Updated ChIT to differentiate between identically named effects.
Thanks to hee[SUP]3[/SUP] and fewyn.![]()
Thank you for reporting that. It is an unfortunate bug caused by ChIT's newfound ability to differentiate similarly named effects. (Darn regexp!)
It wasn't too hard to fix, so please update!
><b>Pasta Thrall:</b></font><br><img onClick='javascript:window.open("desc_guardian.php","","height=200,width=300")' src=/images/itemimages/t_spiceghost.gif width=30 height=30><br><font size=2><b>Raprup</b><br>the Lvl. 10 Spice Ghost</font><br><center><font size=2><b>VYKEA Companion</b></font><br><font size=2><b>ÓLEJ</b> the level 5 couch<br><img src=/images/adventureimages/vykfurn4.gif width=67 height=100><center><p><b><font size=2>Effects:</font></b>
edit: it's because vykfurn5.gif takes up that much space, and I bet they wanted all the images to be the same dimension.
Is there a way to show the second-to-last place you adventured on the chit pane (e.g. below and slightly smaller than the last place link). I'm sure I had something like that previously (probably in the vanilla interface) but I haven't had much reason to figure out how to customize chit until now.
Ah I see- mine is like that as well it appears, but that is a different part of the UI than I had in mind.In the zlib variable chit.toolbar.layout, I use "trail". That gives the last 5(?) places you adventured. Try that.
chit.stats.layout muscle,myst,moxie|hp,mp,axel|mcd|trail,florist