CLI Conditions add outfit?


I wasn't really sure if I wanted to make a thread, post this on the dev forums, or what, so I'm posting here.

Could we maybe possibly get an outfit parameter for the CLI command "conditions add outfit <outfit name>" or whatever syntax you would like Holatuwol?

I sometimes automate on the fly, so I occasionally go through and do 3 conditions add item1,2,3, instead of having a script add those for me. I can check which outfits I have, and mafia initializes it's conditions with an "outfit" objective, but I can't :(. So maybe? or...whip up some CLI scripts for me to use? either is fine btw.
You can type: "conditions add [location] outfit". Alternatively, saying: "conditions add outfit" will add the outfit from the location you adventured in last.
Oooh, that's neat. Thanks!

Also, not to threadjack, but, on the subject on conditions, what about encounters? Will these ever be used in conditions? Something like "conditions add enc f-f-fantastic!"... or is this something that would just be way too much of a pain in the ass to implement?
I can think of a few situations where it comes in handy. The ones that come to mind immediately involve Spookyraven Manor, i.e., if I get the required item and effect in the billiards room, I'd like to set the adventures to the number of turns the effect is active, with the condition being the encounter. And again, in the Library and Conservatory (if, for whatever reason, you don't get it on the first adventure). I've bypassed these a few times, forgetting to switch to the Encounters side pane, and thus wasted adventures, which isn't so bad in softcore, but in hardcore it could mean another stat point or level or item... I'm sure there are other times this could be used, but these are the first to come to mind since I actually did waste a bunch of adventures recently on them, heh.
[quote author=holatuwol link=topic=645.msg3027#msg3027 date=1166374132]
You can type: "conditions add [location] outfit". Alternatively, saying: "conditions add outfit" will add the outfit from the location you adventured in last.
[/quote]Oh perfect, that's exactly what I was looking for thank you!
[quote author=muffins link=topic=645.msg3038#msg3038 date=1166397691]
I'd like to set the adventures to the number of turns the effect is active, with the condition being the encounter.[/quote]
But the thing is, once you HAVE the encounter, you end up with an item - which you can use perfectly well as your condition.

You want to adventure until you see F-f-fantastic? Then set your condition to be the S.O.C.K.
You want to adventure with a pool cue and Chalky Hand until you get the encounter that gives you the key? Then set your condition to be the Spookyraven Library Key, equip the pool cue, use the chalk, and adventure for (the number of turns of Chalky Hand you have) turns.

Can you think of an example of an encounter which does not generate an item - or is detectable as a choiceadv, as in the Giant Castle chore wheel - which might make you want to stop using turns so your script can regain control and change something?
[quote author=Veracity link=topic=645.msg3040#msg3040 date=1166400237]
Can you think of an example of an encounter which does not generate an item - or is detectable as a choiceadv, as in the Giant Castle chore wheel - which might make you want to stop using turns so your script can regain control and change something?

I had this thought the other day, for a different reason.

When I'm building an in-a-box I tend to switch from Fernswarthy's Tower to either the "Fun" house of the Cemetary whenever I encounter a brainsweeper that *doesn't* drop a brain, to make use of the combat queue (since I don't want anything else from the Tower, normally). As such, I'm specifically keeping an eye out for a combat that doesn't drop an item.

I'm normally doing everything manually at this stage anyway, and I figured it was kind of a fringe case to bother mentioning (particularly during otherwise RL-busy times).
[quote author=BDrag0n link=topic=645.msg3048#msg3048 date=1166438474] make use of the combat queue..
As such, I'm specifically keeping an eye out for a combat that doesn't drop an item.[/quote]

OK, that's a valid idea: using KoLmafia to manage the combat queue for you. But that's pretty darn advanced and certainly would qualify as a "fringe" case, as you put it.
Hmm, I'd forgotten that the Billiards one dropped the key... sorry. The adventure in the Library doesn't drop an item, though I know one adventure isn't going to be enough justification for this, heh...

BDrag0n actually makes an excellent point, since I do something similar, though much more inefficient, currently (just back and forth/rotate between the areas in the hopes that I get at least ONE of the items I need :P)... though there are other areas I use this same tactic in (Goatlet and HitS immediately come to mind). If I could actually efficiently use the adventure queue through conditions, I think/hope it'd save me tons of adventures, and of course, frustration towards the RNG. ;)
I'm not a huge fan of queue manipulation, especially since its extension from three elements to five elements a few months back. Plus, scripting queue manipulation seems a bit off to me, given the number of variables involved with choosing which areas to visit when rotating the queue. So you're going to have to come up with a better reason to add a feature that lets people freely automate new quests.
I find queue manipulation useful sometimes, but I agree it's not exactly suitable for scripting. Hadn't considered the "new content" angle, just that if you're worrying about queue manipulation you should *really* be paying attention to the game!
Hmm, I also hadn't thought about the new content angle (unless you're referring to the manor references, in which case, sorry, I guess I don't consider that new)... either way, alright. I just thought it'd be a neat feature to add to the "conditions" command, but I can understand your views on it, so consider my request withdrawn. Thanks for taking it into consideration, though! :)