Bug Changes in restore pane?


Staff member
I admit I haven't been looking at the 2022 changes so, I'm not putting a prefix on this, since I don't know if this is a bug, or a feature working as designed. please feel free to notabug this if it's working as designed.

In builds from head, when I multi-use items from inventory using the Restore pane of the inventory frame, it used to use 'X' items at once. Now it seems to use them one at a time. I can definitely switch to an older build and see it multi-use restores.

I *think* it also used to restrict the number it suggested you use to the number that would provide a beneficial effect, e.g. if you are down 100 HP, the dialog should suggest 5 20 HP heals, not 74.

Are these intentional changes? Is there a thread I can familiarize myself with why?
I've just been in the habit of using restore items on the Skills tab. And since I'm in Bad Moon, I don't have any skills or many restorers. I do know that the last time I used that tab, it would suggest a limit to most things. The limit was would put you at (or one item below) a full restore. Except for some stuff like the magical sausage, which it would suggest however many you had.