Calll the file chit_brickTracker.ash
It is done. Nothing new (yet) but this will make it easier to update. thanks.
Calll the file chit_brickTracker.ash
// Tracker brick created by ckb
void bakeTracker() {
buffer result = buildTracker(imagePath);
if(length(result) > 184) { // 184 is the size of an empty table
chitBricks["tracker"] = result;
chitTools["tracker"] = "Tracker|tracker.png";
Why did you leave a vestigial bakeTracker() in the main program?
The name of your path "The Source" is a link to the Oracle. When you have Enlightenment it is a link to the telephone in the manor.
zlib chit.roof.layout = character,stats
zlib chit.stats.layout = muscle,myst,moxie|hp,mp,axel|mcd|trail,florist
zlib chit.toolbar.layout = trail,quests,modifiers,elements,organs
zlib chit.walls.layout = helpers,thrall,vykea,effects,tracker,gear
Is there any way to get the release notes after they vanish?
Thank you for the new currency tracking option. For the sake of being all encompassing I suppose CHiT should support all currencies in this fashion but some are, probably, pointless. I'd keep it to ones that you can still earn.
I just noticed that, after using source essence to extrude goggles, the count displayed by ChIT didn't reflect the new total. I started with 102 source essence, used 100, but even after several turns and refreshes of the charpane, the ChIT still "thinks" I have 100 more than is in inventory.