Bug - Cannot Reproduce Chat related memory problem

Nope, I have some files at home but I never managed to get the memory usage up to prohibiting levels. I can send them to you anyway if you think it may be useful?
Nah. Not much I can do with that.

Guess we'll throw a Waiting For Info on this one for a while. If anyone can actually reproduce, install a JDK and run through the steps I gave.
Nah. Not much I can do with that.

Guess we'll throw a Waiting For Info on this one for a while. If anyone can actually reproduce, install a JDK and run through the steps I gave.


I am sorry for abandoning this -- RL got busy with upcoming conference. I will get jdk going and follow your instructions for heap collecting as soon as I can and post regardless of the result.

I do appreciate all your work on this.
I am going to mark this cannot reproduce in the absence of it being reproduced.

If someone capable of getting a heap dump can reproduce, we will reopen it.