Bug - Not A Bug Checking Jackass Plumber not working in 'breakfast'

Hey, gang. I have been able to replicate this multiple times in multiple versions. Although It is checked in ronin/non-ronin, as far as I can see it should work, but if I go to the arcade manually it checks it. Any thoughts?
Works reliably for me: I have it in breakfast and this gets logged in my session log:

Visiting Jackass Plumber

and if I go to it in the Relay Browser and check it, it says: "You already checked the coin return today."
This is what I see in my log. Not sure what else i can do to help.

equip acc1 plexiglass pocketwatch

use 1 cheap toaster

use 1 cheap toaster

use 1 cheap toaster
Visiting Mr. Klaw "Skill" Crane Game in clan rumpus room
Visiting Mr. Klaw "Skill" Crane Game in clan rumpus room
Visiting Mr. Klaw "Skill" Crane Game in clan rumpus room
Visiting Potted Meat Bush in clan rumpus room

Visiting Crimbo Tree in clan VIP lounge

Visiting Deluxe Mr. Klaw "Skill" Crane Game in clan VIP lounge

Visiting Deluxe Mr. Klaw "Skill" Crane Game in clan VIP lounge

Visiting Deluxe Mr. Klaw "Skill" Crane Game in clan VIP lounge

Visiting Looking Glass in clan VIP lounge

swimming pool screwaround

Doing handstand in clan VIP swimming pool

Diving for treasure in clan VIP swimming pool

Getting out of clan VIP swimming pool

use 1 Manual of Labor

use 1 handmade hobby horse

use 1 ball-in-a-cup

use 1 set of jacks

use 1 Chester's bag of candy

use 1 burrowgrub hive

use 1 Trivial Avocations board game

use 1 Taco Dan's Taco Stand Flier

pull: 0 worthless trinket, 0 worthless gewgaw, 0 worthless knick-knack


buy 4 chewing gum on a string for 50 each from The General Store

use 3 chewing gum on a string

add to closet: 1 worthless trinket

add to closet: 1 worthless gewgaw

add to closet: 1 worthless knick-knack

use 1 chewing gum on a string

take from closet: 1 worthless trinket

take from closet: 1 worthless gewgaw

take from closet: 1 worthless knick-knack

trading 4 worthless items for 4 ten-leaf clovers

Use 4 ten-leaf clover

cast 1 Advanced Cocktailcrafting

cast 1 Advanced Saucecrafting

cast 1 Pastamastery

cast 1 Lunch Break

cast 1 Request Sandwich

cast 100 Rage of the Reindeer

cast 30 Rage of the Reindeer
Visiting Snack Machine in clan rumpus room
Buying chips from the Snack Machine in the clan rumpus room
Buying chips from the Snack Machine in the clan rumpus room
Buying chips from the Snack Machine in the clan rumpus room

Visiting Jackass Plumber

use 15 twinkly wad

drink 4 CSA scoutmaster's "water"

take from closet: 2 CSA cheerfulness ration

drink 2 CSA cheerfulness ration

Visiting Jackass Plumber
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Code in BreakfastManager.getBreakfast:

		if ( runComplete )

		boolean recoverMana = Preferences.getBoolean( "loginRecovery" + ( KoLCharacter.canInteract() ? "Softcore" : "Hardcore" ) );

		boolean done = true;

		done &= castSkills( recoverMana, 0 );
Therefore, checking Jackass plumber is done after you get clovers, visit the big island, and visit the volcanic island and before you start casting skills.

One of my session logs for an out-of-ronin character:

trading 4 worthless items for 4 ten-leaf clovers
You acquire ten-leaf clover (4)

Use 4 ten-leaf clover
You acquire disassembled clover (4)
You gain 4,579 Meat

Visiting the Fishing Village on the Secret Tropical Island Volcano Lair
You acquire an item: fisherman's sack

Visiting Jackass Plumber

cast 1 Summon Alice's Army Cards
You acquire an item: Pack of Alice's Army Cards
You acquire an item: Ye Wizard's Shack snack voucher
Yup, there it is, right where expected.

Here is a session log for a character in Ronin who happens to have a game grid token:

trading 1 worthless item for 1 ten-leaf clover
You acquire an item: ten-leaf clover

Use 1 ten-leaf clover
You acquire an item: disassembled clover

Visiting Jackass Plumber

equip acc3 plexiglass pocketwatch

cast 1 Advanced Cocktailcrafting
You acquire an item: magical ice cubes
You acquire an item: magical ice cubes
You acquire an item: magical ice cubes
You acquire an item: coconut shell
You acquire an item: magical ice cubes
Yup, there it is, right where expected.

Works every time for me like clockwork. Try the following in the gCLI:

> get checkJackassHardcore
> get checkJackassSoftcore
I did just check it manually though. I will try to remember to run it tomorrow before and after I run the breakfast command.
"Visiting Jackass Plumber" is in the quoted log. Is the problem here that you want or were expecting a more informative message? Otherwise I don't see anything to fix.
Running Breakfast in the Graphical CLI runs all other tasks successfully, and although it says it has checked the arcade, I can go to the arcade after and will get the message about checking it, not the message about having already done it. The checkboxes are both checked in the preferences section.
I seem to remember that there used to be some problems with checking the arcade automatically if you haven't got a membership card or any tokens in your inventory (i.e. if you don't already have access to the arcade, mafia won't buy a token in order to get you access). But if this was the case, then I don't think Nikadaemus would be able to visit the arcade manually either.
it is in inventory, so it is not being pulled. I just find it odd, and wonder how many chances at the Token I have missed out on. I just need protection from myself. ;)
I logged in, checked both get checkJackassSoftcore and get checkJackassHardcore, which both returned true. I ran Breakfast in the CLI, and both codes returned true. I then went to check the arcade manually, and it checked it for the first time. I guess since this is listed as not a bug, I will just have to learn to remember to do it manually.
In the CLI:

> get lastArcadeAscension

How many times have you ascended? That number should equal that. If not, we will "unlock" the arcade if you have either a Game Grid token or a Game Grid ticket in inventory. Do you?

> inv Game Grid

You can also force KoLmafia to believe that you have unlocked the arcade by doing this:

> set lastArcadeAscension=XXX

In any case, we are supposed to automatically recognize that you have unlocked the arcade when you visit it - or when you visit the Wrong Side of the Tracks and we see it.

It wouldn't surprise me if the URL for that has changed, what with the place.php change. I'll look at it...
lastArcadeAscension was -1. I have 71 ascensions. I will let you know tomorrow if anything changes. Thanks for your efforts!
Still not working. Here are the steps i did today:

Unchecked Check Jackass Plumber in the preferences under both In Ronin and After Ronin.
In the CLI I ran get checkJackassSoftcore and get checkJackassHardcore and they returned false.
I then enabled In Ronin and ran them both: softcore returned false and hardcore returned true.
I then enabled After Ronin and ran them both: both returned true.
I then ran Breakfast in the CLI and nothing showed about the arcade in the results.
I then went manually to the arcade and it checked it for the first time.

I am willing to let this problem go, but if others are missing out on this then it needs to be fixed. If I am the only one with the issue, then I will just keep doing it manually. I don't know what else to try.