Bug - Not A Bug CLI can't make the Dingy Dinghy if you already have Dinghy Plans


Staff member
Not very serious, but it shouldn't try to make the plans if I already have the plans...

Steps to recreate:
1: Go to the The Shore and adventure 3 times to get 3 Scrips.
2: Go to Gift Shop and Buy Plans
3: Buy Planks (link in Relay Browser, in this case)
4: type "make dinghy" in the CLI

Expected Result:
You acquire an item: dingy dinghy

Actual Result:
You need 3 more Shore Inc. Ship Trip Scrip to continue.

I then went back to the Relay Browser and clicked the [plans] link and it made the dingy as expected.

[365] The Shore, Inc. Travel Agency
You lose 3 Adventures
You spent 500 Meat
You gain 61 Sarcasm
You acquire an item: Shore Inc. Ship Trip Scrip

[368] The Shore, Inc. Travel Agency
You lose 3 Adventures
You spent 500 Meat
You gain 60 Roguishness
You gain a Moxie point!
You acquire an item: Shore Inc. Ship Trip Scrip

[371] The Shore, Inc. Travel Agency
You lose 3 Adventures
You spent 500 Meat
You gain 69 Cheek
You acquire an item: Shore Inc. Ship Trip Scrip

[374] The Shore, Inc. Travel Agency
You acquire an item: dinghy plans
You spent 380 Meat
You acquire an item: dingy planks

> make dinghy

Verifying ingredients for dinghy plans (1)...
You need 3 more Shore Inc. Ship Trip Scrip to continue.

You acquire an item: dingy dinghy
oh. so even if I'd had the 3 Scrip, I wouldn't have gotten the results I wanted, because I was expecting the dingy dinghy or an error because there were matches for both the dinghy and the plans.

This is unexpected:

> make? dingy dinghy

[dingy dinghy] cannot be created.
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