Changing "float variable" to "0.0" would get rid of this message.


Active member
I am puzzled. I recently added some code to a script. I define some variables...

float ecold = 0.0;
float ehot = 0.0;
float espooky = 0.0;
float estench = 0.0;
float esleaze = 0.0;

...and then a little later in the script, after it is possible that those values have changed, I have this bit of code...

foreach key in $floats[estench,esleaze,ecold,ehot,espooky]
     if ( key > 0.0 ) key = .50;

...and that bit causes Mafia to give me these messages, the first time the script runs after I have made a change to it...

Changing "estench" to "0.0" would get rid of this message. (rhinolib.ash, line 564)
Changing "esleaze" to "0.0" would get rid of this message. (rhinolib.ash, line 564)
Changing "ecold" to "0.0" would get rid of this message. (rhinolib.ash, line 564)
Changing "ehot" to "0.0" would get rid of this message. (rhinolib.ash, line 564)
Changing "espooky" to "0.0" would get rid of this message. (rhinolib.ash, line 564)

How do I get rid of those messages without losing my variable names ?
You can't do that. $floats gives you a "plural constant". The items within the [] must be "constants" of type "float".

"estench" is not a "constant" of type "float". It is the name of a variable of type "float".

You're going to have to deal with the variables individually. Something like:

if ( estench > 0.0 ) estench = .50;
... etc ...
Alternatively, you could do this:

float[element] values;

foreach el, val in values
    if ( val > 1.0 ) values[el] = .50;
Name the map something meaningful than "values", of course.
Mutating "key" probably doesn't do what you want it to do.

Out of curiosity, I tried "foreach key in {ecold, ehot, espooky, estench, esleaze} { ... }". Unsurprisingly, it didn't work (and if it did, it probably wouldn't be useful).

"float[5] map{ecold, ehot, espooky, estench, esleaze};" worked just fine, though.
That makes sense. Thank you much for the reply. ( I discovered the "deal with them individually" solution but I still didn't grok why it was like that. )
Although, again, mutating key wouldn't be what you wanted -- the corresponding variables wouldn't be modified as you might expect. Veracity's suggestion of using a proper element -> float map would probably be what you want.