Bug - Fixed Certain tower monster items not identified


I just had an encounter with "darkness" and saw that mafia didn't identify that an inkwell was needed, or that I already had one in inventory. A clannie also reports the same problem with "Fickle Finger of F8". I guess we both relied on mafia a bit too much, because we both went backfarming without checking inventory ... :-)

Anyway, I guess this was caused by r11622 and can be fixed by updating GUARDIAN_DATA in net/sourceforge/kolmafia/session/SorceressLairManager.java.
Do you have explicit spoilers enabled?

I have explicit spoilers enabled and encountered the same thing. It seems to be due to the changes in handling "the" as part of/not part of the monster name. It happened to me using KoLmafia-11634M.jar. I had checked that I had all the required tower items via my telescope and used the Tower (To Shadow) Quest request and it stopped on one of the monsters with a message about detecting a server side change (which doesn't seem to show up in my session log).
Ah, yes, I had issues with the Fickle Finger of F8 too, as I was in the relay browser I'd just assumed I'd made a mistake and accidentally scrolled the dropdown.
I think the problem is something is trying to match for "the fickle finger of f8" and the name is now without the "the" and so it fails. Possibly.
This is what I got when using the "Tower (Complete)" option from the Quests menu:

[716] Sorceress Tower: Level 3
Encounter: the Fickle Finger of F8
Round 0: AlbinoRhino wins initiative!
Server-side change detected. Script aborted.
Round 1: AlbinoRhino casts RETURN!
You need 1 more steaming evil to continue.

Edit: The relay browser shows ...
You're fighting the Fickle Finger of F8
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