Character Info Toolbox

I've been having an issue (since, like, December when I first noticed it while running >1k effects that ChIT didn't enjoy displaying) where ChIT tries to use chit_custom.css repeatedly despite my lack of such a css.

Commenting out the lines in the script that deal with that specific css seems to solve the issue for obvious reasons, but I'm not good enough with computers to make that change persist through updates.
Commenting out the lines in the script that deal with that specific css seems to solve the issue for obvious reasons, but I'm not good enough with computers to make that change persist through updates.

Update the copy in your /svn folder, then use "svn sync" to push changed files out.
I always forget about the chit_custom.css feature you added! So... I believe it should remove all headers, except for the effects brick, if you have a file named chit_custom.css in your /relay folder with the following information...

table.chit_brick th {
    display: none;

#chit_effects table.chit_brick th {
    display: inline;

Anyone want to check me on that?

I figure the thing to add for any given brick would be
#chit_<whatever name is used to add it to a brick> table.chit_brick th {
    display: inline;
I fixed it. The License to Adventure path uses a bit of html that was previously unique to the compact character pane so ChIT thought it needed to stand down.

I haven't yet added a link for LI-11 and display of your pounds of Social Capitol because I'm waiting for mafia to track those points.
I tried creating a chit_custom.css in my relay folder, and editing what should be visible there, but neither removing the headers I don't or adding back in the ones I want seems to work. Any idea what I am doing wrong? This is how my chit_custom.css looks atm:

/*table.chit_brick th {

#chit_character table.chit_brick th {
#chit_familiar table.chit_brick th {
#chit_effects table.chit_brick th {
#chit_stats table.chit_brick th {
#chit_organs table.chit_brick th {

- edit -
Figured it out after talking with a friend who is better at web-programming than me. Apparently chit_organs and chit_brick are at the same level (or something), so I need to do it like this (which works):

table#chit_stats.chit_brick th {
table#chit_organs.chit_brick th {
Last edited:
No good still on License to Adventure

I fixed it. The License to Adventure path uses a bit of html that was previously unique to the compact character pane so ChIT thought it needed to stand down.

On mafia r18038 it's still broken under revision r536. I restarted mafia, I toggled compact character pane in my options, but CHIT's still reporting: "CHIT: Compact Character Pane not supported"
On mafia r18038 it's still broken under revision r536. I restarted mafia, I toggled compact character pane in my options, but CHIT's still reporting: "CHIT: Compact Character Pane not supported"

Copy to charpane html and paste it here inside of [HTML][/HTML] tags. A screenshot of your charpane would help also! That way I'll at least be able to see if there's anything unusual.
Copy to charpane html and paste it here inside of [HTML][/HTML] tags. A screenshot of your charpane would help also! That way I'll at least be able to see if there's anything unusual.

Sorry for the dumb question, but do you mean the rendered HTML, or the script?
At some point in the past, ChIT had a source terminal skill selector. Then, at some point, it vanished. I don't recall changing any ChIT-related settings since the terminal came into existence.
It was never part of the default layout options. You could add it to the layout if you want. Should I make it a default option for the roof?

set chit.roof.layout = character,stats,terminal,gear
Copy to charpane html and paste it here inside of [HTML][/HTML] tags. A screenshot of your charpane would help also! That way I'll at least be able to see if there's anything unusual.

<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="/images/styles.css">
<style type="text/css">
	#nudges div { position: relative; padding: 0px; }
	#nudges div .close { position: absolute; top: -2px; right: -10px; border: 1px solid #000; }
    .blur1 {color: transparent; text-shadow:0 0 1px #000, 1px 0 1px #000; }
    .blur2 {color: transparent; text-shadow:0 0 1px #000, 2px 0 2px #000, 0 1px 1px #000; }
    .blur3 {color: transparent; text-shadow:0 0 3px #000, 1px 0 1px #000,-2px -1px 1px #000; }
    .blur4 {color: transparent; text-shadow:1px 0 3px #000, 1px 0 2px #000,-2px -1px 1px #000; }
    .blur5 {color: transparent; text-shadow:   0 0 3px #000, 1px 0 1px #000,-3px -1px 1px #000; }
	 @media screen and (min-width:0\0) and (min-resolution: +72dpi) {
    	.blur1,.blur2,.blur3,.blur4,.blur5 {color:#000;}
<!--[if IE]>
<style>.blur1,.blur2,.blur3,.blur4,.blur5 {color:#000;}</style>
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<script type="text/javascript">

	var CURFAM = 0;
	var FAMILIARFAVES = [["Florence Soldier","Galloping Grill","galgrill",183],["Industrious Pacha Kamaq (Meat+Stats+Spl)","Golden Monkey","goldmonkey",192],["Skippy (Item Drop)","Jumpsuited Hound Dog","hounddog",69],["Trancent","Intergnat","intergnat",203],["Allison Dubois (Drinks)","Happy Medium","medium_0",159],["Mr. Geisel (SpleenGrease)","Bloovian Groose","groose",154],["Hoddeus","Machine Elf","machelf",199],["Roomba","El Vibrato Megadrone","megadrone",81] ];
	<script type="text/javascript" src="/images/scripts/familiarfaves.20120307.js"></script>
	<script type="text/javascript">
var todo = [];
function nextAction() {
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				else if (tp.chatpane.handleMessage) tp.chatpane.handleMessage({type: 'event', msg: 'Oops!  Sorry, Dave, you appear to be ' + parts[1]});
				else  $('#ChatWindow').append('<font color="green">Oops!  Sorry, Dave, you appear to be ' + parts[1] + '.</font><br />' + "\n");

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	var turnsplayed = 224190;
var turnsthisrun = 369;
var rollover = 1495510197;
var rightnow = 1495457686;
var playerid = 2326326;
var pwdhash = "079e806d80ea071aeb2cdf09d6666917";
var hide_nudges = true;
$(document).ready(function () {
	var multi = function  (e) {
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			dojax(($(link).attr('href')+'&ajax=1').replace('qty=1', 'qty='+res));
	$('.upeffect').click(function (e) {
		if (e.shiftKey) multi.apply(this, [e]);
		else dojax($(this).attr('href')+'&ajax=1');
	$('.upeffect').bind('contextmenu', multi);

	function add_close(el) {
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		if ($(el).find('.close').length > 0) return;
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		var c = $(ht);
		$(el).append(c); () {
			var key = $(this).parents('tr:first').attr('rel');
			var nxt = $(this).parents('tr');
			if ( {
				add_close('td div'));

	if (hide_nudges) $('#nudges td div').hover(
		function () {
			if (!hide_nudges) return;
		function () {
			if (!hide_nudges) return;
	<script language=Javascript src="/images/scripts/charpane.20130711.js"></script>
	<script type="text/javascript" src="/images/scripts/cookie.20121112.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript">
jQuery(function ($) {
	$(window).resize(function () {
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<body bgcolor=white text=black link=black alink=black vlink=black onload='startup();updateSafetyText();'>
<center id='rollover' class=tiny style='color: red; cursor: pointer;' onClick='doc("maintenance");'></center><center><table align=center><tr><td><a class='nounder ' target=mainpane href="charsheet.php"><img  crossorigin="Anonymous"  src="/images/otherimages/coldcostume.gif" width=60 height=100 border=0></a></td><td valign=center><center><a class=nounder target=mainpane href="charsheet.php"><b>Infinius</b></a><br>Level 8<br>Disco Bandit<table title='14 / 15' cellpadding=0 cellspacing=0 style='border: 1px solid #5A5A5A'><tr><td height=5 width=93 bgcolor=#5A5A5A></td><td width=7 bgcolor=white></td></tr></table></td></tr></table><center class=tiny>Outfit: <span style='cursor: hand; cursor: pointer;' onClick='outfit("7");'>eXtreme Cold-Weather Gear</span></center><table align=center><tr><td align=right>Muscle:</td><td align=left><b><font color=blue>63</font> (42)</b><table title='8 / 85' cellpadding=0 cellspacing=0 style='border: 1px solid #5A5A5A'><tr><td height=3 width=4 bgcolor=#5A5A5A></td><td width=46 bgcolor=white></td></tr></table></td></tr><tr><td align=right>Mysticality:</td><td align=left><b><font color=blue>70</font> (47)</b><table title='52 / 95' cellpadding=0 cellspacing=0 style='border: 1px solid #5A5A5A'><tr><td height=3 width=27 bgcolor=#5A5A5A></td><td width=23 bgcolor=white></td></tr></table></td></tr><tr><td align=right>Moxie:</td><td align=left><b><font color=blue>90</font> (67)</b><table title='29 / 135' cellpadding=0 cellspacing=0 style='border: 1px solid #5A5A5A'><tr><td height=3 width=10 bgcolor=#5A5A5A></td><td width=40 bgcolor=white></td></tr></table></td></tr></table><table cellpadding=3 align=center><tr><td align=center><img src="/images/itemimages/hp.gif" class=hand onclick='doc("hp");' title="Hit Points" alt="Hit Points"><br><span class=black><a style="color:black" title="Restore your HP" href="/KoLmafia/sideCommand?cmd=restore+HP&pwd=079e806d80ea071aeb2cdf09d6666917">108</a> / 110</span></td><td align=center><img src="/images/itemimages/mp.gif" class=hand onclick='doc("mp");' title="Mojo Points" alt="Mojo Points"><br><span class=black><a style="color:black" title="Restore your MP" href="/KoLmafia/sideCommand?cmd=restore+MP&pwd=079e806d80ea071aeb2cdf09d6666917">98</a> / 114</span></td></tr><tr><td align=center><img src="/images/itemimages/meat.gif" class=hand onclick='doc("meat");' title="Meat" alt="Meat"><br><span class=black>35,131</span></td><td align=center><img src="/images/itemimages/hourglass.gif" class=hand onclick='doc("adventures");' title="Adventures Remaining" alt="Adventures Remaining"><br><span class=black>179</span></td></tr></table><font size=2><b>Hardcore</b></font><br><br><font size=2><a target=mainpane href="inv_use.php?pwd=079e806d80ea071aeb2cdf09d6666917&whichitem=2682">Detuned Radio</a>: <b>10</b></font><br><br><center id="nudgeblock"><font size=2><a class=nounder href=questlog.php target=mainpane><b>Current Quest:</b></a></font><br><a style="display: none" href="charpane.php?showall=1&pwd=079e806d80ea071aeb2cdf09d6666917" class="showall"><font size="1">[show all]</font><br/></a><table id="nudges" width="100%"><tr rel="manor2"><td class="small" colspan="2"><div><a class=nounder target=mainpane href=place.php?whichplace=manor2><b>Lady Spookyraven</b></a> wants to dance again, but first she needs:<br>   *  her powder puff from the Haunted Bathroom<br>   *  her gown from the Haunted Bedroom<br>   *  her shoes from the Haunted Gallery</div></td></tr><tr rel="protonquest"><td class="small" colspan="2"><div>Investigate the paranormal activity reported at <A class=nounder target=mainpane href=place.php?whichplace=town_right><b>Madness Bakery</b></a>.</div></td></tr><tr rel="newyou"><td class="small" colspan="2"><div>Sharpening the saw!  Looks like you've cast Suckerpunch during 0 of the required 20 encounters with a chalkdust wraith!</div></td></tr></table><p></center><center><font size=2><b><a onclick='if (top.mainpane.focus) top.mainpane.focus();' class=nounder href="place.php?whichplace=mclargehuge" target=mainpane>Last Adventure:</a></b></font><br><table cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0><tr><td><font size=2><a onclick='if (top.mainpane.focus) top.mainpane.focus();' target=mainpane href="place.php?whichplace=mclargehuge&action=cloudypeak2">The Mist-Shrouded Icy Peak</a><br></font></td></tr></table></center><hr width=50%><center><a target=mainpane href='/place.php?whichplace=town_right&action=town_bondhq'>Visit LI-11 HQ</a></center><center><p><b><font size=2>Effects:</font></b><br><font size=2 color=black>[<a title="I'm feeling moody" href="/KoLmafia/sideCommand?cmd=save+as+mood&pwd=079e806d80ea071aeb2cdf09d6666917" style="color:black">save as mood</a>]</font><br><table><tr><td valign="middle"><a href="upeffect.php?efid=165&qty=1&pwd=079e806d80ea071aeb2cdf09d6666917" target="mainpane" class="upeffect" rel="Smooth Movements"><span style="font-weight: bold"><img  alt="Click to cast Smooth Movement.  Right-click to cast multiple times." title="Click to cast Smooth Movement.  Right-click to cast multiple times." src="/images/otherimages/smallarrow_up.gif" height="15" width="15" /></span></a></td><td valign='middle' align=right><img src="/images/itemimages/footprints.gif" width=30 height=30  onClick='eff("173a9c4b4bbef78643fe4ec1a93b1cfc");'></td><td valign=center><font size=2>Smooth Movements (<a href="/KoLmafia/sideCommand?cmd=uneffect+Smooth+Movements&pwd=079e806d80ea071aeb2cdf09d6666917" title="Use a remedy to remove the Smooth Movements effect">8</a>) <a href="/KoLmafia/sideCommand?cmd=cast+1+Smooth+Movement&pwd=079e806d80ea071aeb2cdf09d6666917" title="Increase rounds of Smooth Movements"><img src="/images/up.gif" border=0></a></font><br></td></tr><tr><td valign="middle"><a href="upeffect.php?efid=162&qty=1&pwd=079e806d80ea071aeb2cdf09d6666917" target="mainpane" class="upeffect" rel="The Sonata of Sneakiness"><span style="font-weight: bold"><img  alt="Click to cast The Sonata of Sneakiness.  Right-click to cast multiple times." title="Click to cast The Sonata of Sneakiness.  Right-click to cast multiple times." src="/images/otherimages/smallarrow_up.gif" height="15" width="15" /></span></a></td><td valign='middle' align=right><img src="/images/itemimages/sonata.gif" width=30 height=30  onClick='eff("b757f23feb7f08bd250f63586e03cf4a");' oncontextmenu='return shrug(162, "The Sonata of Sneakiness");'></td><td valign=center><font size=2>The Sonata of Sneakiness (<a href="/KoLmafia/sideCommand?cmd=uneffect+The+Sonata+of+Sneakiness&pwd=079e806d80ea071aeb2cdf09d6666917" title="Shrug off the The Sonata of Sneakiness effect">8</a>) <a href="/KoLmafia/sideCommand?cmd=cast+1+The+Sonata+of+Sneakiness&pwd=079e806d80ea071aeb2cdf09d6666917" title="Increase rounds of The Sonata of Sneakiness"><img src="/images/up.gif" border=0></a></font><br></td></tr><tr><td valign="middle"><a href="upeffect.php?efid=60&qty=1&pwd=079e806d80ea071aeb2cdf09d6666917" target="mainpane" class="upeffect" rel="Aloysius' Antiphon of Aptitude"><span style="font-weight: bold"><img  alt="Click to cast Aloysius' Antiphon of Aptitude.  Right-click to cast multiple times." title="Click to cast Aloysius' Antiphon of Aptitude.  Right-click to cast multiple times." src="/images/otherimages/smallarrow_up.gif" height="15" width="15" /></span></a></td><td valign='middle' align=right><img src="/images/itemimages/antiphon.gif" width=30 height=30  onClick='eff("3f875f7c9c4cc7b64f4c7d7b7eea1ef6");' oncontextmenu='return shrug(60, "Aloysius' Antiphon of Aptitude");'></td><td valign=center><font size=2>Aloysius' Antiphon of Aptitude (<a href="/KoLmafia/sideCommand?cmd=uneffect+Aloysius%27+Antiphon+of+Aptitude&pwd=079e806d80ea071aeb2cdf09d6666917" title="Shrug off the Aloysius' Antiphon of Aptitude effect">9</a>) <a href="/KoLmafia/sideCommand?cmd=cast+1+Aloysius%27+Antiphon+of+Aptitude&pwd=079e806d80ea071aeb2cdf09d6666917" title="Increase rounds of Aloysius' Antiphon of Aptitude"><img src="/images/up.gif" border=0></a></font><br></td></tr></table></center><center><font size=1>[<a href="charpane.php">refresh</a>]</font></center></body></html>
If you type svn sync in the CLI does it give any feedback about a conflict?

Have you made any modifications to ChIT? Because the only way that error should happen is if your charpane contains "<hr width=50%><table" and you've just confirmed that it does not.
If you type svn sync in the CLI does it give any feedback about a conflict?

Have you made any modifications to ChIT? Because the only way that error should happen is if your charpane contains "<hr width=50%><table" and you've just confirmed that it does not.

It did complain about a conflict even though I didn't think I had made changes. Reverting them didn't seem to help. When I completely deleted the script and reinstalled it, that did the trick. Thanks for the pointers.