CLI summaries to text logs


New member
Basically, I want to have mafia create logs for me for each day that I am farming so that I know what my totals are. I have been able to use the summary function in a CLI script:
summary FarmingResult.txt
However, this simply creates a text file in the main mafia directory. I am interested in having mafia make a file in a separate folder in the main directory, e.g: instead of "\mafia\10.2\FarmingResult.txt" I would like "\mafia\10.2\Logs\FarmingResult.txt"

I would greatly appreciate any suggestions.
summary .\mafia\10.2\Logs\FarmingResult.txt
(The .\ means starting from where the kolmafia executable file is, so .\settings\Test.txt would send it to Test.txt in the settings folder. It will automatically create the folder if needed.)

At least it worked for me on 10.3, I don't currently have 10.2 on my computer to test on but I don't see why it would of changed.
Oh and don't use speech marks, it didn't seem to like them with my version.