Feature - Implemented Coin Master items should be creatable via "acquire" and the Food/Booze queues


Staff member
Coin Master items should be creatable via "acquire" and the Food/Booze queues

In this thread, I proposed the following:

Much as we have autoSatisfyWithNPCs and autoSatisfyWithMall, we could have autoSatisfyWithCoinmasters. We have something in this direction already for a specific set of items: coffee pixie sticks, game shoppe items, and the new Lunar Lunch-o-Mat items are all hard-coded into the ConcoctionDatabase and the InventoryManager's "retrieve item" functionality.

I'm thinking those - and all other Coinmaster items - could be done more like NPC items as being marked "creatable" and having a "price". Just like the Food panel has "fortune cookie (40 Meat, 0 current)", a Coinmaster food/booze for which you have the appropriate token in inventory could show up as "bowl of Bounty-Os (1 filthy lucre, 0 current)" or "Saison du Lune (10 lunar isotopes, 0 current)" - IF you have enough tokens of the appropriate sort on hand.
I integrated Coin Masters into Purchase Requests, much as NPC Store Requests are. Therefore, I think this is the next step:

- add autoSatisfyWithCoinmasters
- make ConcoctionDatabase look at that and automatically add all CoinMaster items to "creatables" if set. The "creatable" count will be the "number of tokens" / "price"
- make InventoryManager.retrieveItem (called by "acquire" and by the ItemManager Frame on the Food and Booze panel) use the appropriate CoinMasterPurchaseRequest, exactly as it does not for NPC items and NPCPurchaserRequests
- remove all the special casing for game grid tickets -> coffee pixie sticks, Ye Wizard's Shack snack voucher -> food and booze, and lunar isotopes -> food and booze; they should all automatically Just Work, since those are Coin Master items.
- ideally, although this is harder, if you queue "1 coffee pixie stick", the ingredients in the queue should show "10 Game Grid tickets". That's probably not THAT hard. What will be hard is recognizing those as used "ingredients" and therefore not available for other items that require Game Grid tickets.


Staff member
Revision 9520 does all of the above - except for "recognizing <tokens> as used "ingredients" and therefore not available for other items that require the same <token>".