Clear choiceAdventure Setting


I've hardcoded a number of choice adventures, such as most of the June Cleaver stuff, in order to streamline my auto-adventuring. But now I want to undo one of the choice adventures I set. How do I clear a choice adventure setting so that KoLMafia will go back to the default setting and force me into the GUI?
You can set the appropriate choiceAdventure property to 0 to indicate that you want manual input each time. But in general, if you want to reset a property to its default (or remove it if there is none), you can use the remove_property ASH function.
You can set the appropriate choiceAdventure property to 0 to indicate that you want manual input each time. But in general, if you want to reset a property to its default (or remove it if there is none), you can use the remove_property ASH function.
Sweet, thanks!