Bug - Cannot Reproduce Combat Action Bar


I have had a problem for the last few months with the combat action bar while using the relay browser. The only button that works is the 'script' button in the upper left. None of my skills will display on the bar. Am I just incorrectly using the settings or is this a bug?


Yes it does, it only does not work in the relay browser. I've tried it on Firefox and Chrome, and on my PC and Mac, and it does not work on any of them.


No, the only button that works is the script button in the upper left. The rest are blank besides the skills button, which is unclickable.


Active member
I get this when I'm in a choice adventure, but in normal adventures the CAB is there just fine. Not that that helps at all, but it's a data point at least...


What browser are you using? I also see this problem, but only in Opera.

It happens in Firefox and Chrome, on both my mac and pc.
Here is a screenshot: http://i.imgur.com/LXqVt.jpg

I think it has something to do with the script button. The combat bar icons show up again right after combat is over. The skills dropdown is locked until the end of the fight.
Is there any way for me to disable that script button?


Because that is the only button that works and the only thing visibly different between the normal browser and the kolmafia relay browser. The CAB works fine in the normal browser.


HTML of the frame:
<script language=Javascript>
if (parent.frames.length == -1) location.href="game.php";
<script language=Javascript src="/images/scripts/keybinds.min.2.js"></script>
<script language=Javascript src="/images/scripts/window.20090915.js"></script>
<script language="javascript">function chatFocus(){if(top.chatpane.document.chatform.graf) top.chatpane.document.chatform.graf.focus();}
defaultBind(47, CTRL, chatFocus); defaultBind(190, CTRL, chatFocus);defaultBind(191, CTRL, chatFocus); defaultBind(47, META, chatFocus);defaultBind(190, META, chatFocus); defaultBind(191, META, chatFocus);</script><script language="javascript" src="/images/scripts/core.js"></script><link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="/images/actionbar.6.css">
<!--[if IE]>
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="/images/actionbar.ie.4.css">
<script src='/images/scripts/minmax.js'></script>
var onturn = 1;
function newpic(pic, name, width, height)
var h = height || 100;
var w = width || 100;
mpic = getObj('monpic');
mnam = getObj('monname');

var waking = false;

function killforms(sub) {
sub.disabled = true;
var is = document.getElementsByTagName("input");
for (i=0; i < is.length; i++) {
if (is.getAttribute('type') == 'submit') { is.disabled = true; }

if (waking) { clearTimeout(waking); }
waking = setTimeout(function () {
for (i=0; i < is.length; i++) {
if (is.getAttribute('type') == 'submit') { is.disabled = false; }
}, 3000);


return true;

<script language=Javascript src="/images/scripts/jquery-1.3.1.min.js"></script>
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="/images/styles.css">

<script language="Javascript" src="/basics.js"></script><link rel="stylesheet" href="/basics.css" /></head>

<img src='/images/itemimages/blank.gif' id='dragged'><div id='debug'></div><div class=contextmenu id='skillmenu'></div><div class=contextmenu id='itemsmenu'></div><div id=topbar><center><table class=actionbar cellpadding=0 cellspacing=1><tbody><tr class=label><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td>1</td><td>2</td><td>3</td><td>4</td><td>5</td><td>6</td><td>7</td><td>8</td><td>9</td><td>0</td><td>–</td><td>=</td><td></td><td></td><td></td></tr><tr class=blueback><td><a href='fight.php?action=custom'><img src='/images/itemimages/plexpock.gif'></td><td class=spacer></td><td><img src='/images/itemimages/book3.gif' id='skills'></td><td class=spacer></td><td><img src='/images/itemimages/blank.gif' id='button1'></td><td><img src='/images/itemimages/blank.gif' id='button2'></td><td><img src='/images/itemimages/blank.gif' id='button3'></td><td><img src='/images/itemimages/blank.gif' id='button4'></td><td><img src='/images/itemimages/blank.gif' id='button5'></td><td><img src='/images/itemimages/blank.gif' id='button6'></td><td><img src='/images/itemimages/blank.gif' id='button7'></td><td><img src='/images/itemimages/blank.gif' id='button8'></td><td><img src='/images/itemimages/blank.gif' id='button9'></td><td><img src='/images/itemimages/blank.gif' id='button10'></td><td><img src='/images/itemimages/blank.gif' id='button11'></td><td><img src='/images/itemimages/blank.gif' id='button12'></td><td valign=center align=center class=page><a class=nounder href='javascript:pageup();'><img src='/images/otherimages/tinyup.gif' class=updown></a><br><span id='page_out'></span><br><a class=nounder href='javascript:pagedown();'><img src='/images/otherimages/tinydown.gif' class=updown></a></td><td class=spacer></td><td><img src='/images/itemimages/backpack.gif' id='items'></td></tr><tr class=label><td>script</td><td></td><td>skills</td><td></td><td id='qty1'></td><td id='qty2'></td><td id='qty3'></td><td id='qty4'></td><td id='qty5'></td><td id='qty6'></td><td id='qty7'></td><td id='qty8'></td><td id='qty9'></td><td id='qty10'></td><td id='qty11'></td><td id='qty12'></td><td></td><td></td><td>items</td></tr></tbody></table></center></div><div class=content id='content_'><div id='effdiv' style='display: none'></div><div style='overflow: auto'><center><table width=95% cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0><tr><td style="color: white;" align=center bgcolor=blue><b>Combat: Round 1!</b></td></tr><tr><td style="padding: 5px; border: 1px solid blue;"><center><table><tr><td><center><table><tr><td><img id='monpic' src="/images/adventureimages/kg_offdutyguard.gif" width=100 height=100></td><td valign=center>You're fighting <span id='monname'>an off-duty Knob Goblin Elite Guard</span><font size=2 color=gray><br />HP: 35, Atk: 35, Def: 27, Type: goblin<br />Drops: Cobb's Knob Wurstbrau (15), Knob Goblin elite pants (10), Knob Goblin elite polearm (10), Knob Goblin elite shirt (10), knob bugle (10)</font></td></tr></table><br></center><blockquote>You walk into the Cobb's Knob barracks and encounter an Elite Guard getting ready for bed after the end of his shift. Luckily for you, you didn't catch him with his pants down, and also luckily for you, you <i>did</i> catch him with his helmet off.

</blockquote><center><p>You get the jump on him.<p><div id='fightform' class='hideform'><p><center><table><a name="end"><form name=attack action=fight.php method=post><input type=hidden name=action value="attack"><tr><td align=center><input id='tack' picurl=whip onclick="return killforms(this)" class=button type=submit value="Attack with your gnauga hide whip"></td></tr></form></a><form name=steal action=fight.php method=post><input type=hidden name=action value="steal"><tr><td align=center><input class=button onclick="return killforms(this);" type=submit value="Pick His Pocket"></td></tr></form><form name=useitem action=fight.php method=post><input type=hidden name=action value="useitem"><tr><td align=left><select name=whichitem><option value=0>(select an item)</option><option picurl=poisoncup value=829>anti-anti-antidote (3)</option><option picurl=bigrock value=4586>boulder (1)</option><option picurl=candyclub value=4330>candy kneecapping stick (4)</option><option picurl=balm value=231>Doc Galaktik's Pungent Unguent (1)</option><option picurl=gauzegarter value=2402>gauze garter (28)</option><option picurl=firecrack value=747>Knob Goblin firecracker (6)</option><option picurl=licgarotte value=4331>licorice garrote (5)</option><option picurl=torpedo value=630>photoprotoneutron torpedo (1)</option><option picurl=canlid value=559>razor-sharp can lid (3)</option><option picurl=biscuit value=563>sonar-in-a-biscuit (8)</option><option picurl=spice value=8>spices (6)</option><option picurl=web value=27>spider web (11)</option></select> <input class=button type=submit onclick="return killforms(this);" value="Use Item"></td></tr></form><form name=skill action=fight.php method=post><input type=hidden name=action value="skill"><tr><td align=center><select name=whichskill><option value='none'>(select a skill)</option><option value="6025" picurl="breath" >Sing (0 Mojo Points)</option><option value="7008" picurl="moxman" >Moxious Maneuver (15 Mojo Points)</option></select> <input class=button type=submit onclick="return killforms(this);" value="Use Skill"></td></tr></form><form name=runaway action=fight.php method=post><input type=hidden name=action value="runaway"><tr><td align=center><input class=button onclick="return killforms(this);" type=submit value="Run Away"></td></tr></form></table></center></div><br><a href='#' onclick='document.getElementById("fightform").className="showform"; document.getElementById("formlink").style.display = "none";' id='formlink' class=tiny>(show old combat form)</a></td></tr></table></center></td></tr><tr><td height=4></td></tr></table></center></div></div><script src='/images/scripts/actionbar.20110713.js'></script></body><script src="/onfocus.js"></script></html>
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It looks like you have
<td><img src='/images/itemimages/book3.gif' id='skills'>
but StationaryButtonDecorator.decorate() looks for
<td><img src='http://images.kingdomofloathing.com/itemimages/book3.gif' id='skills'>

I don't have the "http://images.kingdomofloathing.com" bit either, but my CAB is working fine :(


Active member
Do either of you have the relayUsesCachedImages preference enabled? That shows up as Cache KoL images to conserve bandwidth (dialup) in the Browser tab of preferences... Just thinking that might be why the images aren't the same.


Active member
Does it still break with that off?

Also, when we hear back from slyz... does he have that disabled?

What I'm thinking is since that preference is hijacking the images, and what mafia is looking for is a specific image location, that seems likely as a failure candidate. :)


Active member
Okay... cardern, what browser are you using? And are you using any Greasemonkey or Scriptish scripts?


I primarily use firefox, but the problem happens if I switch the browser to chrome as well. I use GM but disabled it to test and the problem still occurs.
I also tried disabling the image caching with no change. I'm going to try just living without the CAB I guess :/


The image replacing doesn't happen until all the decorating is finished, so it should be ok. It's something else.

Does KoLmafia know that you want to use KoL's CAB rather than its own custom-built one?


Oh, instead of going in KoL's options for Mafia to see whether you have the CAB enabled, you can simply type "get serverAddsCustomCombat" in the gCLI.

If it returns false, try setting it to true by typing "set serverAddsCustomCombat = true" in the gCLI.