Witchess Pawn; fluffy bunny

The Witchess Pawn was fought via Monster Habitats before the last rollover after breaking the prism. The Witchess Knight was fought similarly but before ascending.

This appears to be a mismatch with KoL.

Should already be handled by AdventureQueueDatabase.resetQueue() called by ValhallaManager.resetPerAscensionCounters().

I'll see if I can replicate.
I can't replicate.

This might be a different problem, where Mafia puts summoned monsters into the combat queue of the last zone you adventured in.
Another user ran into this today with the queue showing Witchess Knights but only Witchess Bishops being in the Time-Spinner list.

I looked at the code for AdventureQueueDatabase.resetQueue() and it looks perfectly fine.

I'll try modifying the garbo code so it outputs the queue when fighting zoneless copies or something. This is weird.