Clan Raid Log Parser Library -- Raid.ash

3	1	827622	explored	a dark sewer tunnel	1
3	2	783032	defeated	a sewer gator x 23	23
3	3	783032	defeated	a giant zombie goldfish x 21	21
3	4	783032	made	it through the sewer	1
3	5	666924	was	defeated by a sewer gator	1
3	6	827622	made	it through the sewer	1
3	7	827622	was	defeated by a giant zombie goldfish	1
3	8	827622	was	defeated by a sewer gator	1
3	9	937626	defeated	a giant zombie goldfish x 17	17
3	10	783032	explored	7 dark sewer tunnels	7
3	11	827622	defeated	a giant zombie goldfish x 63	63
3	12	783032	defeated	a C. H. U. M. x 20	20
3	13	937626	made	it through the sewer	1
3	14	937626	defeated	a C. H. U. M. x 11	11
3	15	832025	opened	2 sewer grates	2
3	16	937626	defeated	a sewer gator x 9	9
3	17	832025	was	defeated by a giant zombie goldfish	1
3	18	832025	lowered	the water level	1
3	19	827622	lowered	the water level	1
3	20	937626	explored	10 dark sewer tunnels	10
3	21	666924	defeated	a sewer gator	1
3	22	827622	defeated	a sewer gator x 48	48
3	23	827622	defeated	a C. H. U. M. x 65	65
5	1	783032	defeated	 Hobelf x 248	248
5	2	937626	defeated	 Hobelf x 253	253
5	3	937626	defeated	 Uncle Hobo	1
5	4	937626	was	defeated by  Hobelf x 4	4
5	5	783032	was	defeated by  Hobelf	1
6	1	827622	defeated	 Normal hobo x 11	11
6	2	783032	defeated	 Normal hobo x 21	21
9	1	827622	Uncle Hobo's epic beard	Sketti	783032
9	2	827622	Uncle Hobo's belt	Sketti	783032

This is from the mredge73_raid.txt in data, after just running the newest script. It seems that with my hobopolis having remained open from crimbo '10, and the misc zone it creates, nothing is getting captured for the Haunted house. I keep hobopolis open for sewer levellers, and such, so I'm not gonna be closing it. Any possible workarounds?
No wonder it doesn't work for you. It is not conflicting with slime tube, it is conflicting with Elf Alley.

Did you run the new one that I uploaded a few minutes ago?
Elf Alley should get overwritten if the Misc Dungeon is found.
Do you get this message: "MiscDungeon not found!"

Maybe try this workaround, if it works then you have two Miscellaneous sections in your log and haunted house is the second one.
Haunted house may be tucked inside the Hobopolis section?

On line 152 change:

if(Zone.find()) ParseGroup(Z,;


while(Zone.find()) ParseGroup(Z,;

For any further workarounds, you will need to post the source code of your log file. Otherwise I will just be guessing.
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I had updated. And no, I do not get a "miscdungeon not found".

I tried editing the line you recommended...but I still get the same result.

I think I shall have to just move I feel I have expended far too much of your time on this. send me a forum pm with your name in game so I can send you something for all your troubles.

Aside: The relay overide script bordemstirs appears to work...hmmm...sounds like a variable issue.
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<centeR><table  width=95%  cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0><tr><td style="color: white;" align=center bgcolor=blue><b>Clan Dungeon Logs</b></td></tr><tr><td style="padding: 5px; border: 1px solid blue;"><center><table><tr><td><b>Current Clan Dungeons:</b><p><div id='Hobopolis'><center><b>Hobopolis:</b><p><table style='border: 1px solid black;' cellpadding=5><tr><td class=small><b>Sewers:</b><blockquote>toku junzo (#827622) explored a dark sewer tunnel (1 turn)<br>sketti (#783032) defeated a sewer gator x 23 (23 turns)<br>sketti (#783032) defeated a giant zombie goldfish x 21 (21 turns)<br>sketti (#783032) made it through the sewer (1 turn)<br>AlricTheGoofy (#666924) was defeated by a sewer gator (1 turn)<br>toku junzo (#827622) made it through the sewer (1 turn)<br>toku junzo (#827622) was defeated by a giant zombie goldfish (1 turn)<br>toku junzo (#827622) was defeated by a sewer gator (1 turn)<br>opack (#937626) defeated a giant zombie goldfish x 17 (17 turns)<br>sketti (#783032) explored 7 dark sewer tunnels (7 turns)<br>toku junzo (#827622) defeated a giant zombie goldfish x 63 (63 turns)<br>sketti (#783032) defeated a C. H. U. M. x 20 (20 turns)<br>opack (#937626) made it through the sewer (1 turn)<br>opack (#937626) defeated a C. H. U. M. x 11 (11 turns)<br>Ogrelicious (#832025) opened 2 sewer grates (2 turns)<br>opack (#937626) defeated a sewer gator x 9 (9 turns)<br>Ogrelicious (#832025) was defeated by a giant zombie goldfish (1 turn)<br>Ogrelicious (#832025) lowered the water level (1 turn)<br>toku junzo (#827622) lowered the water level (1 turn)<br>opack (#937626) explored 10 dark sewer tunnels (10 turns)<br>AlricTheGoofy (#666924) defeated a sewer gator (1 turn)<br>toku junzo (#827622) defeated a sewer gator x 48 (48 turns)<br>toku junzo (#827622) defeated a C. H. U. M. x 65 (65 turns)<br></blockquote><b>Town Square:</b><blockquote>toku junzo (#827622) defeated  Normal hobo x 11 (11 turns)<br>sketti (#783032) defeated  Normal hobo x 21 (21 turns)<br></blockquote><b>Miscellaneous</b><blockquote>sketti (#783032) defeated  Hobelf x 248 (248 turns)<br>opack (#937626) defeated  Hobelf x 253 (253 turns)<br>opack (#937626) defeated  Uncle Hobo (1 turn)<br>opack (#937626) was defeated by  Hobelf x 4 (4 turns)<br>sketti (#783032) was defeated by  Hobelf (1 turn)<br></blockquote><p><b>Loot Distribution:</b><p><blockquote>toku junzo (#827622) distributed <b>Uncle Hobo's epic beard</b> to Sketti (#783032)<br>toku junzo (#827622) distributed <b>Uncle Hobo's belt</b> to Sketti (#783032)<br></blockquote></table></div><div id='HauntedHouse'><center><b>The Haunted Sorority House:</b><p><table style='border: 1px solid black;' cellpadding=5><tr><td class=small><b>Miscellaneous</b><blockquote>JakAtk (#705502) took care of some werewolves (5 turns)<br>mightywench (#1771728) defeated  sexy sorority skeleton x 39 (39 turns)<br>mightywench (#1771728) picked up some staff guides (1 turn)<br>mightywench (#1771728) defeated  sexy sorority vampire x 34 (34 turns)<br>JakAtk (#705502) turned up the fog machine (1 turn)<br>AlricTheGoofy (#666924) turned down the spooky noise volume (1 turn)<br>mightywench (#1771728) cranked up the spooky noise volume (2 turns)<br>JakAtk (#705502) snagged a ghost trap (3 turns)<br>JakAtk (#705502) closed some windows (2 turns)<br>AlricTheGoofy (#666924) grabbed a chainsaw chain (2 turns)<br>JakAtk (#705502) grabbed a chainsaw chain (2 turns)<br>mightywench (#1771728) turned down the spooky noise volume (1 turn)<br>mightywench (#1771728) was defeated by  sexy sorority werewolf (1 turn)<br>mightywench (#1771728) defeated  sexy sorority zombie x 46 (46 turns)<br>mightywench (#1771728) turned up the fog machine (1 turn)<br>JakAtk (#705502) defeated  sexy sorority skeleton x 7 (7 turns)<br>mightywench (#1771728) snagged a ghost trap (14 turns)<br>JakAtk (#705502) turned down the spooky noise volume (1 turn)<br>JakAtk (#705502) made a silver shotgun shell (1 turn)<br>mightywench (#1771728) defeated  sexy sorority werewolf x 43 (43 turns)<br>JakAtk (#705502) defeated  sexy sorority zombie x 10 (10 turns)<br>JakAtk (#705502) snagged a funhouse mirror (7 turns)<br>mightywench (#1771728) defeated  sexy sorority ghost x 26 (26 turns)<br>mightywench (#1771728) trapped some ghosts (15 turns)<br>mightywench (#1771728) took out some skeletons (9 turns)<br>mightywench (#1771728) took out some zombies (12 turns)<br>JakAtk (#705502) cranked up the spooky noise volume (1 turn)<br>mightywench (#1771728) grabbed a chainsaw chain (11 turns)<br>AlricTheGoofy (#666924) defeated  sexy sorority vampire x 45 (45 turns)<br>AlricTheGoofy (#666924) defeated  sexy sorority skeleton x 48 (48 turns)<br>mightywench (#1771728) opened up some windows (1 turn)<br>AlricTheGoofy (#666924) made a silver shotgun shell (2 turns)<br>JakAtk (#705502) picked up some staff guides (1 turn)<br>JakAtk (#705502) defeated  sexy sorority vampire x 18 (18 turns)<br>AlricTheGoofy (#666924) defeated  sexy sorority ghost x 18 (18 turns)<br>AlricTheGoofy (#666924) defeated  sexy sorority werewolf x 41 (41 turns)<br>AlricTheGoofy (#666924) turned down the fog machine (2 turns)<br>JakAtk (#705502) took out some zombies (2 turns)<br>JakAtk (#705502) took out some skeletons (7 turns)<br>JakAtk (#705502) defeated  sexy sorority werewolf x 23 (23 turns)<br>JakAtk (#705502) defeated  sexy sorority ghost x 5 (5 turns)<br>JakAtk (#705502) trapped some ghosts (5 turns)<br>mightywench (#1771728) was defeated by  sexy sorority skeleton x 4 (4 turns)<br>AlricTheGoofy (#666924) picked up some staff guides (1 turn)<br>AlricTheGoofy (#666924) took out some zombies (2 turns)<br>AlricTheGoofy (#666924) snagged a ghost trap (1 turn)<br>mightywench (#1771728) snagged a funhouse mirror (6 turns)<br>AlricTheGoofy (#666924) grabbed a sexy costume (1 turn)<br>AlricTheGoofy (#666924) defeated  sexy sorority zombie x 42 (42 turns)<br>mightywench (#1771728) slew some vampires (1 turn)<br>AlricTheGoofy (#666924) took care of some werewolves (2 turns)<br></blockquote><p><b>Loot Distribution:</b><p><blockquote>(none yet)</blockquote></table></div><p><b>Previous Clan Dungeon Runs:</b><p><table><tr><td class=small align=center><b>Start:</b></td><td class=small align=center><b>End:</b></td><td class=small align=center><b>Dungeon:   </b></td><td class=small align=center><b>Turns:</b></td><td></td><tr><td class=small>October 17, 2011  </td><td class=small>October 18, 2011  </td><td class=small>The Haunted Sorority House  </td><td class=small>813</td><td class=tiny>[<a href="clan_raidlogs.php?viewlog=107441">view logs</a>]</td></tr><tr><td class=small>October 16, 2011  </td><td class=small>October 17, 2011  </td><td class=small>The Haunted Sorority House  </td><td class=small>877</td><td class=tiny>[<a href="clan_raidlogs.php?viewlog=106395">view logs</a>]</td></tr><tr><td class=small>December 21, 2010  </td><td class=small>December 24, 2010  </td><td class=small>Hobopolis  </td><td class=small>676</td><td class=tiny>[<a href="clan_raidlogs.php?viewlog=89386">view logs</a>]</td></tr><tr><td class=small>December 19, 2010  </td><td class=small>December 21, 2010  </td><td class=small>Hobopolis  </td><td class=small>846</td><td class=tiny>[<a href="clan_raidlogs.php?viewlog=88678">view logs</a>]</td></tr><tr><td class=small>December 11, 2010  </td><td class=small>December 19, 2010  </td><td class=small>Hobopolis  </td><td class=small>1,139</td><td class=tiny>[<a href="clan_raidlogs.php?viewlog=84283">view logs</a>]</td></tr><tr><td class=small>December 09, 2010  </td><td class=small>December 11, 2010  </td><td class=small>Hobopolis  </td><td class=small>879</td><td class=tiny>[<a href="clan_raidlogs.php?viewlog=82527">view logs</a>]</td></tr><tr><td class=small>December 07, 2010  </td><td class=small>December 09, 2010  </td><td class=small>Hobopolis  </td><td class=small>573</td><td class=tiny>[<a href="clan_raidlogs.php?viewlog=80294">view logs</a>]</td></tr><tr><td class=small>December 05, 2010  </td><td class=small>December 07, 2010  </td><td class=small>Hobopolis  </td><td class=small>699</td><td class=tiny>[<a href="clan_raidlogs.php?viewlog=78016">view logs</a>]</td></tr><tr><td class=small>December 04, 2010  </td><td class=small>December 05, 2010  </td><td class=small>Hobopolis  </td><td class=small>632</td><td class=tiny>[<a href="clan_raidlogs.php?viewlog=76926">view logs</a>]</td></tr><tr><td class=small>February 03, 2010  </td><td class=small>October 19, 2011  </td><td class=small>The Slime Tube  </td><td class=small>333</td><td class=tiny>[<a href="clan_raidlogs.php?viewlog=57425">view logs</a>]</td></tr><tr><td class=small>January 24, 2010  </td><td class=small>February 03, 2010  </td><td class=small>The Slime Tube  </td><td class=small>400</td><td class=tiny>[<a href="clan_raidlogs.php?viewlog=56523">view logs</a>]</td></tr><tr><td class=small>January 10, 2010  </td><td class=small>January 24, 2010  </td><td class=small>The Slime Tube  </td><td class=small>389</td><td class=tiny>[<a href="clan_raidlogs.php?viewlog=55280">view logs</a>]</td></tr><tr><td class=small>January 03, 2010  </td><td class=small>January 10, 2010  </td><td class=small>The Slime Tube  </td><td class=small>339</td><td class=tiny>[<a href="clan_raidlogs.php?viewlog=54488">view logs</a>]</td></tr><tr><td class=small>January 03, 2010  </td><td class=small>January 03, 2010  </td><td class=small>The Slime Tube  </td><td class=small>0</td><td class=tiny>[<a href="clan_raidlogs.php?viewlog=54487">view logs</a>]</td></tr><tr><td class=small>January 01, 2010  </td><td class=small>January 03, 2010  </td><td class=small>The Slime Tube  </td><td class=small>331</td><td class=tiny>[<a href="clan_raidlogs.php?viewlog=54247">view logs</a>]</td></tr><tr><td class=small>December 14, 2009  </td><td class=small>January 01, 2010  </td><td class=small>The Slime Tube  </td><td class=small>436</td><td class=tiny>[<a href="clan_raidlogs.php?viewlog=53549">view logs</a>]</td></tr><tr><td class=small>December 04, 2009  </td><td class=small>December 10, 2009  </td><td class=small>The Slime Tube  </td><td class=small>349</td><td class=tiny>[<a href="clan_raidlogs.php?viewlog=52423">view logs</a>]</td></tr><tr><td class=small>August 14, 2009  </td><td class=small>August 21, 2009  </td><td class=small>The Slime Tube  </td><td class=small>238</td><td class=tiny>[<a href="clan_raidlogs.php?viewlog=40673">view logs</a>]</td></tr><tr><td class=small>July 26, 2009  </td><td class=small>July 27, 2009  </td><td class=small>The Slime Tube  </td><td class=small>229</td><td class=tiny>[<a href="clan_raidlogs.php?viewlog=37838">view logs</a>]</td></tr><tr><td class=small>July 24, 2009  </td><td class=small>July 25, 2009  </td><td class=small>The Slime Tube  </td><td class=small>330</td><td class=tiny>[<a href="clan_raidlogs.php?viewlog=37549">view logs</a>]</td></tr><tr><td class=small>July 20, 2009  </td><td class=small>July 21, 2009  </td><td class=small>The Slime Tube  </td><td class=small>331</td><td class=tiny>[<a href="clan_raidlogs.php?viewlog=36844">view logs</a>]</td></tr><tr><td class=small>July 17, 2009  </td><td class=small>July 18, 2009  </td><td class=small>The Slime Tube  </td><td class=small>351</td><td class=tiny>[<a href="clan_raidlogs.php?viewlog=36280">view logs</a>]</td></tr><tr><td class=small>July 14, 2009  </td><td class=small>July 16, 2009  </td><td class=small>The Slime Tube  </td><td class=small>351</td><td class=tiny>[<a href="clan_raidlogs.php?viewlog=35702">view logs</a>]</td></tr><tr><td class=small>July 11, 2009  </td><td class=small>July 14, 2009  </td><td class=small>The Slime Tube  </td><td class=small>344</td><td class=tiny>[<a href="clan_raidlogs.php?viewlog=34967">view logs</a>]</td></tr><tr><td class=small>July 10, 2009  </td><td class=small>July 11, 2009  </td><td class=small>The Slime Tube  </td><td class=small>275</td><td class=tiny>[<a href="clan_raidlogs.php?viewlog=34820">view logs</a>]</td></tr><tr><td class=small>July 08, 2009  </td><td class=small>July 10, 2009  </td><td class=small>The Slime Tube  </td><td class=small>277</td><td class=tiny>[<a href="clan_raidlogs.php?viewlog=34369">view logs</a>]</td></tr><tr><td class=small>June 16, 2009  </td><td class=small>July 08, 2009  </td><td class=small>The Slime Tube  </td><td class=small>657</td><td class=tiny>[<a href="clan_raidlogs.php?viewlog=28822">view logs</a>]</td></tr><tr><td class=small>June 12, 2009  </td><td class=small>June 15, 2009  </td><td class=small>The Slime Tube  </td><td class=small>796</td><td class=tiny>[<a href="clan_raidlogs.php?viewlog=27996">view logs</a>]</td></tr><tr><td class=small>June 06, 2009  </td><td class=small>June 12, 2009  </td><td class=small>The Slime Tube  </td><td class=small>665</td><td class=tiny>[<a href="clan_raidlogs.php?viewlog=26466">view logs</a>]</td></tr><tr><td class=small>May 31, 2009  </td><td class=small>June 06, 2009  </td><td class=small>The Slime Tube  </td><td class=small>871</td><td class=tiny>[<a href="clan_raidlogs.php?viewlog=24111">view logs</a>]</td></tr><tr><td class=small>May 14, 2009  </td><td class=small>December 04, 2010  </td><td class=small>Hobopolis  </td><td class=small>7,159</td><td class=tiny>[<a href="clan_raidlogs.php?viewlog=22790">view logs</a>]</td></tr><tr><td class=small>April 14, 2009  </td><td class=small>April 24, 2009  </td><td class=small>Hobopolis  </td><td class=small>3,538</td><td class=tiny>[<a href="clan_raidlogs.php?viewlog=21508">view logs</a>]</td></tr><tr><td class=small>December 31, 2008  </td><td class=small>January 08, 2009  </td><td class=small>Hobopolis  </td><td class=small>3,247</td><td class=tiny>[<a href="clan_raidlogs.php?viewlog=16001">view logs</a>]</td></tr><tr><td class=small>November 20, 2008  </td><td class=small>November 28, 2008  </td><td class=small>Hobopolis  </td><td class=small>3,608</td><td class=tiny>[<a href="clan_raidlogs.php?viewlog=14280">view logs</a>]</td></tr><tr><td class=small>August 22, 2008  </td><td class=small>August 30, 2008  </td><td class=small>Hobopolis  </td><td class=small>3,462</td><td class=tiny>[<a href="clan_raidlogs.php?viewlog=7222">view logs</a>]</td></tr><tr><td class=small>August 02, 2008  </td><td class=small>August 16, 2008  </td><td class=small>Hobopolis  </td><td class=small>3,581</td><td class=tiny>[<a href="clan_raidlogs.php?viewlog=5295">view logs</a>]</td></tr><tr><td class=small>July 24, 2008  </td><td class=small>July 30, 2008  </td><td class=small>Hobopolis  </td><td class=small>4,076</td><td class=tiny>[<a href="clan_raidlogs.php?viewlog=4385">view logs</a>]</td></tr><tr><td class=small>June 24, 2008  </td><td class=small>July 20, 2008  </td><td class=small>Hobopolis  </td><td class=small>4,554</td><td class=tiny>[<a href="clan_raidlogs.php?viewlog=1257">view logs</a>]</td></tr></table><p><Center><a href="clan_basement.php">Back to clan basement</a></center></td></tr></table></center></td></tr><tr><td height=4></td></tr></table></body><script src="/onfocus.js"></script></html>

there you go. Interestingly I just updated my browser...and the script works. Hmmm.
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